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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 2 hours ago, Luperci said:

    I feel like they already would have if they were going to for the latter

    There's two reason to do not do it all at once:

    1 - Do not upset (more) players that already own them.
    2 - Do not realease all the new stuff together. It is smarter from a company pov to release it in smaller chucks and see if it is selling well or not.

    • Like 2
  2. 16 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    Don't worry my friend : spiderfang and bonesplitterz will stay in AoS.  :)

    Old world greenskins will be basically the models discontinued in 2019 , plus a few new minis coming in august 2024

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    Even if this is true, I think we can all agree that, sooner rather than later, all/most the WHFB models would be removed. Even if it is just based on a purely aestethics/time factor.

    Also, I saw talks about how the time to remove factions was first edition, or how this hint or another is the reason for X or Y to stay or go. Imo AoS is still too young. First ed can almost be discarded from the equation as not even the team knew what they were doing.

    Some movements were done to make the playerbase happy, like CoS release, during the 2ed, which is almost yesterday in terms of relative time. So I would say there's plenty of room for drastic changes like big chunks of models being removed, factions squated or renamed, and anything like that.

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  3. 26 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    We could count Trugg as Troggoth as 7th (sub) faction ?

    Yes , I think we have strong hints of :

    8)STD - Lady of ruin

    9) Khorne - either Scyla or Valkia 

    10) DoK - Morai heg

    11)Obr - Morghast hero 

    Imo Trugg is not counting as a faction per se. Specially thinking that Callis and Toll are around as well as possible faction (CoS). Even Skaven has a little chance as a prelude for 4th ed.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

    A lot of people assumed there would only be 4 books for arks of omen since we only had a roadmap showing 4 but as we now know they made more, I assume this series will be at least 5 books, with the possibility of a 6th, if skaven are part of this I imagine it’ll be a large single model to lead in to the new edition

    A 6th book is an option I dind't consider, but seeing how slow we progress trougth the narrative, every book I see it more plausible.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Vagard said:

    So we don't take in account CoS and FeC? (sure they are not in the DB releases but strongly involved in the story) 

    FEC got a mini. I count them for the 12 factions count, but not CoS as they dind't get any mini yet. Maybe if Callis and Toll are finally released.

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  6. 18 minutes ago, DoctorPerils said:

    One option (however unlikely) for them to update that kit is to take advantage of the upcoming Death-centric DBringer book to release three new kits in parallel, one for each of the death factions in question.

    We already suspect that OBR will likely be in the same book as FEC, doesn't seem a stretch to also include SBGL. What's less certain is their willingness to release two big kits at the same time as the big FEC release, but they were able to put out Belthanos and Ionus together, so not impossible.

    I see this having a lot of chances. We got the 12 factions limit, and Death is the one lacking factions on that list count.

    We got so far:

    1 - Maggotkin of Nurgle.
    2 - Flesh-eater Courts.
    3 - Fyreslayers.
    3 - Gloomspite Gitz.
    4 - Orruk Warclans.
    5 - Stormcast Eternals.
    6 - Silvaneth.

    We have strong hints about Slaves to Darkness and Blades of Khorne. That would be 8.

    With SBGL and OBR we would go into 10 and Death would be pairing the rest of the factions in terms of coverage.

  7. 5 hours ago, Arathorn185 said:

    So while I find this utterly hilarious, I am not gonna lie, I am frustrated again. My Sigmar Army has gotten removed from the game again! For reference here:

    Fantasy: Bretonnia (Coming back in Old World)

    Age of Sigmar 1st Edition: Bretonnia-FreeGuild (I was planning on using Bretonnia (sense keyword shared) as a stepping stone to build FreeGuild army). Bretonnia lost FreeGuild keyword and then stuff like Order Knights got removed.

    Age of Sigmar 2nd Edition: Freeguild-Vampire Mercs. I transitioned to using Merc rules bought some Blood Knights, and otherwise. Relevant Mercs got removed from the game. 

    Age of Sigmar 2nd Edition Part 2: Shadowblade + Friends (Tempest Eye/Living City) I acquired some Stormcast, Wanderers, alongside other units and converted some of my Freeguild. Redid the army with a ShadowBlade Core + Assassin General. Realm Rules (Removal of Realm Facts, specifically Thermal Rider) ended that army. 

    Age of Sigmar 2nd/3rd Edition: Shadowblade + DoK/Stormcast Vangaurd (Hal Kuron and Misthaven). I more embraced the Shadowblade theme of shifty shifty, and began using DoK new units Khainte Units and/or Stormcast Vangaurd Rules. Originally intended for Hal Kuron, but then Legends rules for Uglu Wizard Aelves from that boardgames I transitioned to Misthavn. 

    Now ironically while Human Cavalry have returned, and alot of my hopes for genericier traits so my Assassin Generals wouldn’t feel meh. Shadowblade isn’t an army that can exist anymore. Furthermore Assassins only work with Aelf Units. Also I lost Stormcast Coalition. So like on principle I like new book and Bretonnia returning in ToW. But man getting my army removed from the game 5 times is book utterly hilarious and incredibly frustrating for me.

    Imo it is clear. If you want minis that would stay over time, buy the new range. I would say everytning else would be removed from CoS sooner rather than later.

  8. 1 minute ago, KriticalKhan said:

    Decoupling SBGL and FEC is pretty tricky because the terrorgheist alone builds

    -(Royal) Terrorgheist 

    -(Royal) Zombie Dragon

    -Ghoul King on Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon

    -Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon/Prince Vordhrai

    Six units! One of them is a named character!

    If GW updates it for FEC, and keeps their options, what happens if they don't add the vampire ones? Do they keep the old kit? Do they lose access to those units entirely? Do they get their own zombie dragon model? You could ask the same thing about Vargheists.

    They could update them as they are, but I can't think of a single modern AoS kit that has that level of modularity or, as others have said, cross-faction compatibility. One option I see is FEC getting a new terrorgheist with ghoul king, and the vampires getting a new zombie dragon and lord/Vhordrai. Crypt Horrors/Flayers and Vargheists get bespoke kits.  Or FEC gets updated models with slightly different names while SBGL keeps the old ones until their own update. Maybe GW doesn't touch any of them.

    We saw Morghasts and Arkhan dropped from Legions of Nagash when they became SBGL so I think GW is working toward each Death army having unique models but maybe they don't care this time. I don't know why I'm trying to predict this when I've been wrong just about every time. In fact, I could just delete this before I post it but I've spent ten minutes of my life thinking about tiny plastic vampire guys and all of you will just have to deal with it.

    I don't see it that tricky. Release the FEC one and leave the old one for the rest until they all get their new relatives slowly over time. If we are lucky we could have more than one refreshed at the same time.

    If it is not with this refresh, something like that is going to happen at some point, and the more likely scenario is that the kits are being updated when a new battletome is released. Maybe in X edition they launch those battletomes at the same time and refresh those kits all together.

    • Like 5
  9. 48 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    The new Blacktalons video has a piece of art I haven't seen before - Krondys fighting Kragnos


    Can anyone place where this is from?

    If it hasn't been used before... is Kragnos supposed to show up in Dawnbringers campaign soon?

    Someone said that Book 3 was all about seeds and that different factions/ characters lovers, including Kragnos, would enjoy it. Maybe it is from Book 3 or Book 4/5.

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  10. Just now, Red Bull said:

    How likely do we think Ushoran is? I know he was named dropped recently, but hasn’t that happened before?

    Personally, I’d be very excited to see him. Would single-handedly get my friend into the game 

    We are seing him named more often now, but has been named here and there in the past. And with the latest dawnbringers pointing straight to him, imo is very likely that we would see his mini around. FEC doesn't have a named character, so they need one.

    • Like 4
  11. 18 minutes ago, Souleater said:

    I’m hesitant about the FEC update. I really dislike the baboon hounds (even more strongly once I had built them) but the new ghouls in the same box are great. 

    I am not expecting the baboon being released outside of warcry bands and more specifically on ghur.

  12. Just now, Deakz28 said:

    Sorry, I was implying since it is only five kits(including Varg) I’d assume they’d refresh all 5, which is what brought me to the TG/ZK, but as someone said above it’s hinted to be new kits too, it would be super weird to bring everything up and leave the centre piece behind which may look decent now surrounded by older models, but not when around new kits, much how the ZK feels in current soulblights imo 

    Don't forget about Ushoran. I have the feeling it would be the new center piece.

  13. 22 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    From what I gather from whitefang, the new ghouls we've seen are more an elite unit in the book, than replacement for existing ghouls.

    The other hints strongly suggested some type of bat cavalry.

    So far whe have confirmed the Command Corpse like unit, being the court, and those elite ghouls plus hints on the bat cavalry.

    It would be surprising for me if the current ghouls doesn't get an update as well, being the oldest sprue from the whole range.

    So if all above turns to be true, that's 4. Ushoran is kinda confirmed as well, isn't him? 5.

    Even being 5, would be a pretty reasonable upgrade, but I hope we get something on the lines of 7-8 kits.

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  14. Al this FEC x Halloween tease got me thinking. Can we expect a release to the size of what we got for CoS? I've seen some messages around this kind of videos happening only with new armies and stuff like that, so the number of kits has to be high, right?

    If so, would the wording "highest refresh ever" that they gave to CoS kinda confirm that they have ready more waves?

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  15. 10 hours ago, Jator said:

    I won't say this makes a TK team any more likely. They specify it's a Team of Legend, and if they wanted to drop a hint about them being the next team this was the perfect opportunity to do so.

    Yeah. I agree with you. If CoS gets something before their second wave would be just Callis and Toll.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Ledgington said:

    Can anyone else see their unfulfilled orders? I can only see my completed orders which is a little worrying. And £20 digital voucher has also disappeared…

    Did you register your voucher? I received a mail about doing it. If you do I guess you have to either give it a bit of time. Web site launches are always stressfull and not tend to go as you expect, or contact support.

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