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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 2 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    That’s so cool! 😍 (and Gobsprakk makes sense too as not only a rival but his love of taking Tzeentch limbs as trophies lines up with that faction 😁)

    Interesting you swap them in by choosing another hero unit you take out of a roster instead of just an auto-add.

    That could be very good indicator of future roster packs like if you buy an Ironjawz pack you can swap out the Kruleboyz units for mostly Ironjawz or do a mix. Same thing with Stormcast chambers, missing NightHaunt units and maybe even a Slaves to Darkness ally pack?

    My hype is way up and the twitch stream hasn’t even dropped yet! 😁

    The only downside I see with this approach is the balancing of those heroes and the online games. Imagine Yndrasta being too OP and playing against users that doesn't own the DLCs...

  2. If we follow the pattern of 5 dawnbringer shorts per book and the weekly release. Being the book put on pre orders on the week the 3rd short is released this would mean that book 4 would be announced in two weeks. On 26/11 and arriving on 9/12. The week after Imperiales is released.

    If this timing is mantained we would meet the rumours/ schedule of book 4 before 2024.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  3. 12 hours ago, Lucentia said:

    I don't think Ushoran would make it into the box, at least to my memory it would be the first time a big, unique character was put in a launch box.  20 ghouls and some sort of cavalry seems plausible though, a couple of small/mid sized heroes and some sort of bruiser unit on top of that would probably do it.

    I mentioned Ushoran because I am not seeing him being a massive piece. If it goes bigger than I think I agree it won't be in the box.

    About being released with the next Dawnbringers book, it all depends on when the Army box vs when the book 4 would be released.

    I cannot imagine a FEC battletome that doesn't include Ushoran, and I think the army box would be released before the book 4, so I don't see it being released with the dawnbringer boxes.

    • Like 2
  4. 44 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

    Checking the app and the Cursed City models were carried over. They all look like trash (maybe the healing priest could be ok?), but it is still cool that they are included lol.

    I always wondered why so many of the cross game units are so bad. You would think they would make them top tier in order to sell more???

    They were part of legends even before the app updated recently.

    About the models, we don't share the same opinion hehehe

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  5. 19 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    I‘m sorry for laughing but that was kinda funny too. 

    i figure it‘s only a matter of time before Sylvaneth get updated Wanderers. If they all look as good as „Cool“athis, it will most likely be a decent trade… until then, people should just let wanderer fans proxy their models. They‘ll also be usable in TOW. Still kinda sucks but it looks like there will be a silver lining at least

    I am not so confident about having new wanderers. As part of Silvaneth, if they release something similar in concept, I doubt it would be similar in terms of aesthetics. And for CoS that role is already coped by the Wildercorpses.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  6. 27 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    App updated with Cities of Sigmar and Dawnbringer III.
    New FAQs too. A bit for Cities of Sigmar, Belthanos can't be summoned by Allarielle anymore and a few tweaks to Dawnbringers book III (enhancements for unique characters and range for Ionus).

    Some points raising for CoS and Hurricane FAQed as well.

    Marvelous testing work.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 59 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    don't feel too bad, SC2 is definitely one of the fastest RTS and IME one of the most punishing. when it felt like "getting good" was more about memorizing build orders for a Meta rather than enjoying the game i noped out of multiplayer. never figured out how to defend against early zerg rushes either rofl.

    i'll be creating maps for RoR, doing Conquest mode, and dipping my toes into multi to see how it feels compared to SC and AOE

    One of the key aspects I would be using it is to get inspiration for terrain pieces. The map editor looks awesome!

    • Like 5
    • LOVE IT! 1
  8. 1 minute ago, EntMan said:

    Remember, as usual with WH+ competitions, you don't actually have to be subscribed to enter.Screenshot_20231108-171905.png.a997359acb587259a59658cdbf069e91.png

    Lol. I read the terms for curiosity, because I don't know how the 'Twitter like' enters in the equation and I read that... is like being scammed xD The whole point of the raffle is unnecesary.

    I am W+ sub, so just liked the game in Twitter, but c'mon, this is a cheeky way to try to catch W+ subs when you don't really need to.

    • Like 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    if there are no sprue pictures I would report this to customer service. there seems to be a lot of missing pictures that WERE on the original site's pages. And I'm still seeing sprue pics on newer things like Thunderstrike kits.

    Sprue pics are handy, true, but what I really miss is the 360º shots.

    • Like 9
  10. 4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I find the idea that there are a bunch of people out there who are close enough to GW to have insider knowledge, but at the same time can't tall apart Stormcast and Tomb Kings, extremely funny.

    Honestly, I don't 100% believe it, since even though I don't really interact with 40k at all, I think I would be able to tell which faction a new model from that game belongs to at a glance. Then again, Thunderstrike Stromcast were billed as "Bretonnian Stormcast" by that one guy in the lead up to 3rd edition. Anyway, the idea that all those inside sources only know about 40k or have not looked at fantasy models since AoS launched in 2015 is hilarious.

    Well, Ionus has a skull helmet. It is enough to think it is a TK xD

    • Haha 5
  11. 30 minutes ago, Greene said:

    I think we still have chance,
    online preview on 17/11

    we have 30k epic and KT box not release yet, minus this week for one of these.

    so it could be..
    next week pre-order & release data
    1. 19/11 & 09/12
    2.26/11 & 16/12

    one for KTor30K , or for FEC Armybox 😍

    if true, it'll be best Xmas gift ever!

    Imperiales has been confirmed to be released on 2/12. So one thing less. Imo we would get the BT announced before 2024, but not released this year.

    • Sad 1
  12. 8 hours ago, boyadventurer said:

    Dunno if it was already brought up, but I only just saw that the Blacktalons are push fit. Maaaaaaan that's an expensive box for 5 push fit models.

    Clever webstore update no longer says if its push fit/multipart and no sprue pics either.

    I don't think the sprue pics is a change made on purpose, more a side effect of the web replacement that needs to be fixed.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    While we may not be getting any Warcry stuff, this is still a stacked preview! Place your bets now ladies, gents, and everything in between!


    Teasers for future factions (probably chaos)

    release date


    Dawnbringers IV

    Flesh Eaters preview

    Chorfs (man can dream)


    No clue


    more single hero units and codexes

    Horus Heresy

    Assault Squads, Mark III weapons kits, new named character

    Kill Team

    Night Lords upgrade sprue


    Aranthian Succession finale, plus plenty of new gangers/cultist kits.

    Rumours I've heard about TOW says TK and Bretonia, then 6 months after if sells goes well, Orcs vs Empire. So my guess is only TK for this one.

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