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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    It's cool that we got a teasing for model reveals at Halloween. I wonder what it'll be (it's totally FEC).

    Btw been away from TGA for a while, has there any rumour I missed ? 

    There's a rumour about Brood getting a baby and some about TOW. Minor ones. I think that's most of it.

  2. 51 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    So some people more inquisitive than I did some snooping and it appears the webstore is down because there's going to be a new webstore.

    Forge World and the GW webstores are being merged. Not very relevant to AoS anymore, but might be of note with The Old World releasing more resin kits (or if some of the ported AoS stuff returns).


    It is nice that they put the effor of joining everything, but also to refresh the site. It looks from the pics that everything is looking refreshed and modern.



    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    If it's 40k I could see it being part of the kroot stuff we've seen before

    Appart of the Kroots, is it common to have crossbows? My head links crossbows to AoS straight.

    6 minutes ago, Baz said:

    Toll and callis model maybe?

    So far in what I saw about them they were always carrying guns, but maybe...

    Aesthetics whise seems more modern than the Wildercorps ones:

    image.png.e701b0ce60c36e1836f89d749313686a.png image.png.9a46c5ac8d23884df81ff04fa305fe17.png

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  4. 1 hour ago, Matrindur said:

    I was really lucky with mine and got it for only 28€ (normal price 50€) by stacking multiple discounts 

    First the my LGS discount of 17%, then it was put up for sale at a reduced price, then they did a buy multiple sale items get 10% off on top promotion and then I still had a 15% off voucher I could use. xD

    I was checking my army sheet just for curiosity and mine was 24,55 €. I remember the store did some weird stuff with the discounts, as its price should be 39 € 😄

  5. 49 minutes ago, SunStorm said:

    I tried to order the Nurgle Harbringer on Saturday, but couldn't find him on any 3rd party sites. GW didn't list it as direct only, but my usual sites (Wayland, Firestorm, GoblinGaming, etc) didn't have him listed. 

    Not sure if it was just a temporary thing or if GW has limited stock and so only selling him on their own site.


    I normally order my stuff via whats app. Not sure if you can do that with your stores, but that way I could order it with a 22% discount.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Idk what you mean: Locking the Incarnate in a 200€ box with barely any terrain is a bad idea!?


    It was a shame, because the aqualith was looking fancy as well. I ended buying both the Incarnate and the Aqualith seraparely.

    • Like 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Maybe. It's the Gallet connection that makes me think it could have been cancelled. The story has already moved past Gallet. It would be weird to return to it. 

    Isn't a Rhondol narrative happeing currently during the White Dwarfs? Would be weird to release something after lore in WD, but... there's a small chance.

  8. Following a bit on the skull RE.

    What would you prefer, guys. More incarnates or more spells? Also, why. Always thinking they are balanced and not abusable at all.

    I think I would go for incarnates. Miniatures whise I find the one we got so far pretty interesting and kind of completement the endless spells, which we already have a ton.

    Also would be interesting to have at least one from each realm. Even one from the chaos realm 😈

    • Like 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    I remeber that the spider incarnate was a thing in this forum when that RE came. 

    I don’t know what happened to that, maybe is been delayed maybe is the first cancelled mini in a RE?

    Do we know where this info came from? I've seen it around, but no clue where it started.

  10. 28 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    If they really want to keep models for AoS and Old World separate then I suspect they may stick to the nearer to 28mm scale for old world and ramp up the 32mm scale creep with AoS.

    The Free Guilds are 28mm, so imo it would depend on the army/ minis.

    • Like 1
  11. 21 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    I think AOS should absolutely get the Mordheim successor, but I also agree that Cursed City feels too tainted for GW to revive.

    Well, Warcry is kinda Mordheim weith a different setting. Specially on its first edition with those ruins.

  12. 23 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Actually it's pretty close between 2023 and 2021. 

    I did a quick count so my numbers may not be perfectly accurate. I didn't count the contents of the cursed city box or dominion seperately. 

    If we assume AoS doesn't get anything else this year both years have the same number of Underworlds kits and 3 campaign books

    2021 had 2 warcry box, 7 battletomes and 54 AoS kits plus Cursed city and Dominion. 

    2023 has had 9 battletomes, 48 kits counting the slaves stuff that was in the launch box last year, 4 warboxes and 2 more warbands. 

    Hopefully we're not in for another 2022 next year. I'm still optimistic that the first half of the year will have some good surprises. 

    At some point we would have years like 2022. It is the nature of the GW cycles. At least I am pretty sure we all have plenty of plastic ready for that kind of years.

    • Like 5
  13. 10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    2023 has been one of if not the biggest Year for releases for AOS and its side games. We need to remember that a Launch Edition year is very slow for that system.

    2024 will have a bunch of releases at the beginning with FEC and potentially a new Faction before the Edition drops, though personally I dont see that happening. 

    Then we have the launch in Summer and then a very bare bones time like 40K is having now.

    We would need that bare bones time to be able to diggest everythng we got so far (and what we would get until that point). Indeed prolly the best year for AoS.

    • Like 3
  14. 24 minutes ago, Taerg Ad Ywons said:

    It's be nice if the Orc box for TOW has the old 6th ed WHFB orc sprues in it. The kind that came with orcs with bows. Really, a few of those, some regular orc sprues and a few command sprues would round out a starting force easily. That and BS3 orcs, c'mon.

    Looks like most of the stuff from 6th ed would be re launched, so that could be an option.

  15. 3 hours ago, Doko said:

    hnnnn i think everyone on internet think the oposite,many of the new kits are overpriced(in money)

    so far:

    steelhelms are ok.

    fusilers are ok or maybe even less than the usual 50€

    the comand group is ok.

    cavaliers are ok.

    but thats all.

    then zynestra is way too much expensive,marshal in ogor,artillery,marshal on horse all those are around 20% expensiver than the normal for similar heroes and plastic in other factions.


    and the worst is thalia,she cost 120€ when must cost around 70/80€.

    just compare to mew dragon of sc,same detaill,same named monobuild,same amount of plastic and number of sprues,even the points the dragon is expensiver.

    but the dragon cost 70€ and thalia 120€.


    i wont buy nothing with these prices,i preffer wait for the vanguard or battleforce of next year


    I prefer to wait for that kind of boxes as well. As I am not a player I just ordered Tahlia, but my doubt when I am waiting is always the same. How many price increases could we have in between? Maybe we end paying the same in the end. So I am always checking and if a price increase comes, I will do my maths in case it ends being cheaper with current prices.

    • Like 1
  16. 15 minutes ago, Howdyhedberg said:

    Is there a rumor regarding old world release being empire vs orcs? I would think it would be tomb kings vs Bretonia based on all the news these last couple years!

    The rumour is Empire and Orcs boxes 6 month after Bretonia and Tomb Kings

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Sir Grimm said:

    So are these heroes the generic Bretonnian Duke on Pegasus and the rumored Tomb King on a Chariot, or are these potentially some named characters for both factions respectively? Did he say anything more specific regarding this point?

    I still find it pretty weird to not include a major named character as a leader of the faction getting a release (in this case Bretonnia and Khemri).. :/

    Nothing specific characters whise. He has the theory that the bretonian is the pegasus one, but that was his personal opinion. Nothing from his contact.

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