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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 minute ago, EntMan said:

    Makes me wonder what Skaven will miss out on next edition after being in the starter? But I'd still take range refresh over rules 😀🐀

    Skavens have such a big range that I am pretty sure everyone would feel something is missing even after the refresh. What I am more curios about is to see if we get a big trim in terms of clans, or even if we move into more AoS new clans.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Neverchosen said:

    I don't think there are any answers for this, but I was curious if I missed any leaks or info regarding the Vanguard release for CoS? Will the Cities of Sigmar Vanguard release fall on the same day as the Flesh Eater Courts Army Box? This was the case with the Seraphon Vanguard and Cities of Sigmar Army set but that could have just been a coincidental release. 

    Also do we have any clue if it will be like the Imperial Guard release with the same models shared between the Army box and Vanguard. If they were to change it up what differences might we see? 

    No mentions about this yet :(

  3. 7 minutes ago, Someravella said:

    I would hate that, because there would be a dissonance between lore and KB models... I mean, many KB models have banners and idols after Kragnos. For instance, the banner of the gutrippaz has something that looks like Kragnos and its prison —which also has Gobsprakk—, the banner of the Killaboss on Gnashtoof is a mountain broken apart, and the Belchabanna also looks like Kragnos...

    The problem is that we have a scenario of a big/ main character of the faction vs a whole faction aesthetic as you mentioned. If the big guy ends knowing what is going on, Gobsprakk would have to suffer some sort of punishment. If not, I see this split that I mentioned. So I see that the Kruleboyz would be damaged one way or another. Let see how this ends, as it is finally getting spicy.

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  4. 19 minutes ago, Someravella said:

    I want to know how will they resolve the issue between Kruleboyz worshipping Kragnos as the Earthquake god (at least, many of them... besides the fact that the faction waited until Kragnos freed himself to show itself) and

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    the Mouth of Mork wanting to "get rid of Kragnos" and concealing that he knows where the other Drogrukh are.

    In addition, it feels that the role of monster hunters and poachers has gone from BS to KB... I hope that, if this continues, the spiritual aspect of KB is further explored (we already have monsters and warmachines).

    Honestly it is the perfect setup for a definitive split between the green skins and Kragnos. Which would align with the launch of a new Destro faction for Kragnos and his Drogrukh. This would be also a super fit for the Era of the Beast, having a new destro faction as its conclusion.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, lele said:

    So we will have Daughters and Chaos in Dawnbringer V? @@          

    I think Chaos is almost confirmed. Daugther is the one that is less sure. Also, I don't discard Dawnbringers VI being V the chaos focused one and VI the closing one.

  6. I've finished the campaign. I gotta say it is quite plain history whise. I could even agree with some of the negative side reviews (even if they didn't play that far). The last battle is intense, even in lower difficulties, but the end of the plot is interesting. Leaves you a good taste once you finish the game. They did a nice work there.

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  7. 31 minutes ago, michu said:

    I'm still not buying this whole "whole team got replaced".

    I tried to listen to the last stream, at x2 but didn't get the bit where he said it. Maybe it was in a different one. According to him, the teams that took the project are the necromunda and warcry ones from the top of my head. Dont remeber if he said a 3rd one, but he mentioned necromunda for sure. I have doubts about the warcry one.

  8. 4 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    Agreed, would love to get a first hand account of what happened. Maybe some of the former workers will show up on the Painting Phase at some point. Unless GW started updating their NDA. 

    Didn't the girl that used to paint for warhammer + used to work for TOW as well? Maybe she tells about it one day.

  9. 6 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    That would explain the changing plans regarding plastic Kislev and Cathay. 

    BTW I'm not shooting the messenger, I just :

    1. love Chaos ;

    2. think it is weird they have plans for the quite limited amount of "TOW Core Factions" BUT the two Chaos ones ... (I mean, they aren't including all the old WFB factions in TOW, yet even the few they keep aren't all going to be covered by Bretonian-like medium releases ? MADNESS :P)

    Shoot the messenger if you want, I don't mind. Just don't do it on my poor right knee xD

    Imo all kind of rumour/data is wellcome and always lead to interesting conversations. From now on, as this guy mentions are always bringing debate I will try to stop the video while I listen to it so I can point to the source/ quote him better.

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  10. 2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    What’s their track record like, in terms of stuff they correctly predicted?

    I’m not saying they’re wrong about everything, god knows specialist games has had stuff happen close to release before - the whole Adeptus Titanicus product line and business model shifting shortly after its first preview, the Legionis Imperialis rulebook being pulped and redone - but saying that the entire rules for TOW were written in a single afternoon sounds like an huge exaggeration at best, an outright fabrication at worst because yeah, that’s just not possible.

    For comparison, Gorkamorka is considered to have been the most rushed ruleset ever done by GW. Andy Chambers wrote that in 8 weeks in a desperate hurry to have something ready for the xmas launch and production block. And like TOW, that was using an existing ruleset as a base (Necromunda) but for far fewer factions and with far less ‘stuff’.

    I don't have a record to share, but I've been asking about him in my whatsapp groups since I posted his 1 day rules. The consensus is pretty positive. Even some of the biggest spanish youtubers use what he shares as source of truth. Something you woulnd't do if it is someone that could bring you trouble.

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