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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 17 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:


    Yeah, not seeing the bad news so far. We know dwarves and elves are part of the Cities index for the time being. They are certainly not removing them from play before the next battletome. And at that point, new cities dwarves are at least as likely as another squatting.

    I would say the balance is squatting 80% new duardins 20% considering in the interview the design team hinted the Religious side of CoS and that we have rumours of just a Cogfort so far and it could be the faction scenery.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    cough Tahlia Vedra can't be built as a generic Marshal on Manticore even though that would have been perfect as a replacement for the old General on Griffon that's probably going to Old World cough

    But I get that point. IMO, when you do that with kits so big and unique, the named character loses his uniqueness. A bit of what happens with Gobsprakk. It is not so cool when you have a Killaboss using "the same mount".

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I actually think it's a great idea. Gordrakk, Eternatus, Avelanor, Hurakan, Gobsprakk, etc. are all great kits and look very distinct from the generic version. It's the best of both worlds, allows players who like named characters to play a named character and allows players who prefer making a generic version and giving it their own lore to do so too.

    Yeah, but all of those you mentioned are a step ahead of this kit in terms of differentiating the named and the normal kit.

    • Like 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    Agreed on the lack of visual distinction (also weird to use a weapon as the only distinguishing factor at a time when they are going in the direction of loadouts having less impact on the rules)...

    but I like that with an old azyros and two magnets (and a spare Vindictor arm) I'll get both a new azyros and a named character.

      EDIT to avoid double posting:

    my counter point would be that by doing this they can kill Tornus down the line and players will still be able to use their mini as the generic version.

    Poor Tornus :( Don't kill it! We are running out of named SCE between kills and cuts...

  5. 6 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think it's not impossible that the Steam Tank stays in AoS. Or at least some kind of Steam Tank if there is a new kit. It works so well with the theming of the Castellites and would complement a Cogfort super well for a mechanized list.

    It seems to me that the Steam Tank has always been a fan favourite. Steam Tank battleline certainly made me start Cities in 2nd ed, and when 3rd ed made Steam Tanks great again a lot of people jumped on the opportunity to play that list.

    Let's see where that goes in 4th ed. It seems like Ironweld lists are getting some support:

    That might just be a buff to Great Cannons, though.

    Yeah. I agree about the new kit.

    The current one, apart from looking a bit aged, has the massive problem of all its iconography, so it wouldn't be weird if it stays around but with a facelift.

  6. 30 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    GW should have given the generic Azyros the sword and kept the big spear for Tornus, because right now the named character looks only like an alternate paint scheme.

    Yeah. Let's see how it is managed rules-wise. Maybe they just messed around with the paint or it even has more pieces that were not shown, like Abraxia that had a helmeted head that wasn't shown until it was put for sale, or the prosecutors with the old mask.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    So updating the list

    Red= gone 

    Blue= going into a supplement so chances Super low

    Green= Updated already



    oh from SG Warhound list what left is

    • Vizzik Skour the new Verminlord
    • nu-Queek Warlord with Bodyguards
    • Globadiers 
    • Arch-warlock
    • Weapon team
    • Stormvermin
    • New Wolf rat
    • Master Moulder
    • Warlock Engineer with Warpvolt obliterator


    I would do two little tweaks. Errant Questor, gone. It is not the same as the Knight Questor. And the Doom Flayer shouldn't be also red? Or is it part of the Weapon Teams?

  8. Btw, I think Tornus gets prevalence on the mini over the generic Azyros, and not the other way


    But as an early teaser, we’ve got two new miniatures to show you today – the hulking two-headed Brood Terror, and the soaring brilliance of the Knight-Azyros, Tornus the Redeemed.

    The video also presents him as Tornus:


  9. 5 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    I might add, that’s ChatGPTs views 🤣

    So it’s not my view but a trained view.

    This whole discussion about what a board game is has NOTHING to do with the question asked. It’s a complete derailment. Thx for that, it went as predicted and we came to no conclusion.

    So what’s your opinion on the actual question without getting stuck on semantics.


    Just the company getting up to date with the current needs of a wider audience.

  10. 46 minutes ago, Sarges said:

    He may look okay with original legs, just without the front robes.
    With the conversion there is another problem that his outer leg panels are too wide and he becomes the thiccest Stormcast in the Chamber.

    Tornus the Thiccest. His new name as Knight Azyros.

  11. 1 minute ago, CommissarRotke said:

    yeah I think the model is too busy/overdesigned, it's also another unit/hero put into Ruination for some reason not explained (yet?).

    I'm hoping another bow hero is coming, we at least have the Knight Judicator if not

    Someone had to be the leader of the torch batallion and use the power of the commander lantern...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  12. 1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Just making it auto-wound should be enough. Give them some kind of ambushing as well, now that Beasts of Chaos have vacated that design space.

    Yes and no. As we will have BoC for a bit, either they share ambush, or one has to get it and the other one does not.

  13. Just now, CommissarRotke said:

    read the article :)

    Joining the ranks of the Hallowed Knights, Tornus fought long and hard as a Knight-Venator to prove his worth to his new allies, and through his tireless efforts has become a Knight-Azyros, taking the name Tornus the Redeemed, and vowing to continue to spread Sigmar’s light and vengeance far and wide across the Mortal Realms. 

    I haven't yet... but still just a patch to remove one warscroll. I would have leave Venator over Azyros :(

  14. 3 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Am I missing something or is there zero distinction between Tornus and the regular knight azyros? It doesn’t even seem to be an alt-build, just the same mini.

    The weapon. Spear vs sword.

    AoS Reveals Jun12 Image3

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