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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 9 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Belthanos 125€

    Ionus 130€


    The image is in spanish, so sorry about that:



    It is missing the cannon and the heroes from the big box.

    Also, the Dawnbringers books price increase cause lols. First one 32,50. From now on 40...

  2. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    We were talking about that in my CoS whatsapp group and one guy showed me a post where they were saying from now on all preorders would be two weeks preorders. Expect 5 days on top on your usual deliveray times, the pic was saying. So it wouldn't be rare that they are not mentioning it anymore.

    Where is this info posted, I have no clue. And as always I already cleared my messages from that group, so I cannot take the image :(

    EDIT: Pic included.


    It is basically saying:

    Updated it with the pic. I dind't see this before. Has been its english equivalent flying around? Or, as it from one month ago, has this notice been mentioned as finished somewhere?

  3. 37 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    We were talking about that in my CoS whatsapp group and one guy showed me a post where they were saying from now on all preorders would be two weeks preorders. Expect 5 days on top on your usual deliveray times, the pic was saying. So it wouldn't be rare that they are not mentioning it anymore.

    Where is this info posted, I have no clue. And as always I already cleared my messages from that group, so I cannot take the image :(

    Apparently it was sent by a seller in a whats app group.

  4. 1 hour ago, boyadventurer said:

    This one is a 2 week pre-order too? I swear I read every word of the post this time and didn't see it mentioned...

    We were talking about that in my CoS whatsapp group and one guy showed me a post where they were saying from now on all preorders would be two weeks preorders. Expect 5 days on top on your usual deliveray times, the pic was saying. So it wouldn't be rare that they are not mentioning it anymore.

    Where is this info posted, I have no clue. And as always I already cleared my messages from that group, so I cannot take the image :(

    EDIT: Pic included.


    It is basically saying:


    Preorders launch vs preorder shipping (2 weeks).

    Important notice. All preorders timing have been extended to 14 days.

    We've been experiencing delays on the orders, expect an extra 5 working days on the usual delivery timing.

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  5. 33 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    I normally buy from my local independent shop, but don't think they do that big a discount. Any recommendations for trusted online stores in the UK? Or ones to avoid?

    It is a bit sad that GWs with its price increasing over and over it is "killing" those shops that cannot aford to give discounts.

    Said that, I don't buy in UK shops, but I heard wayland is a nice one.

    • Like 3
  6. 7 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    If these are all to scale with each other then New Kurnothi and Bug aren't as big as I thought, which actually makes me more inclined to get him.


    I guess we'll find out tomorrow, but any idea how much this box is likely to be? (in £UK)

    And do third party sellers get them? Or are they webstore/Warhammer shop exclusive?

    Third party sellers get them. Imo 70-80 pounds GW price.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Baz said:

    So previously it's always been mentioned that kurnoth is dead in the background but now the reference is dormant which is a big change. Maybe the book will explain why. 

    Screenshot_20231022_164746_Samsung Internet.jpg

    And here we go again. All the kurnothi speculative posts would have a thread to hold on to.

    • Haha 7
  8. 3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


    I for one, only saw it on Warhammer Community. I saw it there the day it was posted.

    It was days later that people shared this 'screenshot'. I wouldnt be suprised to find out GW employees themselves created this 'fake' conspiracy.

    I hope that when they finally release GW will acknowledge this.

    giphy (1).gif

    Yeah. I think the same. I rember it very clear as well cause I was starting to read warhammer community daily by that time and joined the wiki whats app group recently as well. So it was quite an interesting case for me.

    • Thanks 1
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  9. 5 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    It was fake . It was just a screeshot of an html edited webpage.

    In the 3rd ed book Malerion elves are named as Ulguroth legionaries.

    Malerion and Morathi have a " no attack each other" pact with shadow daemons.  


    Nope. It was not fake. I saw it and noticed the change later on.

    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Danaork said:

    the name of the Daughters of Khaines should give way to another if that is the case, I cannot see a faction where Malerion and his Ulgurothi warriors are inferior to Morathi and his Melusai and company in terms of hierarchy.

    What about just Umbraneth Realm Shadows or any other weird wording including the word Umbraneth?

    • Like 1
  11. 32 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    I get what you're saying, but do many people "buy them all"? I would have thought that would be a rather small minority of the playerbase. Maybe it doesn't need a full sum up of the BT lore, but still I think something like that to advance GA narratives would work. THough the stuff for building a table would be a cool little addition.

    Yes, I agree with you. I doubt many people buy them all. I was just trying to think from the company pov. Like something different would have more chances to be released. Or even a mixed of everything, like lore + painting guides + conversion guides + scenery guides. Kind of the Hachette issues but as a big book and not focused for newbies.

  12. 2 hours ago, Goatforce said:

    Thats fair, would be nice to see more god and demi-god tier characters, and tbh I think Kragnos opened the door to that, so it is possible.

    Godbeasts seem to be the obvious answer, though I fear that that might be impossible as they are simply too big (one reason I think an Epic style AoS game would be neat). Something like Argentine could maybe attempt to challenge Archaon, for example.

    For Nagash I think the issue is that it is massively established that he just has such an iron grip that most established Death stuff can only really "rebel" when he is knocked out. So I think a contender would have to be external to the established Death stuff. Feels a little cheap to fall back on old WH:FB but the mind immediately goes to Settra. Perhaps some smidge of Usyrian survived Nagash's deicide buffet and fused itself to Settra, who could have survived due to how heavily warded and protected his pyramid and sarcophagus were, allowing him to reconstitute himself. Being a melee beatstick, master strategist who is also basically immune to magic would also be a great counterpoint to Nagash who thrives mostly on his pure magical dominance.

    Considering how the pricing on books makes it seem like they are pretty much printing money for GW, I am also suprised there aren't more narrative books. I mean a book for each GA even to overview what's going on and tell some stories or advance plots that are currently on the backburner enough to keep interest in them if they do become integral. For example, what's going on with Katakros' campaign in the Eight Points (it's crazy that this awesome story from WotE has been hardly touched since)? What's Lady Olynder up to? Maybe getting back to her beef with Belakor now that I presume their temporary alliance is over. These might also be an opportunity to update some problem warscrolls (Glaivewraith Stalkers I'm looking at you), then throw in a few themed battleplans and Bobs your uncle. Seems like an obvious win for GW.

    Imo those kind of book you suggested would be detrimental for them as company. If I summarise you the BTs content (lore whise) you would be less likely to "buy them all" for lore, but something like the old "how to build scenery" books could be interesting. Explaining stuff like how to make the last warhammer plus ballte report table.

    • Confused 1
  13. 35 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    Katakros’ campaign has been stalled because:

    A.) the Lumineth incursions during Broken Realms have resulted in large amounts of rebellions which have to be suppressed

    B.) By capitalizing on the massive amounts of beast bones available, the Ossiarchs have been experiencing entire cohorts going absolutely berserk during battle or conquest and becoming unresponsive to commands as a side effect of Ghur’s awakening, which while it has been mitigated by the Ivory Host’s knowledge, is still a problem.

    C.) Hostile forces have been quick to capitalize on the losses suffered by the Bonereapers during Nagash’s invasion of Hysh, so the situation is very much “War on all fronts” at the moment, with the Null Myriad hording Grave-Sand to try and resurrect Arkhan, the Crematorians have sent clandestine agents to Lumnos to search for a fix to their balefire problems, the Ivory Host are under constant attack by berserk Bonesplittaz and Krondspine Incarnates which requires them to respond with their own Krondspine Incarnates, and the Mortis Praetorians are holding the Arx Terminus which is under siege following Archaon and a wing of his Varanguard making a breach large enough for everyone else to use it as a beachhead on their way to try and stop Kragnos. The only two legions capable of doing any real offensive maneuvers at the moment are the Stalliarch Lords who have been launching raids into Hysh to eradicate Lumineth villages, and the Petrifex Elite who are kicking the hell out of the Kruleboyz while they plunder ancient fossil deposits exposed by Kragnos. 

    It’s definitely not forgotten, it’s just not exactly a viable option for the Ossiarchs to continue that war until at least a few of their ongoing crises have been resolved. This is all from their most recent battletome and the 3rd edition StD battletome. 

    Awesome recap!

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  14. 2 hours ago, Draznak said:

    I don't know if any of you have read White Dwarf 493 but there is a short story in it, featuring FEC. Here's a quick summary (I haven't read it personally yet) :

      Reveal hidden contents

    Witch hunters are investigating a winemaker who is turning into a ghoul (due to contaminated wine). One of them suffers the illusion and reads on a label : "rejoice, for summer is almost here !"


    Someone from the Spanish wiki translated it. It is really cool. Callis and Toll are also nice characters. And the shirt story is pretty nice. Summer King is here!

  15. 3 hours ago, Starfyre said:

    I think people get hung up on what system models get released for. Whether they’re released for whfb, aos, warcry or underworlds, they’re just warhammer models. 

    It’s pretty obvious that the end times models in particular were designed with the knowledge that AoS was coming. Archaon and Nagash are ‘AoS’ models released during the final month or year or whatever of WHFB. This ‘replace whfb’ battle models or ‘whfb characters should be retired’ stuff doesn’t make any sense. Older kits will get replaced because that’s what GW does (in the main - waiting for skaven and boc players to tell me I’m wrong. Besides, for me, it was always eldar, IG and tyranids that needing replacing the most urgently…)

    Archaon, Be’lakor, Nagash, kroak and Teclis are far more interesting than Bastian, Tahlia and Kragnos imho. 

    AoS characters just need some time to be properly developed. Tahlia and Zenestra, for example, has plenty of potential to become quite charismatic characters.

    Neave is another example. And the warhammer plus serie helped a lot. That's the kind of stuff we need.

    About the models itself, imo they need to be replaced because the aesthetic has changed since whf, but I agree Archaon and Nagash were designed with AoS in mind or at least looks like.

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