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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 30 minutes ago, Vagard said:

    Merry Christmas to all! 

    seems like we already have some rumor engines revealed ! 

    I don't think i missed something



    Then tomorrow (or whenever it happens) we can expect a similar number of models for AoS!

    Imo they would be all based on Dawnbringers models as this is based in a quite recent release.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  2. 55 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

    AOS has ruined 40k for me. Those sculpts are nice enough, but they're just very slightly different versions of things that already existed. GW put so much more effort and creative energy into AOS these days. 

    I always thought the same. Imo it is time that something happens in 40k and marines get a completely different look.

    • Like 2
  3. 47 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    With two Old World videos and the Tomb kings box already leaked, I would expect the "huge" reveals to be the two starter boxes for TOW. 

    What the two AoS videos will be is the bigger question. One of them will likely be the "looking into 2024 video" but what is the other one?

    Boxing day mini reveal

  4. 12 minutes ago, zamerion said:

    So tomorrow we Will have some old world news, and the miniature of boxing day ( that seeing hidden videos in aos list, should be aos related)

    As it is two videos it would be 1 for the boxing day mini and the other one for the 2024 leaks. So it would be very likely one of the two long time leaked minis for the boxing day. The stormcast or the krule.

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  5. 12 minutes ago, zamerion said:

    We’re off to hang our stockings and finish all of our last-minute preparations, but you won’t be without articles to read on Warhammer Community in the gap between Christmas and New Year. Tune in tomorrow for a huge reveal, followed by something special on Boxing Day. Throughout the week, there will be teases for what’s coming in 2024, as well as the result of this year’s Miniature of the Year vote.

    Yay. It is happening! The 2024 leaks video!

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Asbestress said:

    New "rumour list" from Reddit:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Greetings r/ageofsigmar!

    I bring some early Christmas gifts today. Believing any of it IS up to you though.

    Book 4

    What already has been revealed.


    • Morghast Sunwarden

      • Big Morghast with kopesh style blades and elaborate head, ruined architecture base with corpses, huge blue orb in chest radiating energy

      • 〜80-90mm base



    • Apothecarian Harridan

      • Alchemist/doctor hero (option for mask/skull head) flanked by two assisstants with various bottles/dangerously sharp surgeon’s tools

      • 〜28.5-32mm base



    Dawnbringer boxes for:

    • Ossiarch Bonereapers (Claws of Nagash)

      • Morghast Sunwarden

      • 2X Morghasts

    • Nighthaunt (Doctor Wickeron’s Mournful Menagerie)

      • Apothecarian Harridan

      • Dreadscythe Harridans

      • Myrnmourn Banshees

      • Chainrasp Horde



    Book 5: Rise and Fall


    • Foetid Malignarch

      • Skinny mortal support hero with small Plaguebearer aide

      • 〜32-40mm base


    Slaves to Darkness

    • Kharys, Exalted Spear of The Unnamed Circle

      • Even fancier Varanguard lord on grotesque horse thing

      • 〜100mm round base



    • Arch-Warlock

      • Steel frame around Warlock hidden by cloth, lot of cabling and metal

      • Larger than other Skaven (〜 40mm base)


    • Freeguild Marshal on Realmstrider-Gargoylian

      • Cross between Cavalier-Marshal and big mascot Gargoylian

      • Winged snake-griffon-lizard with heavy fancy armoured commander in saddle

      • 〜80-100mm base


    • Ironwright Engineer

      • Ironweld support character

      • Light armour, carries a lot of iron and esoteric tools

      • 〜25-28.5mm base


    • Pontiff-Martial and Sanctifyer-Acolyte

      • Devoted backline robed priest with armoured bodyguard

      • 〜28.5-32mm and 32-40mm base


    • Callis and Toll

      • Similar(ish) to Warhammer+

      • 〜25-28.5mm bases


    • Flagellants

      • Lightly armoured, injured civilians/Freeguild with cudgels, maces, improvised shields etc. squad of 6-10

      • Options for:

        • Champion (Aqua-Tender Prophet/Pyre Prophet), which can be equipped with an Unberogen Great-Cleanser, which takes 4 other models and puts them together on a single base carrying a big vat/barrel of liquid or flaming pyre

        • Cult Herald, with big tapestry on cloth on big poles strung around their waist showing a battle between Sigmar and a daemon

      • 〜25-28.5mm bases + 40-50mm base



    • Dawnbringers boxes for:

      • Skaven (Grandlock Lichit’s Wallbusters)

        • Arch-Warlock

        • 2X Stormfiends

      • Slaves to Darkness (Warhost of Ruin)

        • Kharys

        • Varanguard

        • Chosen

      • Cities of Sigmar (Hammerhal Sanctification Throng)

        • Callis and Toll

        • 2X Flagellants

        • Freeguild Command Corps

    Seems believable, although the Death boxes are a bit suspect (more ROR that are not Mortarchs?), and it's a bit "safe", I guess (and no Vandus vs Khul?). Would be happy with that Cities wave though!

    And at least everything having a name makes this one pretty easy to confirm/debunk by the time we get our next reveal.

    I was thinking it would be doable until I reached the CoS bit. A wishlist imo. I cannot see such a big wave with Dawnbringers.

    • Like 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    This is my biggest hope. I hope we don't get the 40k 10th edition treatment.

    If that happens, I feel like I might as well just jump into old world instead. 

    Well, TOW would have new editions at some point as well. Maybe it would just take them longer?

    • Like 4
  8. 1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

    I hate this so much. It feels like a tax.

    But new lore, new art... I like it! And it is not that much actually. Even worst. For some armies they are almost the only thing that has to be bought for the whole edition.

    • Like 6
  9. 2 hours ago, Asbestress said:


    Advent Engine is up (despite not appearing anywhere).

    Thinking this has to do with the Nighthaunt(?) hand pouring something and maybe the chemistry set. Maybe a strangely clean Nurgle thing to go with the book I guess.

    I have the feeling this is some sort of Horror that has 2 arms next to each other. Like 2 left arms and on the right side we would have this:


    Obviously, it could be all because of the way the image is pictured.

    Sadly just one advent calendar imag

    • Like 4
    • Confused 1
  10. 52 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    They don't have to be. Eternus is a great example. But if there is going to be a generic hero release, an extra sprue to make them into a named hero as well is just a bonus.

    I personally prefer named to generic characters exactly because their models usually have some very defining and characterful properties which you would not get in a generic hero. But I see the appeal of both. Generic heroes allow you to tell your own stories, and named characters you can read about are also great fun to play around with or collect.

    Yeah. Eternus is a great example. If they do it so well, I would love it!

    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Dual kits are the perfect solution IMO! Like Lyrior Uthralle/Vanari Lord Regent, King Brodd/Mega Gargant, Gordrakk/Megaboss on Maw Krusha, Gobsprakk/Vulcha, Eternus, Vengorian Lord/Lauka Vai, Great Unclean one/Rotgius, etc. Best of both worlds, everybody gets what they want! One more generic version, one fancy version and a lot more sprues for kitbashing!

    And some factions actually do need named heroes. Fyreslayers, Ogors, Beasts don't even have any named characters.

    And then there are some BL characters (e.g. Maleneth, Hamilcar, Callis&Toll) who REALLY deserve a model too

    I find that kind of dual kit a bit boring. They normally end up having 2 builds that look too similar between them, IMO. So I would prefer individual kits rather than dual ones unless they find a way to give it a massive change between the options.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Odd, just went to browse the webstore and the queue system is in effect.

    Is there a big release pre-order today I've forgotten about?

    Seems too last minute to be Christmas shopping what with the final delivery dates all passed.

    It happened to me since like 10-11 hours ago. It doesn't last for long, just 1-3 minutes, but it is there. Maybe it is receiving DDOS attacks?

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    I know at least we'll get something on Boxing day which will most likely be the Tomb Kings box set reveal. 

    I do hope we see the Christmas RE's revealed.

    Boxing Day tends to be an exclusive mini, so I doubt it would be TK unless they show us a new TK mini, not the full box.

    • Like 1
  14. 29 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

    I’ve got to ask who the lady of ruin is, and where has her lore come from, I’ve seen her mentioned a few times on this thread, and also what makes people suspect she’s getting a model? Genuinely have no clue

    It is part of the Dawnbringers narrative. If you don't know about her maybe we shouldn't spoil you? I think it was mentioned in Book 1 or 2 and it is presumably coming in the Chaos focused book (Book 5).

    • Like 1
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