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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 3 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    The only Army Sets being Bretonnia and Tomb Kings is a bit so-so with me. I understand GW are usually loathe to drop everything at once, they're clearly awares of how little impulse control a lot of people in this hobby have when it comes to spending and presumably want to spread it out over a longer period.

    My issue is that a lot of potential Empire, High Elf, etc players are probably reading that article and going "Hmm... I'll just wait until [My Army] set drops and then get into it." I'm sure in the long-term that won't have much impact on the game, but in the medium term it's not great having a lot of people still sat on the fence waiting for their turn. I'm fortunate enough to still have my Dwarfs from before, so it's not much of an issue for me to just grab the two rulebooks and get started, but it's still not great for newer players. 

    The presence of the rulebook in these boxes also disincentives people from just buying/painting models in the mean time, since none wants to be sat with a second £30 rulebook that you can only flip for like £5 on Ebay.

    If Horus Heresy was any indication with how they did the Libers, it'll probably be another pair of armies every three months. Although the Liber Imperium and Liber Imperialis didn't drop with any new models like TOW presumably will be, so maybe it'll end up longer. 


    Especially when that turn can take several months.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Sathrut said:

    So I love Nekaph, the BSB bearer is a fine mini, and the new swarms don't work for me. Compared to the originals, the fancy poses make it hard to focus on the actual swarm.

    So, is that everything for TK? No new plastic unit, unless the swarms are it? Also loving (not) how you'll need to purchase three books just to use Bretonnia and TK.

    Swarm seems to be their plastic kit.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tonhel said:

    That's strange.

    Anyway I am very happy with how they handle the rulebook and armybooks and that there are epub versions. It will be a costly couple of weeks. Now hoping that the Chaos release for dawnbringers will not be to soon. My wallet can't handle it.

    Also, EPUB versions mean that higher quality ones would flow over the net.

  4. 13 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

    I am really disappointed with TK rerelease. Bretonnia clearly won this round. Although that sentence in the end - On top of all of these, a full range of classic Khemri miniatures will be returning to bolster the forces featured in this article, with much more to come in the future - implies that they will release new TK models in the future.

    Meanwhile those TK from the future...


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  5. 2 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    The emissary character is really nice, doesn't say if they're forgeworld resin or plastic though. I'd assume resin unless specified to be plastic 

    The box should be full plastic. Everything else resin.

  6. 2 hours ago, Sception said:

    If there even are any other new plastics coming, I hope it's new ushabti and not a unit of mummy infantry.  That's what tomb guard are for, and the old resin ushabti are awkward plus the melee & bow versions were designed far enough apart that imo they don't look right next to each other in the same army.

    or maybe a new bone giant / heirotitan.  one was rumored to have been fully designed in the latter days of oldhammer, and only didn't release because the decision had been made at that point to scrap the faction along with the old world.

    Though if they do turn out to have another big plastic centerpiece monster kit on the way, that only makes the decision to do the bone dragon instead of new skeletal infantry and horses all the more frustrating.

    I am super curious to see what happens with those units that were designed and never released. Would they release them as part of TOW?

  7. 20 minutes ago, DoctorPerils said:

    Well, they aren't the same armour sculpt over and over, they have quite a few details that differ, between unit types and chapters, and also between eras (40k and 30k). And the creation of the Primaris waves are exactly what you've been arguing for, what you are asking for is something that GW has been doing for the last 7 years. Whole new scale, whole new armour variants (all mkX: tacticus, gravis, phobos, omnis), whole new philosophy in how the codex is organised (from 5 or 6 basic unit types with many options, to ... lots of very specialised units with very few options).

    You seem to be under the impression space marines are still the same old faction they were 10 years ago, but the Primaris have actually had profound effects already, and they still haven't fully replaced the old range. And they are also, still, profoundly divisive - many space marine players still refuse to acknowledge them so many years later.

    It is really nice to see all those details changing over time and that progress is visible. My opinion was more on the visual side of the Space Marine. For me, the change has not been that big, but it is interesting to see how others think completely the opposite. In fact, I wouldn't have thought it was an armour upgrade until now that I've seen all the responses. I saw it more as a result of the sculpt technology advances, but in the end, if all of you who enjoy Space Marines are happy with this, I am happy too 😃

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  8. 29 minutes ago, RetconnedLegion said:

    You must’ve have missed the wailing and gnashing of teeth that went on when the 2nd edition of Horus Heresy was announced with mk VI as the core kit. And that was for an existing, established design.

    Yeah, I am not following 30k/40k that much. Just a personal opinion. I guess, seeing the feedback to my idea, that Space Marines users are happy buying the same armour sculpt over and over.

  9. 1 hour ago, GhostShark said:

    They literally JUST did this a  few years ago. In fact, they're still in the middle of their huge ongoing Space Marine refresh. And by all accounts its been hugely successful. Why would they stop that now to do something new?

    My point is about moving into something completely different. Primaris to me is like if the new Stormcast would have used the old aesthetic with the new proportions. There's not a big change if they would have done this. In the end, technology progress, so why wouldn't that be visible in the armour? That's where my suggestion about moving into a completely new one comes from.

  10. 2 hours ago, The Red King said:

    Are you suggesting they need to primaris the primaris (taking up every other potential army update or new release AGAIN) and that would somehow make the space marine fatigue BETTER? 

    If the change is "drastically" different and people like it, why not? We had MK-1, 2.... X. Why not go for the next number?

    • Haha 1
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  11. 5 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Now you‘re just being unrealistic. 😂 They got new armor styles a couple of years ago that‘s pretty recent in 40k terms, I figure the next big thing is them going back to the helmet style that started with mk5 (the one with a grill in the middle/vader-esque) as that is the definite look of SMs in most people‘s eyes. 

    The new DA models are really nice but about as exciting as opening a package of batteries for non-DA collectors. Yeah, yeah, I‘m repenting for being blunt. At least it‘s not Space Wolves!

    Am I? Stormcast got quite a big armour change and I think the overall consensus is positive. Why fearing giving a step to break Spaces Marines monotony? I think it wouldn't be that bad. And imo users that buy Marines won't complain that much and would get used to it.

    • Confused 2
  12. 58 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Hopefully not just the tomb king box set we've already seen, quite boring if so. Plus some indistinguishable silhouettes for new models due to be released later this year.


    I wouldnt expect more TOW models appart from what we would get in the boxes. Then we would have to wait until the next faction boxes for new sculpts.

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