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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 3 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    For Skaven, what plastic kits would be fine to purchase right now? I still think the clanrats and stormvermin look great. Imo, these don't need a replacement. What kits could and should be replaced?

    I have the Island of Blood pushfit clanrats and imo, they are still fantastic. I prefer to have new plague monks in the AoS 4th edition starterset instead of new clanrats.


    I think it is pretty tricky to guess. Depending on how big the refresh is we could even get a full replacement into a new AoS asthetic on those kits that still hold decently.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Yeah I put that rumor out of mind as soon as they said “don’t read more unless you want the entire plot to 4th edition’s start spoiled”, it was so arrogant and obviously riding the Chuardin wishlist hype the hobgrotz started I knew it was hot air.

    As for actual plot theories I imagine we’ll zoom in on the Hammerhal Aqshy siege Tahlia was sent back to break.

    Skaven the main focus at first as their numerous plots across the Realms(capping leylines with machines, unleashing new plagues, Eshin making moves to retake Ulgu, Gnarlwoods having a magic bursting point Moulder can exploit) going over their new refreshes before it turns to that second siege force, Khornites, that sees ascended Khul take on a new form of Vandus.

    Also whatever’s stirring under the main religious Fyreslayer Lodge will erupt and give them new elemental units and the force that’s causing the Fuethan Deepkin in Aqshy to be raiding more desperately will either get revealed as more Slaanesh, Skaven sub fleet or those Abyssals.

    But that’s just a Realms theory!

    Spoiler from the 3rd Dawnbringers book:


    I didn't read it yet, just listened to some videos summarising it, but I think the siege is already over. Thalia sorted it.

  3. I've been thinking about what could be the main grand alliance in the upcoming 4th ed plot.

    In 1st we had an Order vs Chaos box, but I think we can agree that the predominant GA was Order, with all the comeback after long time seeing how Chaos was doing what they wanted.

    For the 2nd we got an Order vs Death, and the main focus was Nagash and its Necroquake. So clearly Death focused.

    In the current one we got Kragnos and Era of the beast. Maybe this time was not that clear, but the predominance has been destro.

    So, following this pattern and the rumours about another Order vs Chaos box, what about the focus being in Chaos for the 4th ed? Archaon has been quite quiet for a few and there was rumours about chorfs breaking those sweet Azyr gates, but we also have Belakor and his storms plot. We could see the real purpose of all his moves finally, or even a battle between both for the Chaos supremacy.

    What do you think guys?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, EntMan said:

    Do we ever get stuff this explicit in the annual report? I'd be interesting to know proportionately how much each system brings in.

    I think is the forever question for some of us. It would seed lot of light and we could properly answer those that always talk ****** about AoS (for good or bad xD)

    • Haha 1
  5. 27 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

    Yeah they clearly moved the setting and goalposts around during development, we dont know for sure but i could see the team getting all excited about something like a Kislev army before things shifted and they get like 2 plastic and a handful of resin kit "slots" for new kits and had to change their plans.

    I am a bit concerned by them focusing their launch apparently solely on the two least popular armies in old Warhammer, but i can see the logic, they are armies grognards are less likely to have lying around already so might get caught up in and buy, but im not sure how likely that is to work? 

    We will see i guess! 

    Could be the least popular ones, but also the ones (mercenaries appart) selling higher at second hand. So it is a good demand (and whillingness to buy at high price) indicator.

    • Like 3
  6. 11 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:


    MTG makes a point of printing what a lot of them do on the simpler cards, they used to even do it for stuff like first strike and trample in certain sets, so they cover for themselves a bit by doing both.

    Also there's a spiderfang story in the advent stories, is this a good sign?

    Do you have a link to those advent stories? I didn't see anything on warhammer community yet

  7. 16 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    My guess is they're viewing TOW as a very broad setting with different dates they can yoyo around in.

    IE Rather than AoS or post-8th 40k where you're very definitely playing in the 'modern day', they might drop TOW books taking place decades or centuries forward or backwards from the initial starting point of the War of Three Emperors. 

    I think the reason we heard anything about Kislev was just because the cat was out of the bag due to Total War, but was probably never planned to be the initial focus of TOW.


    I always thought this would be he case. The VS boxes would come with a narrative campaign, and the setting can be moved drastically from one to another both in place and also in time.

  8. On 11/25/2023 at 5:24 PM, RyantheFett said:

    I am sure Kislev and Cathay are still somewhere down the line. GW works in years and right now the main focus is on the two starting factions. They should get some love at some point............ unless the game does not do well lol.

    And I am still confused by so many decisions GW has made with this game. We really need to see the prices of all the old stuff and what is going to be in that starter box. Get the feeling Esty sellers and anyone with a 3D printer is going to be making bank.

    I have completely no clue about this. Does GW and Forge work with so much time in advance in both cases? Maybe Forge, as it is a smaller team doesn't have that many stuff prepared as it would be the case for a main game from GW?

  9. 4 minutes ago, papary said:

    Do we have the price list yet? Wanna know how much the box is and those Heresy Marines!

    Seems it is taking longer than usual. No one shared them on the usual places where I see them.

    EDIT: One of the store owners have said that looks like GW is having technical difficulties.


    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    Is it just me or are these releases too rapid fire as of late?


    When has been that a problem? xD

    Don't know the average armies count here in TGA, but the more stuff we get in shorter time, the more players that are not super big collectors get some love.

  11. 2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Am I the only one that think that that we don't need more armies appart from Malerion elves? 

    Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with new armies, but we are getting close to 10 years AoS anniversary and some armies are still micro-armies or most of their models are not even from AoS.

    I think the problem here is that the most rumored "missing" armies are a super hyped oned (talking about Malerion and Chorfs). And this for me shouldn't be a problem. Malerion would take a spot with Daughters, so it would be just 1 more "faction" in the end. Imo, after that, we would only see a new faction after many editions.

  12. 7 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:


    BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA THAT IS THE MOST BRETONNIAN NEHEKHARAN I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!! I get that this is Ushoran's own personal delusion regarding himself, but my god man where is your pride? that beard is so bloody basic even Gotrek would tell you to shave.

    Maybe is not his delusion but how it was Ushoran during the Myths period?

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    My prediction for next year. 

    Late Jan or early February FEC full release Dawnbringers 4, two death heroes. 

    February Lumineth Vs OBR warcry. Soulblight underworlds warband.

    March Dawnbringers 5 with 2 or 3  Darkoath units and 2 chaos heroes. 

    April ????

    May 2 warcry warbands. Skaven Vs cities???

    June 4th edition Skaven Vs Stormcast 

    What kind of Skaven vs Cities warbands would it be? If I am not wrong Skavens attacked Hallowheart, unless I am confusing the city. That would make sense, but seems far from the Warcry action focus.

  14. 55 minutes ago, madmac said:

    You say that, but it's always the other way around. New edition means tons of new releases leading up to the edition launch, and THEN things get subdued for the rest of the year. The breather will come in the long months where nothing else gets released for AoS except the except the gradual rollout of the two starter army battletomes and models, as it always does.

    If that's the case, it would be awesome. I can be wrong about 40k getting a spot, but deffo TOW would have some love during its release.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    Well, the Ghouly-bois being up for pre-order so quickly is nice to see. I'm not a big fan of the incredibly long lead-up times from preview to pre-order like we have seen in the past with some releases. I hope we see more of this type of time frame in 2024 and beyond.

    It does make me wonder what we might see for AoS in the first half of next year though. With all of the factions receiving an update in 3rd and with a new edition on the horizon, perhaps we will just see another 2 Dawnbringer books before the major 4th edition hype-train ramp-up? 

    I'd be really surprised to see a new faction reveal at the end of an edition cycle. 

    I don't see any more factions getting updates appart from what we could have from Dawnbringers. We've got recently quite a few months of AoS monopolising GW releases, and with 4th in the summer I suspect we would see an AoS gap leaving some room for TOW and 40k before we get into the AoS monopoly game again with the new edition.

    • Like 1
  16. 18 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    GW made a pledge to update all the battletomes. No one ever mentioned the minis.

    I thought you were talking about minis. From my pov seems obvious that all the BT/Codex would be updated during a edition. Wasn't the case during previous editions in the recent years?

  17. 8 minutes ago, Hawke said:

    How'd you put together that list so fast! I was looking for a list of 3rd edition releases and it made me wish their was a date by date release catalogue of some kind.

    What I did was to look at the URLs, as they include lately the release year, but some stuff that came back in stock was also using more recent years xD

    • Like 1
  18. 28 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    And thus all armies will receive third edition update before the end of the year, like promised.

    I did a quick look through the store (for a discussion in a whatsapp group) and there were two armies that didn't get a single new mini during this ed. Maybe I was wrong? Did all of them at least get 1 new mini?

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