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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 6 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

    I hope we get images of the Bretonnian box soon then. I am really looking forward to it. We just need to hope the price is decent.

    I think it is pretty easy to guess.

    - New Pegasus hero
    - Man at Arms
    - Archers
    - Knights
    - Pegasus Knights

    This would be the full equivalent of the TK box.

    • Like 1
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  2. 21 hours ago, Snarff said:

    I actually have good hope that we will see them, alongside the next wave of Thunderstrike. They even showed a new Thunderstrike design that will inevitably be a new model.

    I hope Sigmar listen to you. If they don't I would follow the same strategy I've just used to copy one of the warcry scenery pillars:



    My plan is to copy one of the pillars. I am still unsure if it would be a one side or two sides mould, but then I plan to use it as the base for full buildings, as the walls are quite simple.

    • Like 3
  3. 5 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    It does seem like nighthaunt. I also get some the changeling vibes from this one.

    I even considered if it could be linked with this other, as one sould/ smoke going from one into the other, but I don't think the soul/ smoke shape fits between both.


    • Like 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    I'm sure there are plenty of Total War players that are also wargamers. 

    On another note, happy ghoul day everyone, I'm impatiently waiting for the postman to bring me my army box! 

    We have delays over Spain. Not everyone would have the box today :(

  5. 14 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Im going to sound like a massive pessimist but if that box costs more than £90 Ill let out a laugh so loud itll wake Behemat from death.

    I was doing some maths earlier based on Horus Heresy latest box as we were talking about a rumour of it being priced the same than the HH launch box (240 €):

    MKIII Tactical Squad (warhammer.com)

    This is 20 marines for 60 €. AoS/ TOW should be cheaper than 40/30k so I am assuming the content of the box can be split in 5 boxes.

    40 Skellies
    32 Arches
    16 Horses
    3 Carts

    If we price the non heroes boxes as 60 € as well and the hero a bit higher (60-80) and the book being 55 € that's a total of 375 € (60+60+60+60+55+80) worth of material. So I sadly see it feasible being 240 € for the box (a 35% discount over full estimated price).

    Also woth saying that this would be like taking the latest WHFB prices back in place (16 units 30 €), so I don't see it crazy :(

    • Like 3
    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    I think just buying the crystals outright or buying the Bismuth to make the crystals (which still gives you cred) is cheaper than the pepto bismol needed to produce anywhere close to the amount you would need for terrain lol.

    On another note, they should really hurry with releasing that additional Dawnbringer outposts terrain if they want to ride any of the CoS hypetrain. Or they're saving it for a wave 2, hopefully the rest of the dawner terrain should stay available.

    I have the feeling we won't see those kits, sadly. Meanwhile I am saving some scrap building material to build them on my own. Or even expand it in a way similar to what was built for Realms of Ruin.

  7. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    Just popping in to say that I love seeing what fantastical things people can come up with in the mortal realms.


    To add onto this, I would consider Bismuth. The fractal-like patterns it forms would fit perfectly IMO, and they can be both quite colourless or very colourful.



    And even though it might be a little cliche, I really like the thought of a small metal waterfall somewhere. Or an (autumnal) birch tree with some small metallic highlights, such as the leaves being copper and/or either the bark or the lenticells being silver/lead-like respectively.



    I think getting that bishmut look (or even sculpting the shapes) is out of my skills right now, but it is a super idea.

    About the waterfall I was waiting for a Jagelhom stretch goal that wasn't unlocked in the end, but I considered it as well. I like the metalic cubes idea, now I am thinking how to implement it (or something on those lines) as I would like the scenery built with the kits being quite realm agnostic, in case I want to play it with a different realm feel. So I was considering doing those elements as a separate scenery piece, but it is all in my head still thinking on the possibilities.

    In terms of progress I've being quite busy, but the lower level is almost ready to be painted. I just need to clone a pillar and make a little replacement on a corner. 


    Here I sculped the metalic bits. I am not fully sure about the nails on the top bit. They are too big, so I might remove them and make them smaller, or even use a different material to make it easier.

    With the remaining green stuff I did that "purity seal" and I quite like it. I am planning to add a bunch of candles around the front of the building and the altar. Maybe some more seals.

    • Like 3
  8. 23 hours ago, sandlemad said:


    Tomb king

    40 spearmen

    32 archers

    16 light/heavy cavalry

    3 chariots

    Been a while since GW made a box this big, at least for a non-starter kit.

    How would you say those units are packed?

    They said a unit of bretonian archers would be 32 archers + spikes, so presumably we have 1 Spearmen unit, 1 Archers unit, 1 Cavalry unit and 1 Chariots unit + the dragon?

    • Confused 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I doubt it, but also that seems like the worst of both worlds: First rerelease the old kits, and then obsolete them right after.

    Also I am waiting to see those rumoured mummies. The new knights kit are in the middle between a new sculpt and an old sculpt, for me. They just look weird, kinda cartoony. So I am not sure if I want more new sculpted units if they look like that... 😅

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think @Flippy's post was a jab at the age of the Tomb Kings skeleton kits. It's actually my criticism of the TK and Bretonnia relaunch, specifically: Those two factions desparately need updated plastic kits. Other factions that will be making their return (High Elves, Wood Elves, Orcs and Goblins...) are much better off in that regard. Many Fantasy models still hold up. It's just that TKs and Bretonnia are largely not among that group.

    Maybe they have ready some refreshes to be released in between the launch and the Empire vs Orcs boxes.

  11. 3 hours ago, Matrindur said:

    Looks over at the dozen sprues made for the monthly free minis that are never used again afterwards.

    I understand that those are there to drive customers into the stores but I can't see them being a better investment than a new kit when they could just send out the normal kits and let customers/store workers cut those out. They already do that for some months so why not all of them and instead produce a new kit with the now available sprues

    I don't think they produce those sprues from new molds. I could be wrong, but they are just minis from bigger sprues, right?

  12. 7 hours ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    Surely… no one is going to buy that box?

    (I am exaggerating but I can’t imagine many people will?)

    I love WHFB. I grew up with it, and I couldn’t imagine anything more exciting than to return to it…

    …but this is not the way 😔

    In the whats app groups that I am the main talk is that it is going to be overpriced and no one would buy it. Literally no one said they would and I am part of a CoS, FEC, Wiki and YT channel groups.

  13. 7 hours ago, Hollow said:

    100% not going to have resin mixed in with army boxes. A whole host of reasons why, including manufacturing and legal guidelines. I'm also continually surprised that people don't seem to understand that tooling for plastic kits costs 10's of thousands of pounds. GW isn't going to make a plastic kit unless they are fairly sure they will at least see a return on investment. Gdubs are not going to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on tooling for half a dozen Bretonnian characters when it is only 1 of 9 planned factions. 

    I also personally think that the aversion to resin is completely overplayed. It's a great material that allows for so much to be done. I think a lot of the "hate" just comes from hate-wagon jumping frankly. I could understand if we were talking about large blocks of infantry, but a few character models? Fine by me. 

    Also theres resins and resins. Forge resin has an outstanding quality. Even with that, I pass on resin mainly cause the heavily overpriced costs from Forge.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    I'm not a fan of old sculpts, but I get the charm that they are trying to sell.

    My main issue with TOW is that I'm not fan of the first 2 armies, and the rumor says te next two are going to be released summer 2024 (near AoS 4.0). Let's see what happens...

    Back in time when I was teenager I had High Elves. When I recently came back to hobby I would have picked Bretonia instead, or even Empire, but the CoS range is so much better... and the new Bretonian unit has 0 appeal to me. So I would pass.

    Also the fact that the rules are not translated in my native language is a big downside to me.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 25 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

    There's an interview here with Alan Merrett where he talks about Fantasy ending etc:

    On of the points he makes is that WHFB was a tent pole franchise for GW, which meant that it had to be kept going or die, whereas specialist games (as The Old World is) can be put on hold and returned to later if they think that the market has become saturated.

    As an aside, he also voices surprise that they've chosen Bretonnia as the focus for The old World, as sales for the normal human factions (including the Empire apparently) were always disappointing.

    Ha, interesting that the human factions don't sell so well. I would expect the opposite.

  16. 4 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


    Im happy for our @Twisted Firaun to be recieving units from LONG LOST NEHE...you get the picture!! But personally for me this is ridiculous.

    How much are they going to charge for sculpts over 2 decades old? Sculpts that are frankly, terrible.

    The Old World to me is just GW looking to make a quick buck off of nostalgia. 


    I am totally there with you, but I still have some faith that being a box full of old minis would make it a bit affordable for those that would like to buy them.

  17. 30 minutes ago, Doko said:

    with boxes so big and juicy as this gonna be a hell resist to buy the high elf,wood elf,dwarfs,skaven and vampire counte when be released lol


    by the way what gonna happen with updated units as saurus guards,skeleton,bats,wolfs etc? they gonna use the new of aos or the old of fantasy.

    skeletons and wolfs can be used with no problems,but the saurus gonna be a challenge to get in square and ranks

    Imo they would always try to go to the older stuff.

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