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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 minute ago, Asbestress said:

    I assume the bandage starts a bit above the wrist and gets wrapped around the fingers from behind and ends in (and hanging out of) the palm.

    And I don't know if it's the black-ish metal but now that this is in colour it feels even more Cities to me for some reason :D

    Makes sense when I used the "human" tones, I guess right now it is not looking so CoS to you 🤭


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  2. 2 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Ok hear me out. We got a small looking blade with leather straps. We got some wooden construction. We got "lightning" looking things. Could we be looking at Gitmob here? 


    You got my vote.

    The thing on the back from this RE could be one of their shields as well:


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  3. 26 minutes ago, Asbestress said:


    Better picture.

    Arm seems to be injured (hence the bandage).
    Just noticed the implement is hollow. Maybe it's like a primitive Flagellant aspergillum (things priests use to splash holy water) and it's chained to a container of Aqua Ghyranis? Or maybe it's a bell ringer chained to the bell (hence the nail for hitting the bell).

    So following this hypothesis, coloured would look something like this, right?


    If that's the case, what is that white bit on the hand? More bandage? It is a bit weird

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  4. Imo SC range is so bast that it can be counterproductive. I joined with the Mortal Realms issues and wanted to collect Stormcast. I got a fairly decent roster in sprues (as I was moving house twice in little short time), but then they launched third ed with a ton more SE. So I ended selling my 14k points and bougght the new cities roster, which I prefer also aesthetichs/ theming wise.

  5. 1 hour ago, DinoJon said:

    I feel like this is Dark Angels, the hilt kinda looks like it could be the wings motif. 

    Once they release the bigger version and we can check the top left corner I think that would clear the doubts as it looks there's some iconography there:


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  6. 1 hour ago, silverstu said:

    That doesn't seem like a lot of skaven to me? Eshin would be a good pick though as well as new rat Ogres..Might be able to tempt my old gaming buddy back in with this- he always ran Skaven against my dwarfs..

    It is a bit short indeed. I would expect someting like Nids from Leviathan. Around 47 - 50 minis.

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  7. 8 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    Interesting that it'd be gutter runners and not clanrats, I know some people like the current kit but I feel like it could still do with a refresh

    The last "and a unit of 10 Rats" are Clan Rats to me, but that bit is quite vague.

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  8. 11 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    I can see the new kill team being announced tonight but not released until the 6th of January. 

    With the new old world novel being released on the 20th January,  The Old World could go up for preorder on the 6th January, meaning we should get the Sunday announcement in a couple of weeks. 

    If so, that's a great way to kick off the new year!! 

    TOW was posted on twitter to be released on 24th Feb by GW, I don't think that would be changed.

  9. 9 minutes ago, flying_dutchman said:

    I'm at work but I believe they have notes in book 1 and 2.  At well as one of the warcom short stories

    And there was one as well on a White Dwarf? One about both of them going into a mansion when a citizen was trasformed after drinking wine. I could be wrong as I read is translated from a Whats App group, but I think it comes form a WD.

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