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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 23 minutes ago, Vagard said:

    What if the roumor engine is related to beasts of chaos? Like a long shot RE but it will not be the first one. All the marks on the skull and the stone could match with them

    EDIT : Or maybe a warcry terrain tho

    The shape of the big bones could even match chorfs xD

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  2. 1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    What are we even looking at here? I mean, what is the "ground" supposed to be? I doesn't really look anything like a rock or GW dirt (sculpted or texture paste).

    I think is beause the way GW sometimes chops the pic to do now show more than they want that it feels so weird, but deffo is something on the floor, imo.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Elarin said:

    Not really Age of Sigmar news, but something about the release schedule: Legion Imperialis is going to be released on the 2nd of December 

    Released as it would be for sale? Or announced for preorders?

    If it is the second this schedule is kinda confirmed:

  4. 2 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    I don't know. Lorewise they can tell what they want about FeC, but visually / aesthetics wise I see no connection with Bretonnian or any other Old World culture. But it is still an extremely cool miniature and I can't wait to see the rest of the range! But they could write he is the gatekeeper of somekind of Vampire overlord and that still would look plausible when looking at the miniature.

    Imo the connection is innegable. The whole delusion screams Bretonnia everywhere, but there's one particular bit that imo is the key. The enless spells.


    Chalices, horses, and even the Fleur-de-lis. It cannot be more Bretonnian.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Taerg Ad Ywons said:

    Given how Forge World has been rolled into the general umbrella, would it mean any finecast kits from WHFB coming back for TOW will be made using FW resin?

    The more I see of TOW, the more I won't partake in it. That's mostly due to it coming across as more nostalgia than anything else. Love the setting, just...I'm not as young as I was and there's other game systems that can be had (like AoS, for one!) If certain models come back, I'll snap them up more for kitbashing and for putting the 'your dudes' back into the hobby.

    It'll be interesting to see how the extra skus add to keeping things in stock.


    Edited to add in the forbidden word 'finecast'

    I think it is confirmed that indeed anything old recasted would use the forgeworld resin.

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  6. With the focus on the Summer King, the sun and this iconography we are kind of seeing with today's post about the Seneschal, do you think we could see some sort of come back of the Estalian style/ culture such us Myrmidia?

    Maybe the new FEC aesthetic/ lore could be a mix of the two colindant factions, Bretonia and Estalia?

    There was also a short video where the humans appearing there looked a bit like Estalians. Did you notice any other hint about Estalia?

    Let me know your thoughts!

    AoS GorewardenReveal Nov06 Image2

  7. 19 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    And to make myself clear on this, I'm not criticising anything. Personally, I lost interest when they mentioned the square bases, but it's simply a game for a different audience. And then, on top of that, I think more and more that the game itself doesn't even need to be that successful. As long as the plastic sells. I seriously doubt Underwolds as a game is all that massive, but man, do those warbands fly.

    Is this a case of the plastic selling? Wouldn't be a case of Forge world selling their resin?

    Ofc the new web stores merge would help, but plastic should be a minor part of TOW, right? Or at least thinking in terms of new sculpts.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Swamp Trogg said:

    Presumably, they will stay, being sourced in the warhammer community article about the new character. 

    What exact bit leads you to that conclusion? This one that links to the Crypt Flayers?

    They rally their swiftest bannermen to meet the task, and these fierce men and women descend upon their quarry as though carried by great wings – the result, surely, of many years spent in the pursuit of their sacred duty. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Hawke said:

    He's literally perfect, I can't stop looking at it, my heart skipped a beat. Death is the only grand alliance i don't possess but I fear not for too much longer.

    It is definetely awesome. And very tempting indeed, but if I would have to change something would be the bones around the neck.

    FEC is tempting me pretty hard, and my collector side has a problem with this with the removed from sale warcry band and the collector abhorrant ghoul king on the throne :(

  10. 6 hours ago, Matrindur said:

    I really didn't believe it but after today hats off to you, you where correct. Now if that 150€ is true too that would be a really great price as that would be over 40% discount for every single one and 20€ less than last year.

    Is part of the game. I just post what a "random guy" from internet says. And this particular one, with BFs being so early and "cheap" is quite hard to believe. Lets see the prices in a few!

  11. 20 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

    I don’t think these are major releases in that way. Plus we had a new Dawnbringers short… if the pattern with the previous 3 books holds that means Nov. 25th will be a Dawnbringers preorder. 

    Well, codex are not major in terms of content, but in terms of the game itself. I guess they would be released with their relative new minis as well.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Baz said:

    2 weeks until further notice 

    So the release schedule, according to rumours would be:

    18/11 - BFs.
    02/12 - 40 Codex
    16/12 - Imperialis

    Always considering that they don't change this 2 weeks preorder thingy and that December doesn't have some sort of weird hiccup.

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