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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 17 minutes ago, Sarges said:

    So what do you think the contents of the army set will be? Compared to previous sets I'm guessing something like this:
    - Abhorrant Gorewarden:
    - Grand Justice Gormayne:
    - 2x10 "Palace Guards":
    - 3-5 bat riders that were hinted by @Whitefang.

    Whitefang hinted that the we would have most of the court members, so I see them similar to the recently launched CoS Command Corpse, hence I don't see the judge joining the box.

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    That's a  model silly/funny in a goblin way. In my opinion it doesn't match current range at all.

    I don't expect that the new minis would match the current range, given that only 6 products from the range where designed for AoS (2 of those are warcry and underworlds bands).

    Would't surprise me if the aesthetic change a bit into a more delusionish style. Which is kind of what the AoS models have been tending to.

    • Like 8
  3. 3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Incredible miniature! I love watching FEC transform into the faction the lore always said they were.

    And they are putting the standard super high for Ushoran. Definetely the best minis that GW has released this year are all AoS related.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    I'm hoping this means there won't be a significant price change when the Aelves recently removed from Cities come back as TOW Elves.

    According to the bretonian post the units would be larger. It wouldn't surprise me if the price is the same (price per mini) or even cheaper to match the prices of its equivalent, HH.

    If we check the dark elves price and try to compare it with the number of minis and price in the HH units it would have to be lowered down to match the cost per mini (20 minis / 60 € in HH and 10 mins / 32,50 € for the cheapest Dark Elves. Even 42,5 for dwarvens).

    • Like 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    Do you have the prices in Pounds by any chance @Ejecutor?

    I am really hoping that the Titan prices have not gone up...

    I only know the rumours about LI being 120 pounds /150 €. It ended being 155 €, so LI could be 120 pounds, but I don't know for sure.

    EDIT: The WARLORD TITAN WITH PLASMA ANNIHILATOR appears as 90 € for me in the store. So seems the price didn't change.

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, Matrindur said:

    Couldn't it also be Dawnbringers 4 next? The last three books went up for preorder the day after the fourth shortstory went up. Last Friday was the second of the current batch and at least the third one will be coming this week as written in the last shortstory article. So as long as they don't take a break between the third and fourth one the day after the fourth would be the 25th which is the next possible preorder day.

    Also the reveal show happens on Saturday so the day before they would show the preorders off on Sunday so if we get the book revealed then it would be possible to get it for preorder a week later.


    The problem with the shorts that I am seeing is that, as someone pointed out, it is not 4 shorts but 5 per book. So this friday we would be getting the second one. It is normally released once the third one has been put live.

    Also the fact that we have confirmation that we would see FEC and we have many more announcements in a pretty short period of time makes me think we won't see Dawnbringer 4 in this preview. But it is not crazy if it ends making appearance.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Removing Epic from the list. I'm glad about that, but they have content for 2 more weeks.


      Hide contents

    Lady of Ash
    Squat vehicle

    Age of Sigmar
    Key Abhorrant
    Mistery book Winter
    Dawnbringer: 4

    2 Warbands (Order vs Death)
    2 Warbands (who knows)

    Destro Warband
    Rival Deck 2

    Horus Heresy
    Assault Squad
    Mistery Army
    Legion Command Squad
    Lords of War
    Khan Biblio-Shaman

    Warhammer 40k
    Adeptus Mechanicus + Tallman + Combat Patrol
    Necrons + Imotekh + Overlord + Combat Patrol
    Dark Angels
    Adeptus Custodes
    T'au Empire
    Chaos Space Marines

    Kill Team 
    Scouts vs Scorpions


    Old World
    Bretonnian Paladin + Standard Bearer + Unicorn hero + foot Standard Bearer + foot knights + lord on pegasus + maiden + old kits
    Tomb Kings Hero

    Blood Bowl
    Grashnak Blackhoof    

    Epic HH
    The box
    Dire wolfs
    Support box (Deredeo, Leviathan, Tarantula & Rapier)
    Support Auxilia
    New terrain
    Fast Attack pack
    Drops Dread
    Land Raiders
    Super-heavy Storm


    Pretty likely the next week would be something like black library or a minor release like HH heroes, right?

    • LOVE IT! 1
  8. 5 hours ago, RetconnedLegion said:

    When I had a store in the UK, about 7 years ago, trade discount was 40% off RRP for most items, 20% for Direct Order only items. 

    Wow. That's crazy.

    Here the discount percentage is slowly decresasing. I used to buy in a couple of stores where they were doing a 25% off, then both stopped selling GW. Now I am buying in one that dropped from 25 to 22%. There's 2 or 3 more that does a 20%, but most of them is doing a 10-15%.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Grungnisson said:

    OR they are still as bad as predicting the demand as they have always been, and still struggle with the new warehouses/ordering systems.

    GW has no interest in 'slowly killing LGS'. In fact they'd be shooting their own foot, if they did. Imagine a world, where only GW retails their own products. This means they only sell as much as the individual customers, the hobbyists like you and me, buy. The resto of the stock stays on GW's own shelves, losing money.

    Introduce the LGSs, who will preorder in bulk. If they sell it all out, good on them. But if not? It's now their problem that the boxes are gatherind dust on shelves, while GW has already made money on units that otherwise would be clogging up their warehouse. So yes, selling directly, vs selling through an LGS migh mean taking a smaller cut, but having the LGSs involved they do shift far more stock than they would have otherwise, and also reduce their storage costs. 

    If that's the case, which I agree totally makes sense, they are not only not improving, but doing it worst and worst every time.

    I buy in several LGS' and all of them are pretty unhappy with GW, to the point where three or four are moving away from selling GW products at all.

    • Like 3
  10. 11 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    I scored my Battleforce because my LGS could place orders for their stock on Tuesday and I made my interest known early. 

    I got confiirmation for 1 of the 2 I asked for as well, but as they received very few I passed so someone else could get it.

    It is very sad how GW is slowly killing the LGS with the lack of stock allocated so they can make the full profit from their website/ stores.

    • Like 5
  11. 2 minutes ago, Someravella said:

    Gobbsprak for Realms of Ruin is a 5 eur DLC.

    I was wondering if I should buy this game, but now I have decided not to. I hate this P2W and paid DLC business model.

    Yndrasta added as well, but you don't need to buy them to play. You can opt between different heroes. They won't be an extension of the roster.

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