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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 48 minutes ago, petitionercity said:


    On added info, is there any way - where it becomes known - to add info about sculptors. It seems a really interesting piece of info that nobody seems to track or try to find out about.

    It would be a bit tricky to collect, as GW is not providing them anymore, but could be a nice addition indeed.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Beliman said:

    There is an ongoing campaign with #TOWspain right now, but pretty sure that, even without an official translated book, we are going to see some translated ones a few weeks after TOW release (wink-wink).

    Yeah. Imo it came too late, without giving time to GW to change their minds (spoiler, they won't) and translate it for the release date.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Hope so but I can’t help but feel it’s a FOMO set. That seems to be what GW does now! 🤣

    Honestly, this is why I’m a bit cautious about the release. Part of me feels that it will just be the books, these sets and not much else. Think the rest of the stuff for TK and Brets will come but be slowly released over the course of the year. I’m not expecting anything else model wise.

    For me, depending on the price, I could take the Bretonnian one as I have a bitter feeling about the fact that we have resin models and that the books won't be translated into my native tongue, so I plan to go 🏴‍☠️ on the books.

    I am following that cautious approach as well, but what I would deffo purchase is a Green Knight. IMO one of the best WHFB minis.

  4. Btw, in between the line of the rumours and the off-topic, but I am working on an improved version of the Warboss Kurdan Rumour Engines site as I think the visual and the REs navigation could be improved and more information added.

    Link to the awesome blog in case you didn't know it!

    This is how it looks so far:


    It is built following a timeline approach and includes, what I think it is, handy info like the mini name and a link to the mini on the store, the link to the RE post itself, after how many time it was resolved, and some tags.

    The tags are there as I would include filters by those tags, resolved date, published date and resolved/ unresolved.

    Is there anything else you would add to quickly/ easily navigate between those sweet RE?

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    I think they will be similar in price but not the same. Probably £10 difference at a guess. 

    Not that it matters as I think lots of people are excited so they will sell out. Curious if these are one offs or how you get into the game?

    I guess they would be produced repeatedly and treated as a starter set. Kind of what happens with HH, that you can still find the big ed box.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Now I’m just baffled.

    i mean the possibility that the skaven are a starter faction for 4.0 is possible.

    consider that there aren’t many other faction at that point gw could possible update.

    although with possible also comes the possibility of telhe skaven not being the starter faction.

    secondly Avatar of the horned rat?

    either he means a new verminlord that for example shows a different aspect of the horned rat we currently don’t have (for example a techno verminlord or moulder creator verminlord, or maybe one of those silent verminlords that whereentioned for a short time in the book rise of the horned rat that function like some sort of guard in the shadow council))

    Or he is just naming stuff to get views.

    in lore a avatar of the horned rat doesn’t make sense.

    his avatars are after all the verminlords. They represent his aspects with skreech (me) being his most favored one of the bunch

    Yeah I’m guessing he really wants to be noticed

    Using Whitefang as a username also doesn't help to give this credibility xD

    • Like 2
  7. 13 minutes ago, Souleater said:

    Very torn at the moment on starting Ogors or holding off to see what they get for updates. 

    After seeing the excellent work by the AoS team over the last few years, I have high expectations. 

    Although it’s still Chaos Dwarfs that have me the most intrigued. Are they going to be something like the Forgeworld stuff, or something out of left field? 

    Imo something completely new for AoS. We had one duardin in one of the S2D warbands, maybe it was a test, like many other Warcry/ Underworlds minis.

    • Like 1
  8. New video from the guy who commented about the art being split in two. He said something that compliments what Elearin told us:

    7th of Jan for preorder and the official launch on 14th of Feb. This also matches the deleted tweet saying it was coming in Feb 2024.

    Source (in Spanish):


    • Like 2
  9. 16 minutes ago, Sharkbelly said:

    I'm very curious to see that the ogres do not have a place in the Old World. 

    "Forces of Fantasy is a 192-page book available in hardback and ePub formats covering five factions: the Dwarfen Mountain Holds, the Empire of Man, the Kingdom of Bretonnia, the Wood Elf Realms, and the High Elf Realms...

    Ravening Hordes contains all your Evil factions – it’s a 160-page hardback book or ePub containing similar material for the Orc and Goblin Tribes, the Warriors of Chaos, the Beastmen Brayherds, and the Tomb Kings of Khemri."

    I wonder if this means that we will see some new Ogre models and the army is incorporated more fully into Age of Sigmar?

    This was confirmed a time ago. Some armies, like Ogres, are not part of the main roster, but they would have rules if you want to play with them. So basically no new minis or books for them.

    • Like 1
  10. 16 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

    This is why I've been saying from the get-go that TOW will be an amazing addition to AoS. I can see these as perfect kitbashes for SBGL/NH. I can also see Tzeentch loving the heck of these.

    The TOW release just keeps getting better and better.

    I saw a discussion about whether they are more AoS-like in terms of sculpt than WHFB-like. What do we think? IMO there's a clear difference in terms of the sculpt of this minis with something from AoS, but some users think the other way around.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    How would everyone feel if AoS edition launches offered two army boxes for each premiered faction instead of the time-honored split dual box? That's the single thing I actually like about this whole Old World thing. 

    It would all depend on how many units you get and the price. Imo Leviathan is better price/content-wise than both TOW boxes together.

  12. 1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

    The new swarms and heros look great! Shame there doesn't seem to be a second plastic kit, but I guess Bretonnia just gave us too high expectations. I love the Tomb Kings dearly, but that Starter box isn't going to be useful for me. l already have a full tomb kings army, so the last thing I need are more skellies and chariots. Could do with more shabti, sphinxes and tomb guard really, so it's a shame they didn't put any of the ir good older models in the box!

    What is worst imo is that they released the army that had more refreshed units first. Wouldn't be better first TK and then on top of what TK had show the Brets?

    • Like 1
  13. 18 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    The books look nice, probably pricey but good. I think I'll probably get the rules and Raven hordes book for my dwarfs. Its a shame Skaven are only PDFs, hopefully they will be good enough for me to tempt my buddy back into gaming..🤞

    What is worse, they are not being translated into the languages of those countries where WHFB were most popular. Spain and Italy.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

    I fear you are being too optimistic. There was one rumor that Empire and OnG will be released in summer. That is more than 6 months for another 2 armies. Since there are 9 armies in total that could mean some people will have to wait maybe almost another 2 years??

    On the other hand the rumor with mummies or new king on chariot was clearly false so maybe the pace will be quicker.

    Talking about rumours. The streamer that said (at least where I heard it from) about Empire vs Green Skins being released during summer is the one that said the art of the boxes was changed to turn 1 big box into two, with the two new/ main characters facing one to each other. So maybe we can assume this is/was right.

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