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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 14 minutes ago, madmac said:

    Keeping in mind that so far 90% of rules content for the dawnbringers books is new Armies of Renown (aka new subfactions) a new DoK unit or hero that has a themed army built around them seems on brand. And the hag is kinda death themed, so it would fit with book 4, probably.

    So next book in less than a month? 👀👀

  2. 47 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Thanks. So in terms of kits that make different things for different armies, rather than making one thing that can be used in different armies we have:

    Arkhan/Mannfred/Neferata (OSB/SBGL)

    Black Knights/Hexwraiths (SBGL/Nighthaunts)

    Varfheists/Horror Crypts (SBGL/FEC)

    Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon (SBGL/FEC)

    Doomfire Warlocks/Dark Riders (DOK/COS)

    And probably/maybe:

    Mancrusher Gargant (BOC/Gloomspite Gitz/Sons of Behemat)

    And we all know that Doomfire Warlocks/Dark Riders would be removed from CoS and maybe some of the FEC shared ones as well from FEC.

    That would leave everything almost sorted.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    This has been a bit of a mystery since they started the whole thing with one kit being shared between several armies. As far as I can tell, none of them have been retired or replaced yet. My suspicion is that they will end up redoing the kits as single faction kits, and one army just keeps on using the old one for a while. For example, if they replaced Hexwraiths with a new sculpt, I think SBGL would probably keep using the old Black Knights model a little while longer before it gets replaced.

    I am with you there. Specially thinkng about the FEC dragon that has sooo many buildable options.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    There is no way any Battleforce will be 150€, they were 170€ last year and they are not going to be cheaper. 

    Well, the source is the same guy that shared the first battlerforce image. I agree is very unlikely, but seeing he got the picture earlier than anyone else I would give it some little chances.

  5. Btw I didn't mention it because the Astra BF looked a bit fakish, but the Spanish guy that first showed that BF (the day before Valrak did) also mentioned the price would be 150 €.

    As now the BF has been confirmed I think it is worth mentioning it. If is is true it would be cheaper than the maths I've seen here today.

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  6. 37 minutes ago, 01rtb01 said:

    Honestly that sounds like a horrific idea. 

    I've bought battleforces pretty much every year. You realise there's more to gaming than the "meta"? Good models, will always be good models. The meta shifts like the sands.

    And meta changes more than we change our panties.

    • Haha 2
  7. 32 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    exactly what I'm curious about, thanks Doko :)

    i realized this was a bit too hasty of a poll on my lunch break, not sure if I can edit it now :( it is probably more accurate of a question to ask "how many systems do you play or collect?"

    I've voted AoS as at some point I would like to give it a go, but eaisly not in the next 3-4 years at least.

    I am a collector over everything. I've started with Stormcast during the Mortal Reams issues, but once I realised how massive the range could be with the 3rd ed release (and after buying every single collector/ exclusive model) I stopped and waited for TOW, but CoS is awesome so I moved from SCE into CoS.

    I am the kind of user that like to have it ALL. As I said I joined during mid 2ed and still I own every single book appart from the Real Gate Wars books, which are almost imposible to locate in Spanish.

    In terms of minis I want to get every single model released during AoS. As an example I bought a second hand Silver Tower box just to get the Excelsior Warpriest. Luckyly after selling everything else I am on a positive balance of 70 €, but I could go crazy with stuff like that. I just need to buy what has been released in preordes this week (already ordered Tahlia, waiting for the rest for discounted boxes) and I collect as many units as building options you can have (20 steelhelms, 20 fusiliers, 2 cannons, 2 ogors warkhulk, 10 cavaliers...).

    In terms of scenery I am less picky. I don't need all the scenery, but everything that matches my CoS aesthetics. Refer to my building post to see the scenery I own:

    I also don't mind scratch bulding and kitbashing. I enjoy it a lot, but with 10 month twins and starting into the hobby in terms of paint and craft, I am pretty low progressing.

    So I would be mid btween collector and hobbyist, but picked collector.

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  8. 23 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    hello! my biggest question to you: do you engage with the novels, games, and campaign books as well? I consider myself a "hobbyist" because I build&paint models but I also engage with the lore and would be down to play any of AOS's systems. I guess I'm interested in where you drawn the line for "collector" vs "player" or hobbyist.

    Maybe would be interesting adding a "none" option on the second one? Or even some table top simulator ones. Some user can only play that way as they dont have ppl around to play with.

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  9. 51 minutes ago, Doko said:

    people criying about the content of the battleforce when one faction in entire 8 years of aos NEVER have got a battleforce.

    yes i am speaking about fyreslayers the forgotten faction of gw with only two non heroes boxes,0 battleforces in 8 years etc

    Who are they? I've never heard about that faction.

    • Haha 9
  10. 1 hour ago, Vagard said:

    maybe for the 4th edition, when one of the two big crusades has settle down

    Not saying that I won't buy them, as I have a thread here where I am building a city it would be a perfect for me, but... would they really release another scenery tha is so similar to what we already have? Sales whise doesn't seems the best strategy. Specially if they come with the 4th ed boxes. Would almost be the same box with different minis.

  11. 3 hours ago, Vagard said:

    Do we know approximatively when the CoS vanguard box will be announced? 

    Usually after a couple of months. What would you expect inside the box? I only ordered Tahlia as I am waiting to see its content. I just hope it is a Castellite focused one.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

    Once again, with a feeling: Games Worksop is a model making company.

    Everything else is an extra to support and maximise the sales of plastic models. This really shouldn't be this hard to comprehend.

    And the markup? Well, blame capitalism, because there's absolutely nothing unique about the way GW markets and sells their products. People buy Citadel models because they want to own those particular models. And GW will sell them for as much as people will continue to spend. GW as a company has no obligation to provide services or ensure their product is affordable to the masses. It's not food, it's not basic clothing. Why don't you go and have the same argument with Apple about the pricing of their phones and laptops? Or with Leica about their cameras? Or Bang & Olufsen about their audio equipment?

    Wouldnt yoy say it is a miniature board game company? Without games theres no minis to sell.

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  13. Just now, chosen_of_khaine said:

    I dunno, maybe making a good game without fleecing players for as much money as possible?

    At least the warscrolls are free unlike 40k, GW treats 40k players like addicted whales.

    Which sadly it is what they are in most of the cases I know.

    • Haha 5
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  14. 17 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    It's the discounts that are hard to ignore. With two dragons being currently at 75, that makes Ionus 25 in that box, and you save even a little bit more thanks to the LGS' discounts. The Starship Trooper bug clocks in at 17.50. If these are things you're likely to want anyway, hard to say no to those discounts.


    I don't consider two dragons 75. I consider them 3 Stormbringer issues, which is half that.

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  15. 2 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    Ionus seems ok for 3 dragons, but agree on the other two. 60€ for the 5 minis of the blacktalons is hard to justify (for me/to myself) for something I would buy "because they're cool"

    I was considering to buy them. After seeing the price I won't. It is nuts. You have the command corpses, different and new sculpts (new in comparison with anything we had so far) for 42,50. Why is this one going to 60? Just because they had a serie? Nonsense.

    • Like 5
  16. 13 hours ago, EntMan said:

    If these are all to scale with each other then New Kurnothi and Bug aren't as big as I thought, which actually makes me more inclined to get him.


    I guess we'll find out tomorrow, but any idea how much this box is likely to be? (in £UK)

    And do third party sellers get them? Or are they webstore/Warhammer shop exclusive?

    95 in the end. Prices this week has been quite high in some stuff. I am specially shocked with Blacktalon, Tahlia and Ionus.

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