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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 31 minutes ago, Starfyre said:

    The Celestant-prime imho is a lot nicer than say Yndrasta and I definitely don’t want to see angel wings on SCE, that’s the part of her I dislike the most.

    Having a celestial vortex around him is cool, but I agree I’d have liked the pose to be pronounced like his artwork which looks epic. 

    And he does need better rules. 

    I doubt he’ll get a do-over, and rather another of Sigmar’s champions from another realm will be released instead.

    Does anyone have any thought as to who is behind the mask? I assume it’s either Valten or Karl Franz, leaning toward the former.

    What about Ionus Cryptborn? I reckon Mannfred.

    It is suppose to be Karl Franz, but I don't think it has been confirmed 100%.

    EDIT: This Reddit post summarise really well everythnig: 


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Maybe we could start by not putting a weird trash hurricane on his base.

    Jokes aside, I think a different pose, a more convincing floating effect and not being an old Fatcast model would help a lot.

    Imo the hurricane is what makes him look dope. I have no clue if it is lore accurate or not, but I like it.

    • Like 4
  3. Just now, Flippy said:

    Maybe he should... but as long as his in-game representation looks like this, he should suffer.


    I've noticed many of you disliking the C Prime, but it is a super fancy kit. Specially considering its release date.

    How would you envision a newer & better version? Maybe making him less generic?

    • Like 7
  4. 31 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Well if I was anything to do with that, I'm sorry. I just disagreed with your opinion. It turns out I was wrong. As for Vandus, it looks like he does feature in the story of book 3 so you weren't completely wrong about that part. 

    Between the Dawnbringer books and the SCE renewal rumours seems very likely we would see the revival of Vandus, and if it is handled properly it could be pretty interesting.

    I can see new Vandus saving the day for the Aqshy crusade as the end of the books.

    • Like 2
  5. Today I found something super handy for the church in the Jaggerholm KS that I was planning to get:


    I think they would be the perfect solution for the 8cm that I have to cover on the cliff where the church would be placed.

    Also, a proof of concept with the statue (that would have a stait on each side) and the first floor planning:



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  6. 7 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    That could be the language barrier, but I love this forum and the people here so much and that day I felt a bit sad.

    Nah, I heard a few things sometimes but always very cryptic so a lot of times I get wrong conclusions about the info I get

    Anything sharable so we can speculate with some fresh cryptic stuff?

  7. 34 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    A few weeks ago I said that the Kurnothi Dawnbringers expansion was gonna be a hero and then a kit more could be a possibility, and a few members got angry with me... I think you must expect the same treatament with DoK and only expect a new hero.

    I agree. Imo the IJ release was an exception. I think we can expect something "bigger" for the last book, but spread across many factions, not something focused just on one.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, EntMan said:

    Out of curiosity, have Halflings ever been mentioned in AoS lore? Did any make it out of the old world?

    As it happens with most of the stuff. They arent' there until one day they are all around ruling Hammerhall out of the sudden.

    • Haha 6
  9. 1 minute ago, Preppikoma said:

    Yes, we have snake-aelves. How about crow-aelves?

    Morai-Heg was the Great Gatherer all along -- Corvus Cabal got it so wrong, or just their drip 😌

    Uhh. That's an interesting idea. Either that or explore deeper the shadowish elf side of DoK.

    • Like 5
  10. Just now, Ferban said:

    I'm in the U.S. and have been somewhat interested in Stormbringer.  I like most of the minis, but I gotta say, it's disappointing to start with the dominion box.  I already have it.  And while I would like more Gutrippas or Boltboyz, the Dominion ones come without banners and musicians, if I recall correctly.  For those that have already subscribed, have you found it to be worth it?

    Imo it is worth it. The issues themselves are pretty nice, and the price of the issues thinking mini whise always comes with a decent discount.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Interesting. So does that mean a DoK hero for Dawnbringers and an LRL warcry warband?

    I think so. Yes. The hints for the DoK hero for Dawnbringers seems to be clear and LRL had no love recently.

    The "yes, but" could even mean a LRL band but with no elven, just smaller elementals kind of the Alarith Spirit or the Hurakan Spirit but smaller. Something that fits a different element. A bunch of them working together.

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  12. 5 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Not seeing people discuss the Whitefang like on this comment, but it seems pretty important. Do we know the Death faction yet? I'm hoping for Nighthaunt (preferably since I know 2 people waiting for a dedicated NH warband) or Ossiarch (to give them some more units) personally.

    Someone else mentioned the LRL vs Osiarch rivalry. It is a good box candidate.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Vagard said:

    Noticed this in the last WarCo post ; Ionus is not a knight or a lord anymore but an Arch Relictor. This could lead to a new sub class  hero? Arch Celestant? Arch incantor...? 

     Ionus Cryptborn, last seen in the early days of Warhammer Age of Sigmar as a Lord-Relictor during the Quest for Ghal-Maraz, has returned.* Reforged, and given the rank of Arch-Relictor

    Another rank wording... Why is this so complicate?!

    • Haha 4
  14. 21 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


    Im sorry Ionus was part of this family!? I need to read Halloweed Ground, Richard is one of the best AOS authors right now.

    If he was part of the family it had to be long time ago, right? I mean, maybe Galen and Doralia have no clue about him.

    So sad that the books are not translated :(

    • Like 2
  15. Btw, the last rumour engine made me think. I am not a very WHF vesed guy, but seems most (like 90%) of the deities on AoS have been carried over from WHF, right?

    If so, which ones would you think are the most likely to be added or have some sort of reference? Like it seems Morai-heg would have.

  16. 8 hours ago, Chikout said:

    More likely new DoK hero for Dawnbringers, leading an anti Morathi faction. 

    FEC, Fyreslayers, Gloomspite, Nurgle, Ironjawz, Stormcast, Sylvaneth, Slaves to Darkness and DoK. That makes ten counting two hinted at by Whitefang.

    Preemptive edit. 

    I'm still think "elf but" means Elf but not Warcry rather than Elf but not order. 



    Wouldn't you add Khorne to that one as well?

  17. 24 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    I’m pretty sure it means Elf but not DoK as the next order Warcry band. 

    Edit: as madmac said, missed that. 

    Then it has to be CoS being dark elven based, which would be quite surprising.

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