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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 9 minutes ago, WAAAGHdogg15 said:

    Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere or is common knowledge, a search of the site didn't throw anything up.

    Lumineth Realmlords ability "Deep Thinkers" allows a spell to be automatically cast with a casting roll of 9. The spell can still be unbound, but it doesn't say anything about modifying that roll of 9. I.e. if I am Zaitrec (+1 to cast) or standing next to arcane terrain etc, can I modify this automatic "roll" to make it higher? Can it be modified down by opponents' abilities or is it always just 9?

    According to the BT FAQs:


    Q: Can a Lumineth Realm-lords Wizard use their ‘Deep Thinkers’ ability to automatically cast a spell that has a casting value of 10 or higher (such as ‘Merciless Blizzard’)?
    A: No.

    So no, it cannot be modified. Otherwhise the answer would point to value changes rather than being a plain no.

  2. 3 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    What are we anticipating/expecting/guessing for the Underworlds reveal?

    I've lost track, and doesn't help that I get mixed up between Underworlds and Warcry when it comes to future releases...

    I think the guess consensus was Lumineth vs Osiarchs?

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  3. 16 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Good point.
    I'd almost copy Boarding Actions with a few additions.
    Examples for everyone not familiar with it:


    - Units can only be taken in their minimum sizes. Monsters of a certain size are not allowed (this can be edited depending on missions)
    - Only visible models can be killed (shooting & magic in 40K in AoS I'd say both: Shooting, magic and melee)
    - Some mechanic to tear down/fight from barricades
    - Missions layouts
    - Max 2 Heroes
    - Commands can only be issued to visible units and not through closed barricades and doors.
    - No Faction Terrain


    Not much more to add, unley you guys have cool ideas!

    (then everything has to be put into words and we need missions)


    If we going to move into cities, should we have something relative to height for buildings and stuff like that? Talking completely from a non player pov.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Xil said:

    I use mouse and I use the hotkeys.

    BUT...as I don't know the ability hotkeys yet and was in the middle of a fight, needing to activate it I miss clicked. I selected the unit by number and clicked where I expected the ability to be...aaaand retreated by accident. Noticing the unit doesn't have the ability and instead the retreat button was exactly on that spot :/

    I have to say that this happened to me three times or so (but pressing R by error). And the fact that you cannot cancel it is annoying xD

  5. Just now, Red Bull said:

    Maybe Ushoran will come out in the Dawnbringer series as an army of renown.

    seems like they might be doing something similar with DoK and the rumored morai heg priestess

    The point for me is that those rumours are supposed to be coming from ppl that has the army box codex. If you release an army refresh/ update would you leave the big boss out of the codex? Unless a super unexpected lore tweak is under something like that would feel weird.

  6. 18 minutes ago, snikch said:

    This is from the AoS coach discord


    Know someone who has seen FeC book. Sprue we've been seeing is new unit. Seems old ghouls and horrors stay

    New heroes.


    Centerpiece model mortarch

    So everything we've been saying so far, hehehe

  7. 2 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    What's your n the Court? The Judge and Executioner? Gorewarden seems a bit more stand alone.

    Of course you could have Judge, Jury and Executioner all in one...tumblr_mnbk527yni1qf427ko1_1280.jpg.2bb064f62d1dec02ad94496f62d8cf07.jpg

    What about the guy that calls out nobles that join the castle, telling all their titles and all that stuff, and a servant sort of Alfred from Batman. Maybe even a joker.

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  8. 1 minute ago, EntMan said:

    At least 3 units:

    The leaked ghouls sprue.

    The judge.

    The Gorewarden

    And probably Ushoran.

    I expect theres more I've forgotten. And I'd be surprised if there's no to more we don't know yet.

    I think Whitefang also hinted an executioner and I remember hints about bat riders, but I have no clue about the source.

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  9. 1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

    If GW would finally release an actual City kit I'd build an actual city (and my GF would kill me) XD
    Give me Towers like the Osgiliath set has and all that cool stuff.

    How about we start a community project for rules fighting within a city?

    If we have CoS buildings that are so flexible like the LOTR or Ash Wastes ones I would have my wife killing me as well. It would be so awesome...

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  10. 2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    I apologize in advance for the idle musings: So I have been thinking about Dawnbringers, Warcry and Terrain. It made me think of what I think is really awesome idea. I have been wondering if we would see a Boarding Actions style game and I remember someone mentioning city streets as an alternative to dungeons, mines or caves. I started realizing that much like boarding actions finding its DNA in Space Hulk, a city combat game could find some inspiration from Mordheim.  

    Kicking off a new season of Warcry with a Mordheim themed set would be really cool. Update the setting to be in the failed City from Dawnbringers with the terrain including some small Buildings and city scatter. The associated models can be updated Gutter Runners facing off against updated Flagellants. Using Hunter and Hunted as a template we can then see dual box expansions with a larger singular terrain piece with each release giving a new city structure (Abbey, Inn, Blacksmith, Wizard tower etc.). So if you bought the Warcry Starter set or simply the terrain you'd be enticed by each release as a way of expanding on your city much like how Kill Team releases gave you alternate lay outs for your boarding action games. 

    Obviously like Boarding Actions and Space Hulk this would not be intended as a remake of Mordheim. Also due to the ties between this hypothetical setting and Dawnbringers I feel like the armies that were featured with minimal updates would all be good candidates for getting warbands in this proposed Warcry Season. Like Boarding actions it could further serve as the basis of its own ruleset for fighting in tight quarters that could easily be adapted for fighting on a ship, or in a stormkeep, dungeon etc. 
    Considering that we still have yet to see these buildings I feel like my idea would never pass muster, but I feel like with the introduction of new cities models and the foundation of new Cities means that lots of collectors and gamers would love to get some high quality buildings. 

    Back to rumours, I am really hopeful that we get a reveal for the Lady of Ruin and as big a reveal for Flesh Eater Courts that we got for Cities of Sigmar.

    Maybe you are in the right way. Just look at all the building options from realms of ruins: Comunidad Steam :: Ejecutor :: Capturas (steamcommunity.com)

    And I didn't screenshot them all, just the ones I thought could be interesting to take inspiration from.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    Khorne and Tzeentch have had “recent” art but all 4 have Older Art from way back when. I’m very much in the mindset of More is more and would relish a Sigmar model. Unpopular opinion but I would want him in Resin (the real resin) with all the detail and attributes they give the Primarchs - just look at Horus Ascended and Fulgrim, now Imagine what Sigmar could be. If they can portray the Primarchs and the Emperor, they can Portray Sigmar. Horus Heresy got Horus, and Lord of the Rings got Sauron, Age of Sigmar is missing out 😂



    If it is going to be 250 € like Fulgrim, better to do not release him!

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  12. 1 hour ago, Mutton said:

    Yeah I'm never reading another PCGamer review if this is their seal of quality. His review was a joke flecked with massive prejudice against the setting. I'll bet my salary that the dude knows zero-to-nothing about AoS. Why the hell would you give the AoS game to someone who vehemently hates AoS? 

    This is also happening with some Spanish reviews... we still have the stigma...

    • Sad 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Played a bunch of campaign and conquest last night.

    I'm still not really feeling the "slowness" of campaign though conquest was noticeably speedier for roaming units between objectives. however, I still got my butt kicked in campaign because the AI can micro a lot better. dropping conquest to easy was a bit more manageable (so far). TBH i'm not sure how i'll fare with increased speed on normal/medium!

    there will probably be some patches to help unit responsiveness, some of the movement can get stuttery. people complaining about melee units standing around getting shot either forgot or don't know RTS games do that. however, a physical minimap notification for fights happening would help IMO. there's AUDIO cues but when multiple things happen at once they can get lost like in real battles.


    I play at max difficulty and prob would reduce it a bit. At campaign 6 I feel I am facing swarms of Tyranids instead of Krules.

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  14. 45 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Depends on if the Prime is going to be featured heavily in lore or not. I think it would make sense to update the model wielding THE Warhammer sooner rather than later. If we don't see thunderstrike Prime yet, I definitely think we'll be seeing thunderstrike Vandus though.

    What about his Spear. Do you think it would have more presence as well? Maybe give it to another of his top tier Stormcast?

  15. 1 hour ago, Stormy1486 said:

    I'm excited by the tomb king release, if only to have access to the sphinx, stalkers and necropolis knights (the necrosphinx being in my top five minatures ever made).

    I am ready to be dissapointed, based off the Bretonnian preview, that we are unlikely to see an updated settra, queen, tomb scorpion, screaming skull catapult, casket of souls, bone giant or carrion.

    I really hope the very very aged skeleton warriors and chariots are updated. I do not feel they stand the test of time and were already outdated 20 years ago (unlike the Bretonnian men at arms, bowmen and knights).

    Would be interesting to see what is released, likely a new liche priest.

    Imo TOW is not about renewing much minis, but about putting the old ones back for sale.

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