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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 23 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    My by far biggest issue with AoS Factions is that they feel very flat and superficial.

    It‘s the one thing WHF did a better job of.

    To summarize what I mean.

    CoS - Victims and fodder

    Idoneth - A faction of Dou**ebags (in every Novel as well), not much to them

    DoK - Would never work as a society xD single-minded (stupid) blood lust

    Vampire Counts - good, yet very shallow in contrast to their depiction in WHF

    Orks - Whatever? Foaming, quite dumb?

    ogres - same as orcs but hungry


    In WHF factions were more nuanced with a lot more depth (the same goes for battle descriptions, which in AoS mostly read like a children story with Characters acting out of character to push the story into a predictable direction)

    That‘s just my opinion and I‘ll  get a lot of disagreement for it ^^


    I have not enough knowldege to agree or disagree, but could be possible that it is an outcome of the way ppl (specially youngest) tend to comsume quicker and easier content?

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Someravella said:

    I do not like that the lore for Destruction factions in GW are often simplified to "we do not like civilisation and we only want to break things". Imo, they do not have a proper reason to be that way.

    At the end, Destruction consists of those mythological creatures that do not fit Death, Chaos or Order (orcs, trolls, ogres, goblins, etc.).

    Would be reasonable to have some sort of lore event that change the core behaviour of the destruction factions? Like Gorka Morka turning the orcs into a constructuive civilization? I think is quite complicate to change something that is so big in the roots of the faction.

  3. 4 hours ago, Keleath said:

    I disagree. According to the lore (Ogors battletome v2, Soulbound, brokenrealms Morathi…) it's the Hedonites of Slaanesh who should have corrupt Ogors. 

    from Soulbound Champion of Destruction:

    The method by which they acquire food rarely matters, and many Ogors have no compunctions about accepting work from Sigmar, only to serve in Archaon's armies immediately after. That being said, there are some lines that most Ogors won't cross. Their obsession with eating means Ogors are particularly vulnerable to corruption by Slaanesh, but these fallen hedonists are looked upon with scorn and suspicion by the rest. Mercenary work is one thing, but giving up the Mawpath forever and shackling oneself to a weak god is quite another.

    I always have this inner debate about Role books. Are they considered canon/ lore 100%? Are they checked by the black library team? Asking from the lack of knowledge.

    • Like 1
  4. 38 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    I might get some hate for this but to me Kragnos was a horrible concept right from the start anyways, one of the worst things GW put out in years. The mini doesn‘t look the part and it doesn‘t even look good, the sudden introduction wasn‘t good (would‘ve been better to tease him longer) and destruction has a lot of cooler centrepiece models that actually fit into the respective styles and compete with him. I dunno what they thought. It‘s not like Order has one big bad (big good?) either, so it‘s not needed, despite Nagash and Archaon. 

    In fact, imo, all this Kragnos introduction bring us another center piece that looks way better and more cohesive for the Stormcast. Krondys and Karazai.

    • Like 5
  5. 11 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    His old buddies of the same race as him I think, haven't heard that name for them before though, is it new from DB 3 or a fan name?

    They were mentioned during Broken Realms, very likely during the Kragnos book (where his story is told)

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  6. 37 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I believe that @Nezzhil already teased the remain factions suggesting they would be Khorne, Slaves, Obr, Cities, DoK and Skaven for a total of 13 factions with Dawnbringer minis. 

    I dont think this has any base. It is purely based on the factions that appeared on the books/re so far. Maybe we have surprises.

  7. 2 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    Don't know if this was asked or confirmed but Lorai for the Blacktalons doesn't count as an Idoneth release for the 12+ factions in Dawnbringers right?... please? 


    I would say it doesn't.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Adamcbutton said:

    Depends on the type of undead. As a zombie or skeleton you’re probably fine, as there isn’t really any sentience there. Nighthaunt though are all about being punished by Nagash. Bladegheist Revenants for example spend their entire existence experiencing their last moments - and seeing as they’re all the souls of people who died frantically trying to escape being trapped (drowning in confined spaces, buried alive) etc, it’s a pretty miserable afterlife

    I was not envisioning it as being a Nighthaunt, for example. I thought initially about it in that way, and yes, many are pretty bad damned. I was thinking of it as being a slave for the Nighthaunts, for example. I have the feeling they would treat you better than a Chaos follower.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    I imagine outside of the cities, most of the mortal realms operate on a barter system without a centralised currency. Unless chaos factions have an evil aqua ghyranis with warpstone instead of cyclestone lol

    Prolly a mix of skulls, bones, anything useful to survive outside (food, fur, horses, weapons/ metals, skill trading...), slaves... I imagine them working mainly with barter

    • Like 3
  10. 1 minute ago, Goatforce said:

    Can't argue with that! Surely the Summer King is both the most wealthy and benevolent ruler in the realms!

    Well, Ushoran in the myths time used to be pretty benevolent and loved. Pretty sure he still has a good bunch of gold and jewells hidden somewhere waiting for his comeback.

  11. 1 hour ago, lele said:

    A question, which faction is the richest and has the most money and gold and treasure?:

    - Ogor

    - Slaanesh

    - Ossiarch Bonereapers 

    - Daughters of Khaine

    - Fyreslayers

    Kharadron Overlords

    - Stormcast Eternal

    - Lumineth Realm-lords


    Fireslayers. They are literally wearing "gold" 😄

    You have to own too much to start wearing it.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Luperci said:

    I feel like they already would have if they were going to for the latter

    There's two reason to do not do it all at once:

    1 - Do not upset (more) players that already own them.
    2 - Do not realease all the new stuff together. It is smarter from a company pov to release it in smaller chucks and see if it is selling well or not.

    • Like 2
  13. 16 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    Don't worry my friend : spiderfang and bonesplitterz will stay in AoS.  :)

    Old world greenskins will be basically the models discontinued in 2019 , plus a few new minis coming in august 2024

      Reveal hidden contents



    Even if this is true, I think we can all agree that, sooner rather than later, all/most the WHFB models would be removed. Even if it is just based on a purely aestethics/time factor.

    Also, I saw talks about how the time to remove factions was first edition, or how this hint or another is the reason for X or Y to stay or go. Imo AoS is still too young. First ed can almost be discarded from the equation as not even the team knew what they were doing.

    Some movements were done to make the playerbase happy, like CoS release, during the 2ed, which is almost yesterday in terms of relative time. So I would say there's plenty of room for drastic changes like big chunks of models being removed, factions squated or renamed, and anything like that.

    • Like 5
  14. 26 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    We could count Trugg as Troggoth as 7th (sub) faction ?

    Yes , I think we have strong hints of :

    8)STD - Lady of ruin

    9) Khorne - either Scyla or Valkia 

    10) DoK - Morai heg

    11)Obr - Morghast hero 

    Imo Trugg is not counting as a faction per se. Specially thinking that Callis and Toll are around as well as possible faction (CoS). Even Skaven has a little chance as a prelude for 4th ed.

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