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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 14 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    So with the miniature of the year poll out  , we can safely say that 2023 year releases are over  : I counted 51 entries for AoS in the poll and it's probably the best performance for AoS of every time/since its launch ! 🏆🥇


    We already know that early 2024 will bring FEC full release and Dawnbringers book 4 featuring Ushoran , but what next ??


    I have been counting the " minatures for at least 12 factions" and I come up with the following :

    1) Fyreslayers - Harbinger

    2) Nurgle - Harbinger

    3) Fec - Harbinger + Ushoran

    4) Gloomspite - Harbinger + Thrugg

    5) Orruk warclans - 5 ironjawz kits

    6) Stormcast -  Ionus

    7) Sylvaneth - Belathanos


    Based on hints , rumors and rumor engines 

    8 ) Slaves to darkness - Lady of Ruin

    9 ) Daughters of Khaine - Morai Heg

    10) Ossiarch - Morghast hero

    11) Khorne - Kul ascended

    12) Skaven - Plague priest 


    What do you think ?

    Depending on what we get on the following preview CoS could be present as well with Callis and Toll as they have been appearing during the series.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, Vagard said:

    Btw, are we still waiting for 2 new warbands before the end of the year? 


    Is it the roumored lumineth vs OBR (hinted by whitefang if i remember)

    That's weird. I doubt we would get them announced on the next preview, but at least this time it is saying 23-24 on the roadmap, so we would get them announced in Jan.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    Well, we basically know that Skaven are getting new stuff in 6 months or so, or as close as can be without outright confirmation.

    I wonder if that means it is 40K or if Nurgle is getting more in Dawnbringers 5?

    If it would be just the book, imo it could be Skaven, but adding the larvs... too much.

    • Like 2
  4. 57 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    For sure! It's also always a big centrepiece model that wins now, even if there have been extremely cool units and heroes released as well.

    Kinda makes sense that those big center pieces are the ones winning, they are literally made to be the eye catching minis.

  5. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Maybe some cubic metallic mineral deposits could be a good visual cue? Should be fairly easy from a hobby standpoint, too.Pyrite_Cubes.jpeg.jpg.b58026192b89c9684f68731a31122c0b.jpg



    Yeah. That's interesting. A mix of rocky and shiny minerals with intereting shapes like that could work nicely. A cool contrast as well in terms of colour.

  6. 10 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I would have said Hysh, because to me Hysh always has this feeling of ancient civilizations lost to time. I don't know if that is just me, though, but I always imagine Hysh as being filled with the ruins of all kinds of ancient cities that nobody remembers the names of anymore. I think its the lore connection to philosophy and the kind of sterile feeling you get from the realm that makes me think of the ruins of ancient high cultures.

    Maybe for this picture it is the bright sun and white stone that do it. Although any realm can have any type of geography, of course.

    That's an interesting pov. I would imagine Hysh less rocky, but it is true that every realm could have any terrain type.

    I am trying to figure out the best approach for the lands/ bases that screams Chamon without it being fully grey floor and metalic rivers and trees. So I would go for something rocky as it fits dwarverns, which is like the predominant order faction over there.

  7. 11 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    i voted for Tahlia but maybe should've done the Slann! i feel like us AOS peeps have to agree on what to vote for if we're ever going to unseat 40k :(

    Totally agree with you. I was thinknig the same. Voted Tahlia too, but feel I should have voted for Harbringer (seems the most rated AoS mini) trying to get our shiny top.

    Another nice idea would be a split between games. Voting the best mini for each game rather than an overall best.

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Vagard said:

    I did try the other way, a stormcast helmet on a freeguild marshall and it fits quite well! As i've seen marshalls with cavalier's heads working as well, I guess it will fit for stormcasts :) 


    If Stormcast heads fit so well, deffo the cavaliers gotta match the other way around, as they are noticeable bigger than the Steelhelrms. Marshal with Cavaliers helmet look a bit more chibi than this one imo.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Sir Grimm said:

    That is correct, but they specifically said the launch range. Maybe we get something close after launch? Doesn't that seem possible? I still can't digest the fact that they are intending on rereleasing Bretonnia without the Grail Knights, the King and the Green Knight. And the whole Army Book having only one named character - it being the Prophetess out of all. Seems strange to me if I am being perfectly honest. 

    My bet is that King Louen Leoncoeur mini won't be released, for obvious reasons. He was not alive. The Green Knight is a super dope mini. So who knows.

    Imo there's such a big question still around the minis that maybe we don't see any more Bret minis and they get the focus on releasing a bunch of minis from all the core factions. And maybe later on (based on sales) they expand that range including some missing ones.

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, Sir Grimm said:

    Back to another topic guys - do you think the mention of the Grail Knights as the focus of next week's Old World rules article would lead to a new model reveal as part of the Monday model reveals they got going or am I just reading too much into this?

    I think Brets won't have any more minis revealed before the launch. If I am not remembering wrong when they got their range reveleaded the article said that was all.

    • Like 2
  11. 42 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    Horses for courses, but Those Horses aren’t for my courses.

    In all honesty it’s entirely subjective. So far the Bret reveals have just gotten an “oh cool” out of me, and even the Tomb King foot heroes too. Now, that Bone Dragon got an entire swear word out of me when I saw it, and that was even after seeing Ushoran on the same stream.

    I will admit though that the New Damsel on Unicorn is a Damn Fine model and would really like to see more the Magical side of Bretonnia, more unicorns, pegasus, Fey Enchantress and Green Knight Updates! 

    Some people like Space Marines, some people like Orruk Krule boys, and I even hear some people like Tau. 

    I have nothing against it being the model you liked the most, but I think the overall feedback I saw was the worst among all the new TOW stuff.

    PD: I think Tau is one of my top armies from 40k 😅

    • Haha 2
  12. 8 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    I honestly can't see them adding any more warscrolls to that book without getting more old stuff axed. Plus we don't need another book-and-a-half mess, like we did with the Lumineth.

    What are the chances of a late released BT during an ed like CoS or FEC to be one of the early ones on the next ed? That would solve possible books mess, but that would be too close for a new wave, imo.

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