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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

    I don't know if this was posted:

    Link: https://www.eurogamer.net/planet-coaster-developer-frontier-refocusing-on-sims-after-low-sales-of-warhammer-rts

    So I wouldn't expect anything for it anymore. I do love their Planet Zoo game. 



    I've hear as well someone in a whats app group saying that their plan to raise what they've earned from the game were payed DLCs focused on new factions. It is not the best case but those that enjoyed the game maybe get more content.

    • Like 6
  2. Is someone else facing problems to preorder this week?

    The store where I purchase my minis usually closes the preorders on Monday. As they didn't ask me to pay I wrote them on Tues and they told me GW was changing the way they handle preorders. I am still waiting.

    Did anyone else hear anything related to this change?

    • Sad 1
  3. 6 hours ago, EonChao said:

    I'm not sure who's subscribing and who's picking up odd issues but there was an email from Hachette to subscribers at the weekend informing us that the price of the magazine is increasing to £9.99 (£11.99 for premium subscribers) from issue 47

    I am sure this would translate to the Spanish version as well, as there was rumours about not selling enough and a price raise. Luckily I could order every single issue I wanted from the store that leaked all the content.

  4. image.jpeg.0b8c478b9f1c90734eb620aee71db5bd.jpeg

    I've been playing around with midjourney to get a cool pic of he idea I had in mind for Heldenstone and is hard to get something inspired by AoS, but after some tests I did this, that kinda represents what I have in mind for the church. I like how some bits are supported by archs, rather than all being full rocks. So I could take that bit as well. Thoughts?

    Also, which realm would you say this is placed if you see a terrain like that and you have no extra info?

    • Like 4
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  5. 4 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    I know that at least some of the materials GW sends out now are marked with personalised watermarks. Doesn't mean people couldn't type what they'd read, but maybe they have tightened up other procedures as well.

    Wow. The hunt is getting serious.

    • Haha 2
  6. 4 hours ago, Tetheus said:

    So what kind of rumors are left? We've got OBR hero and FEC for Dawnbringers 4, potential Lady of Ruin for Dawnbringers 5, Skaven v. Stormcast for 4e. What other rumors are floating about?

    Morai-Heg for DoK. Ascended Korghos-Khul. New armour for the 1st ed Stormcast. Lumineth vs OBR on Warcry, Callis and Toll supossedly coming... and I think that's all from the top of my head.

    • Like 3
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  7. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    It‘s an interesting idea… frankly I don‘t habe a clue what skaven players would wish for outside of getting old or similar units (re)done with better sculpts but it sounds interesting. Ratty daemons could be cool and quite scary-looking if done right. I just think Skaven needs soo, sooo, soooo much of their range redone that such drastic reinventions aren‘t too likely. They might even love these nee daemons but would be unhappy because some other ancient sculpt didn‘t get redone…. although I‘d have no problem with Skaven getting the biggest wave of all time! 😙

    About old sculps being modernized, I think Necrons are a good example of what is going to happen to Skavens. They got new stuff, and some of their finecast heroes modernized, but some others just vanished from the codex with the recently launched one.

    • Like 4
  8. 32 minutes ago, Vagard said:

    Bit different to move to legend a buch of motley heroes from a 200ish € standalone game box than a way more accessible spammable unit from a more accessible game at 40ish € a box. Even more unlikely if it happens, it will be a first for a UW unit to go to legend compared to the huge amount of warbands. Very very unlikely to me

    And as far as I remember, ulfenkarn heroes never has AoS rules (not sure about this one)

    They had AoS profiles. Most of them for CoS.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Vagard said:

    Don't think we can see it as CoS. Every clan have a speciality which is translate in game (monsters for moulder, warmachines and firepower with skryre, assassins and strike-and-fade for eshin etc). In CoS, duardins aelves and humans have basically the same roles, just a different warscroll to stick with the race (dwarves are slower, aelves faster...) but you can that there is warmachines, monsters, light and heavy units in every races. 

    Furthermore, there have been several recent releases for eshin (deathmaster and UW units) and pestilens (UW units) so pretty sure there will be a cut for some units but a whole clan? I doubt it 

    Don't forget the power of LEGEND. If it fits their narrative (why not having an inner war where some clans are completely destroyed or have to be rebuilt into something new?) wouldn't surprise me if GW moves those UW bands into legends, similar to what happened to those Cursed City heroes that were moved into legends pretty quickly.

  10. 45 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I do think that the AoS lore is good. I'd go so far as to say it's better than the old world in many ways. The problem is the ways and places it has been presented. There have been about 90 AoS novels so far. That's about 10 a year. Fantasy got 150 novels in 30 years so about half the release rate. A major difference though is the lack of series in AoS. Since the Realmgate wars the only ongoing series has been Gotrek and even there most side characters only hung around for a single book. 

    Fantasy had many longer series. Nagash, Teclis, Orion and others all got trilogies dedicated to them. Give us a Gordrakk trilogy or a series of books focused on Katakros. It's been a couple of years since they introduced two new characters complete with a book and a mini each but neither has had a follow up. 

    There has been lots of good content in White Dwarf covering the different realms, but I definitely echo the point about collating it all into a series of coffee table books. 

    There's also a lot of good stuff in the RPG but again it's spread out across many books and a lot of them are naturally intermixed with rules and campaigns for the game. It's a lot of money to buy those books just for the lore and most people aren't as crazy as me. 

    It would be amazing to see all the cool art and lore  they've already done, mixed with new material in a series of volumes. There's a huge amount of potential there. 

    Btw, if someone is interested about the RPG books you can find them for free down in Blight City if you know where to search.

    Imo they are more accesible than the novels in terms of not needing to throw money to get your hands into the lore.

    Also, a serie on warhammer + similar to Hammer and Bolter giving some lofe to the AoS world building would help a lot.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    For Skaven, what plastic kits would be fine to purchase right now? I still think the clanrats and stormvermin look great. Imo, these don't need a replacement. What kits could and should be replaced?

    I have the Island of Blood pushfit clanrats and imo, they are still fantastic. I prefer to have new plague monks in the AoS 4th edition starterset instead of new clanrats.


    I think it is pretty tricky to guess. Depending on how big the refresh is we could even get a full replacement into a new AoS asthetic on those kits that still hold decently.

    • Like 1
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  12. 1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Yeah I put that rumor out of mind as soon as they said “don’t read more unless you want the entire plot to 4th edition’s start spoiled”, it was so arrogant and obviously riding the Chuardin wishlist hype the hobgrotz started I knew it was hot air.

    As for actual plot theories I imagine we’ll zoom in on the Hammerhal Aqshy siege Tahlia was sent back to break.

    Skaven the main focus at first as their numerous plots across the Realms(capping leylines with machines, unleashing new plagues, Eshin making moves to retake Ulgu, Gnarlwoods having a magic bursting point Moulder can exploit) going over their new refreshes before it turns to that second siege force, Khornites, that sees ascended Khul take on a new form of Vandus.

    Also whatever’s stirring under the main religious Fyreslayer Lodge will erupt and give them new elemental units and the force that’s causing the Fuethan Deepkin in Aqshy to be raiding more desperately will either get revealed as more Slaanesh, Skaven sub fleet or those Abyssals.

    But that’s just a Realms theory!

    Spoiler from the 3rd Dawnbringers book:


    I didn't read it yet, just listened to some videos summarising it, but I think the siege is already over. Thalia sorted it.

  13. I've been thinking about what could be the main grand alliance in the upcoming 4th ed plot.

    In 1st we had an Order vs Chaos box, but I think we can agree that the predominant GA was Order, with all the comeback after long time seeing how Chaos was doing what they wanted.

    For the 2nd we got an Order vs Death, and the main focus was Nagash and its Necroquake. So clearly Death focused.

    In the current one we got Kragnos and Era of the beast. Maybe this time was not that clear, but the predominance has been destro.

    So, following this pattern and the rumours about another Order vs Chaos box, what about the focus being in Chaos for the 4th ed? Archaon has been quite quiet for a few and there was rumours about chorfs breaking those sweet Azyr gates, but we also have Belakor and his storms plot. We could see the real purpose of all his moves finally, or even a battle between both for the Chaos supremacy.

    What do you think guys?

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, EntMan said:

    Do we ever get stuff this explicit in the annual report? I'd be interesting to know proportionately how much each system brings in.

    I think is the forever question for some of us. It would seed lot of light and we could properly answer those that always talk ****** about AoS (for good or bad xD)

    • Haha 1
  15. 27 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

    Yeah they clearly moved the setting and goalposts around during development, we dont know for sure but i could see the team getting all excited about something like a Kislev army before things shifted and they get like 2 plastic and a handful of resin kit "slots" for new kits and had to change their plans.

    I am a bit concerned by them focusing their launch apparently solely on the two least popular armies in old Warhammer, but i can see the logic, they are armies grognards are less likely to have lying around already so might get caught up in and buy, but im not sure how likely that is to work? 

    We will see i guess! 

    Could be the least popular ones, but also the ones (mercenaries appart) selling higher at second hand. So it is a good demand (and whillingness to buy at high price) indicator.

    • Like 3
  16. 11 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:


    MTG makes a point of printing what a lot of them do on the simpler cards, they used to even do it for stuff like first strike and trample in certain sets, so they cover for themselves a bit by doing both.

    Also there's a spiderfang story in the advent stories, is this a good sign?

    Do you have a link to those advent stories? I didn't see anything on warhammer community yet

  17. 16 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    My guess is they're viewing TOW as a very broad setting with different dates they can yoyo around in.

    IE Rather than AoS or post-8th 40k where you're very definitely playing in the 'modern day', they might drop TOW books taking place decades or centuries forward or backwards from the initial starting point of the War of Three Emperors. 

    I think the reason we heard anything about Kislev was just because the cat was out of the bag due to Total War, but was probably never planned to be the initial focus of TOW.


    I always thought this would be he case. The VS boxes would come with a narrative campaign, and the setting can be moved drastically from one to another both in place and also in time.

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