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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 minute ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Terrible "rumors".


    What they were saying is that this is all that they have prepared/planned. If it sells well they would go with more. Also heard them saying that the whole team working on this left and the current one has been working for quite a small time. Like 6 months only.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    Was that the same person who said the preorder order would be:

    Battleforces -> Necrons/Admech -> Legions Imperialis

    Because then his info might be correct but outdated since they changed two of those around.

    Nope. That was a different one. Khorosu Wargamer. This was a casual one that received some how the first Battleforce picture.

    Miniature war is more focused on WHFB and sometimes drops some info here and there from his source about other games. Now is fully focused on TOW, but cannot say everything he knows at once to do not uncover his source.

  3. 1 minute ago, Chikout said:

    This may be true but Hastings, the source of that rumour,  has already been wrong. He claimed we'd be getting a tomb kings chariot but we got the dragon instead. 

    I dind't got it from Hastings, but from a spanish streamer that is supposed to have a contact inside GW called miniaturewar.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    Probably not, but I was kinda thinking they might show off a resin kit. After all the Bretonian reveals were done over a 5-6 month period, we now have about 3 months at most to the OW box(s) going onto pre-order, probably significantly less to the TK stuff being fully shown off, that is a lot less time, so perhaps they will put some resin kits in on some Mondays.

    Perhaps not, I mean they could just dump the rest of the models on the show in January, we will see. Would like to see some more TKs though!

    The rumours I've heard is that we would have Bretonia and TK, then 6 months after that Empire/Kislev vs Orcs. Another 6 months after that Dwarvens vs High Elves.

    If the launch is 24th Feb as it was said on twitter, there's plenty of time to show 5-6 minis/kits.

  5. I know it is a bit of the "not releated yet but whising more" kind of conversation, but what else could FEC get? I've checked the current BT and there's not really more than one faction in terms of painting variations. It is all focused on FEC from different realms. Do we expect to have different lords apporting new units? And maybe the court being extended as well?

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Souleater said:

    What might we see in a potential’ Dawnbrigner box? Has to be Ushoran, but might he get paired with more new stuff such as some of the court?


    I suspect they would all be released separately later on, but higher cost.


    I have the feeling it would be either no boxes or that GW has some sort of secret saved to give us a surprised with boxes for some other armies.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    Any chance the FEC foot heroes will be a command corps/gobbapalooza style box? Pricing would be a lot more palatable if foot heroes were sold that way more often.

    I dont think so. The army would loose flexibility building lists.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Preppikoma said:

    Ok, I'm no longer 'fairly certain' XD Still, going by 0:33--0:35 of the preview video here, the base, albeit partially obstructed, seems to me to be somewhat skewed, with the left end going to the background and the right one to the foreground.

    Otherwise, 130mm is the best estimate for a round base.

    I would say this pics sometimes are jusy photoshop, so could be an error while putting it in the setting.

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  9. 4 hours ago, Luperci said:

    I was thinking about this the other day, while a lot of people think the setting could be ulgu, I can see a solid case for Chamon. It's also relatively unexplored in major lore and the ruins of the old khazalid empire are said to be overrun by skaven and also hold chaos dwarf fortresses. I'd love to see a theme for 4th edition be war machines and mechanical creations like we had loads of monsters and behemoths in 3rd. It just depends whether the skaven release will focus on clan skryre or eshin I suppose.

    Edit: chamon would also be fluffy for a frazzlegits/gsg 2nd wave(skrappa spill is nearby grungni's old forge city ruins) and kharadron 2nd wave


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  10. 5 hours ago, Souleater said:

    From the leaked sprues could folks see if the halberdiers and Cryptguard were the same kit? I think they are.?

    I’m not sure I can afford two army boxes but we’ll see how quickly I can eBay stuff. 😄

    They are. In the post from the preview they appear under the same section.

  11. 5 hours ago, Grunbag said:

    Just to make sure : they announced 12 models for dawnbringer or 12 factions ?

    because fec and Gloomspite got 2 dawnbringer models for exemple 


    also does IJ are part of the dawnbringer count ? None of their box are entitled Dawnbringer . 
    if i count the faction that had a so called dawnbringer we have :

    - fyreslayers

    - nurgle

    - Gloomspite goblin 

    - Gloomspite trolls

    - fec hero

    - fec summer king

    - sce 

    - sylvaneth 


    At least 12 factions. And yes. IJ counts.

  12. 5 hours ago, pnkdth said:

    The new ones are more sinewy but there's isn't a whole lot separating them. Most players already have a metric tonne of them too and the prospect of having to redo all of them won't be very appealing. Which is why I think GW decided to focus on new releases and adding to the range instead.

    I don't think they main reason has been that, but rather than the roster was quite small, so adding new units instead of replacing them was a better option for the overall faction.

  13. 6 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Let's take a step back.

    We've just finished the 3rd edition streak of upgrading armies that need it.

    • Flesh Eater Courts : done
    • Cities of Sigmar  done
    • Seraphon  done
    • Skaven : loading... 🔄
    • Ogors loading... 🔄
    • Beastmen : loading... 🔄

    Dont forget the clearly needed refresh for Stormcast... and jokes aside, Blades of Khorne pretty likely getting the first box refreshed.

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  14. 1 minute ago, madmac said:

    This is starting to remind me of about two years ago, when every bump in the night was proof positive that dwarfs were getting souped and Fyreslayers in particular would never ever get new models.

    It is not comparable. Bonesplitterz are there just cause WHFB, FS are an AoS faction. About the soup, we still have time 🤭

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