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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 14 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Sorry I’m late to the party, I’m hanging out with my mom  , step-dad, and half siblings in Disney….. Anyways BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! THE NEW BOOK FEATURING THE TOMB KINGS LOOKS AND SOUNDS AMAZING!!! I love the cover of both the regular and exclusive editions, and how the exclusive seems to have the entire map of TOW on the back. My one concern is that they’re gonna make the Bretonnians the default “good guys” of the story, when odds are that the kidnapped knight did something stupid to earn the enmity of the land of the dead. Otherwise, it looks like a fun return to the setting, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.

    I think the TOW blue looks better in that book pic than in the leaked boxes pics. Seems to be a bit brighter. And the illustration is ace!

  2. 32 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Kharadron and Fyreslayers have not been established for 40 years though, are entirely new , and their lore has always included female Duardin. It's the same level of silliness as getting angry over female Stormcast models, which I definitely saw quite a bit of too back in the day.

    Yeah, but for those users, that normally come from WHFB, they are all dwarfs.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Highly agree, AoS also still has a few sticking around. I saw a surprising number of people being anti-female Duardin models as well.

    And I can understand why. Changes are complicate to digest, specially when they are changing something stablished for 40 years. Luckily the team is doing an awesome job with the female models, so that helps to settle down their rage in some cases.

  4. 2 minutes ago, madmac said:

    Liberators don't have soft gloves, even in the video game redesign and I wouldn't expect them to.

    It is a full copy of a Vigilor. Somaybe it is a new warband or Thunderstrike Judicators follow the same aesthetic? If it is the latest it would be a bit dissapointed and too repetitive. So I think another stormcasts warband or some sort of vehicle that carries a Vigilor.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Cursed City Sold Out by problems with the external provider. Cursed City was not a succesful product for GW

    In fact it is still super easy to find, if anyone is interested. I think it is a super nice product, but it doesn't have a good opinion over the community.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    I am going to discard every suggestion of new Cities models, outside BL characters, for a while.

    I would not discard that a new Warhammer Quest is coming.

    That's a good point! It wouldn't be rare to get a new quest game. Specially a 40k one.

    • Like 1
  7. A little error I had during my last assemble test before start painting I think have lead into a better structure.

    After this post I got another roof from a sprue to put it on the top-right corner. In the upcoming pics you would be eable to see it. I had to trim down a bit its leght to fit, and I think the result is pretty decent.

    When I was doing the asemble test I totally forgot about the little roof corner, as I have it separate because I started to pain it, and as I didn't asemble it all I got an extra roof from somewhere else so I assumed it was supposed to be in the place of the little one. In order to fit it I trimmed down the wood and I think the result is an improvement.



    Now the first floor would have more roof area, which I think it is ideal. Having more roof and slowly going into less while you go up in the levels. This would also create a more playable area. Which option do you prefer?

    In order to finish it I need to add a bit of green stuff and to trim down the other big roof a bit in order to introduce the stairs with enough room to look that it fits and makes sense.

  8. 41 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I much prefer the gods being active, it's part of what makes the setting so unique. It's like a living and evolving mythology where things can actually radically chamge rather than a stagnant setting with no stakes like TOW.

    In the old world, (with notable exception of the end times) nothing could actually change in a meaningful way out of fear of changing the status quo. In AoS, Anvilgard has fallen, a character ascended to godhood, Slaanesh is getting empowered, a new god awoke, Nagash got crippled pretty hard and Arkhan was destroyed etc. And that was just during Broken Realms. Who knows what happens next, Azyr being breached and other major events are a legitimate possibility, which is very exciting!

    And it's not like gods doing their thing limits the amount of heroes there are. I think there's only one or two books at all in BL that are from the perspective of a god, the rest is all focused on people in the realms. Important Stormcast are being fleshed out (Neave, Yndrasta, Bastian), the CoS are getting a renewed focus (Tahlia, Calis, Toll, Zenestra, Zane, etc) and more and more factions are getting characters with novel series (Drekki, Cado, the Ven Densts).

    The only times the gods really make moves is during campaigns, which makes perfect sense as a way to shake up the setting. The Necroquake, Morathi's apotheosis and the Rite of Life are super fun to read the consequences of in BL books. It's what's keeping the setting fresh. Just like primarchs do in 40K, who are basically the equivalent of Order gods.

    There's plenty of books that are selling a lot of copies with gods playing around, like Malazan Book of the Fallen.

    Imo is not about having the gods wandering around or not, it is just matter of time for us to get used to it, as we come from its predecesor that was not giving us this kind of situations so often.

    • Like 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Im not sure itd actually a bear but a beaten and scarred piece of metal!! One of the most interesting for sure.

    It is true that now that we can see it at full size, the eagle doesn't look so much as an eagle anymore, but the other one has all the details that a bear would have. I am super interested on seeing this one. I don't know why I have the feeling is some sort of apothecary small cart/ vagon.

    • Like 2
  10. 17 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    No idea!! 


    Imo we would benefit on this one when they put available the higher quality one. Could it be me, but the metalic tops on the wood seems to be an eagle and a bear? I need to see them bigger. Also the lower bit that is covered could give us a bit of extra info.

    Also I am not discarding new ed scenery.

    • Like 3
    • LOVE IT! 1
  11. In terms of moving AoS into the mainstream media sites I think the Dota: Dragon's Blood or the Critical Role series released on Netflix and Amazon respectively would be a nice starting point to look at. Both are quite similar in terms of High Fantasy and were super successful.

    It is true that both of them have quite large fanbases, but c'mon, Warhammer also has that base!

    • Like 6
  12. 5 minutes ago, madmac said:

    This one is just...It doesn't look like scenery to me, so it pretty much has to be someone with an entire alchemist rack on their back, like a battle chemist. Given the workmanship, also...new CoS character, I guess???

    Imo it is either CoS, as you mentioned or something from Nighthaunt related to this:


    As someone mentioned rats could also fit, but I see it as the third option.

  13. 5 minutes ago, EntMan said:


    Is it not going well? I'm not up to date on it at all.

    Sales are going not to well, neither opinions. The game is currently on a 45% discount. I would recomend you to read the dedicated thread if you wanna stay up to date, but the company received a big hit with this game.

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 2
  14. 10 minutes ago, Lord Kroak said:

    However arbitrary and complex these decisions may be, they ultimately always boil down to money. At the end of the day, Amazon didn't think a show set in AoS would be commercially viable. AoS is not as famous or fleshed out as 40K or WFB, and it's *extremely* high fantasy (gods casually walking around, sea creatures swimming through the air, etc). The embarrassing sales of Realms of Ruin probably also didn't help. 

    As much as I agree something so high fantasy is harder to sell, imo the main reason behind is that it is also more expensive to produce. And that could have been the point behind.

    Said that, imo WHFB is as high fantasy as AoS. It is true that AoS have it more present with stuff like the realms themselves, the realm gates and the gods and high fantasy beasts, but it is not that far from WHFB and their Lizarmen star ships, Chas gods/demons/portals, and so on. So you could easily prepare a narrative around AoS as much low fantasy as WHFB, just need to focus on stuff like Cities of Sigmar. It would have little high fantasy touches, but everything else can be purely low fantasy.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 3
  15. 3 minutes ago, Lord Kroak said:

    According to yesterday's GW investor report, GW's deal with Amazon includes an option to produce TV/film set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. There is no option to produce anything set in the Age of Sigmar universe, which isn't surprising when you consider how much work is still needed to turn it into a viable setting. 


    Thats sad and positive at the same time. It could lead to an end of times content that leads into AoS without having to say it is AoS, just a follow up.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Doko said:

    i dont like this new vampire,she is closer to khalida of tomb kings than to a vampires.


    so far the best vampire is the first original with bats on the hair and then the others arent even half good

    I think the 4 that came with Underworlds are also pretty solid!

    • Like 9
  17. 4 minutes ago, Jefferson Skarsnik said:

    I guess they're intended to be allies or mercs or whatever but I would love to be able to play as some hapless no-name, soon-to-be-forcibly-confederated Border Princes faction. It'd be a good thematic first amy to play while I'm getting completely tabled in loads of 500pt slow grow leagues or whatever


    When it became apparent that Brets vs TKs was the direction for the relaunch, I kind of rolled my eyes and thought it was almost a bit of a deliberate monkeys paw spiteful thing by GW, like "you bugged us by going on about this, so here's the game back with a load of the old models you never bought, you must be delighted huh". But the quality of pretty much all of the new Bretonnia stuff has me really tempted, and I'm gonna have to hold off knowing that I'll probably never finish the army if Dwarves/Greenskins/Empire/High Elves pop up with similar stuff. Will probably at least buy one of the damsels and some of those foot knights even if just to use in dungeon crawler games or whatever

    Never forget they show us a bit of the map where basically we could play our own realms. I think this bit could be related with this.

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