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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 3 minutes ago, Trugg the Troggoth King said:

    It's exactly the same number of factions we had in 2nd edition because 3rd edition has been about big and small refreshes, like they said at the start of 3rd edition in that video.

    4th edition in other hand, I think will bring some new "flavors" to current factions and I don't mean battletomes for totally new factions but that factions will be incorporte to the current ones. Like:

    - Ulgurothi/Umbraneth/Whateverneth to Daughters of Khaine.

    - Chorfs to Slaves to Darkness.

    - New concept of Spiderfang to Gloomspite

    - New concept of Bonesplitterz to Orruk Warclans

    And any idea/rumour/wish you have could be a reasonable addition.

    Chorfs being part of StD would feel weird to me. It is already a massive range, and ir feels a bit of the same for Glooms.

    Do you think we would end with massive ranges for all/ most of the factions?

    • Like 4
  2. 1 hour ago, EntMan said:

    I don't think there's any mystery about what the mystery Death Battletome will be: FEC.

    We've seen leaked ghouls already and the current Battletome is no longer available on the webstore.

    If there's a mistery FEC would always be the answer anyways xD

  3. Just now, MitGas said:

    Too late, although I agree. Then again, I don‘t really mind them reusing fitting characters either. 


    But they should at least have the decency to bring back cool mortal Tzeentch characters too. Tzeentch needs more mortal stuff. ☝🏻 *Insert my usual rant about heavily armored sorcerer-warriors for Tzeentch*

    What makes me go this route is the following thinking path.

    When the Age of Sigmar started the Mortal Realms were too young, ok, but there was nothing there with power enough to take over the deities coming from the old that was? Not a single beast or god?

    Would be interesting to see the rise of a real deal (kind of what Kragnos was), something that makes real damage into the currently stablished deities.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Sorry missed this quote.

    Woah. If you take a proper look at the lore, like in this case, you see that there's way more species and posibilites that ever was in WHF. I like to have that many open doors.

    Said that and seeing many of those inhabitants ended in the various games as miniatures I wouldn't go with that Skaven clan. I only see this happening if for some massive event the main (current miniature based) clans are completely erradicated, so they can move those miniatures to legends and leave room for new clans with more AoS like aesthetic.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Yeah, that’s basically what happened in “Quest for Ghal Maraz”(the battle report warhammer+ is playing on) with a lot of early books getting us invested in Thostos from his heroic mortal days to being reforged and both helping to find the Silver Way and Ghal Maraz’s location. And as his accolades grew through the Realmgate Wars they were tragically snuffed out in the All-Gates War with the climatic battles to shut off most of the Eight-Points he sacrificed himself to hold off Archaon and got eaten by Dorghar who seals souls in it’s stomach. And to a lesser, but still honorable account, extension Lorrus Grymn who fell to Belakor and his Cursed Skies trap despite being a long time name of the Hallowed Knights since the first AoS books(Warstorm to be precise) and loyal friend to Gardus.

    That kinda stuff does help make important book marks as the eras of a setting march on even in a war of gods and daemons.

    Haha, that could be a fun narrative arc for an edition.

    Archaon underestimates Kragnos in a revenge fight for his fallen fortresses in Ghur and the Destruction god uses his earthquake powers to shake the sword apart and bashes them across the realms.

    Then the dark gods can be jerks about the situation to really stir the Chaos civil war pot and say who ever recovers all the pieces and reforges the Slayer of Kings gets to be the new Everchosen leading to absolute mayhem as Archaon, Belakor and any other warlord turn over the realms looking for those shards in a race against time.

    That would be pretty sick. Imo it is time that we move on from Archaon. Would be nice if one of the Chaos gods/ Belakor kill him and we get a new character purely from AoS.

    • Like 3
  6. 12 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    I would love new screamers and flamers. Its whats holding me back from buying into that army (and maybe the overload of birds).

    Edit: does anyone know if hunter and hunted is already sold out? Most of the time these Warcry sets stick around untill a new one releases. So i wasnt in a hurry, but cant seem to locate one anymore.

    Spanish version is sold out indeed.

  7. 58 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Oh well, in that case I already have him!

    I'll just stick him on a huge base and say the dragon has nipped off for a bit to buy some milk.

    What about an Ionus having a little break from the dragon. The ass has to rest. The dragon is just flyting too high to be seen... xD 

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, lele said:

    When they released 3th, someone said or...rumours was thats the final version, reason because behemoths and incarnates are big and strongest monsters ever, but now they change the plan and split these big things about to put incarnates in the 4th, thats not surprise anymore. All i can imagine now is about void things, divine weapons for each factions in the next versions, hmmm sounds silly, thats why i said the more versions the sillier it gets

    I doubt a rumour like that can be true.

    In the end versions are kind of related to story telling, so as long as the lore evolves we would have new editions. Also, from a company/ game pov. The have to make money and new editions means more money in rules and big boxes.

    • Like 4
  9. 10 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    There was a lot of talk about Stormcast being AoS Space Marines back in the day, but as they lose more and more of themselves with each reforging, they’re starting to sound a lot more like AoS Necrons to me 🤓 

    That discussion came back again with the new Ionus version. Everywhere I saw they were saying it was a Space Marine Chaplain.

    I would love them to explore a bit more about the reforge proces and its consecuences.

  10. 19 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I also would love a dive into more bizarre mutations!! We have loads of Goat men, give us more Elk and Deer, Pigs, Cattle, Horses and Dogs just loads of different mutations!!

    That's kind of covered by the gargolians recently.

    • Like 1
  11. 44 minutes ago, lele said:

    Did you see my edited, im talking about void things, thats the idea for new edition, if they dont have, or they cant make void things, then they wont have anymore idea for the new further

    Got you before the edit. I think they already have plans for 5th and even 6th edition. I imagine them doing it similar to the WoW expansions. When they release one they already have plans for the following two or even three.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think that piece of wooden scaffolding is a great solution to your problem!

    Even moreso than with miniatures, with terrain it is not worth it to lose sleep over the small details. Although of course obsessing about the details is part of the fun, too. What I can guarantee, though, is that even if you just glued that wooden structure on there as-is without gap filling, nobody except you would even notice (and you would probably also forget after a month or so).

    The wooden support is a fun addition, though, because it changes the environmental storytelling of the building. With it, it seems like the church was not simply destroyed, but destroyed and then partially repaired later. It really makes you wonder why. Did people continue to use it as a church or did they repurpose it in some way? Or maybe the ruins are of archaeological interest and whoever is studying them has added supports to prevent them from further falling apart. I like this kind of little detail, because it develops the story of your city. We know that there are mysterious ruins there, but why are they ruined and what makes them mysterious?

    Yeah. I didn't develop those Distinguishing Features yet, so I don't have a lore behind to add more flavour, but I was thinking about the church as being used back as the religious center of the city. CoS is a religious heavy based faction, hence why I thought about it as it is being reconstructed.

    With this scaffolding, the altar from the Objectives Set and the torches and benches I was planning to give it that bringing back to life flavour. I could even add some of the Domicile Shell construction bits around, like the following:


    • Like 3
  13. I've been thinking about the freeguilds crest. From my pov makes sense to have different free guilds with different crests on a big city such Hammerhall, but in smaller ones I guess they won't have much variety. More likely just the ones that founded it/ survived the dawnbringer crusade. So it could be just one or a little few (specially considering some crusades takes units from different cities). But I wouldn't think more than 5-6.

    Also, a little church update. For reference this is the corner I would be talking about:


    That door is from where I decided to start. It had a problem, the corner of the sprue was placed in the opposite direction of my planned layout. So I decided to make an area where there's more/lower ruins and as I wanted to have fun with green stuff for the first time I modeled that corner to look it is in ruins:


    So far I am quite happy with the result being the first time I sculpt with green stuff. The only bit that I don't like is the lower one, where the 3 colums are in each side, but I plan to "hide" it with some turfs or stuff like that. What do you think about this? Apart from that there's a problem. I was focused on just having fun with green stuff and the result ended with something akward.

    Following the layout the pilar from the following image should have a wall, but it has a pristine pilar fully decorated:


    Also the roof would end looking odd if it is just placed above with nothing on the side, so I was looking and the tower sprues and I have one that would be using kind of a filler and found this that could sort this problem:



    I think it fits pretty nicely. I would just need to fill those 2 gasps on top of the wood. I would approach this with something like the metallic piece a bit under that. Would be an easy sculp. Just a rectangle with some dots and I think it would fit the purpose really nice.

    The other downside I am seeingis those two woods that are kind of going off and are a bit out of nowhere, as they don't continue on the back of the structure:


    Would you trim them down? Imo they are not a massive problem and with the whole building they won't be too noticeable.

    With this solution the corner looks pretty nice, but back to the pilar topic. Would you remove the pristine sculpt so it is not there where the wall should be? Or would just let it be. With the wood scaffolding it is kind of hidden.

    And for a bonus point, I am thinking on getting printed the following bits from The Towers of Ellirmilborg. I think they would fit pretty nice the whole church theming. Do you like them?:




    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Doko said:

    i am not agree,entire disposesed range is great and dont need be aosified because they are better looking than any aos model.

    they are a 10/10 and cant be make better,i dont want a remake with half dwarf half any other nonsense as almost every other aos army

    What about this: 

    Would you say it looks better than what we currently have dwarvens whise for CoS? To mee they don't hold very well if you compare it with the new humans, and this sculpt, for example, looks better and fits better imo.

    • Like 9
    • Confused 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Baz said:

    He's done a few videos and live streams where he's tried to get more numbers and they have been posted online. He's not into aos so doesn't make a real effort to get the info. The guard pic leaked today matches what he's said would come in the box. 

    Screenshot_20231019_153540_Samsung Internet.jpg

    Screenshot_20231019_153545_Samsung Internet.jpg

    This is what I saw on the whatsapp group.

  16. 2 hours ago, LordSolarMach said:

    As far as I know, the rumours of what's in the 40k boxes come from Valrak.

    After pestering, he did a video mentioning those four AoS boxes. He openly doesn't care about AoS (honestly, he really only cares about Space Marines), so he was pretty vague. The only detail he mentioned was that the StD box would be "Be'lakor themed" with Eternus in it. 

    Basically yesterday a little spanish channel was on livestream with another guy and the other guy received somehow an image of the Imperial Guard battleforce. It included 2 Rhogal Dornes and some other stuff and its price was said to be 150 €.


    The next day (this morning) on his whats app group there was a full list of all the battle forces, their content and the price. Sadly I like to clear all the whats app messages so I don't have it on hand.

    So my question is if this has happened with the AoS ones somewhere as well.

  17. 13 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I actually adore this terrain. It's screams AoS and is finally something else than generic buildings/ruins/statues. I would have liked a bit more variation, but that did come eventually with the Scales of Talaxis terrain.

    I'm very much looking forward to what new terrain Warcry will bring us, especially if it's natural Aqshy terrain. This season gave us some super cool Seraphon terrain pieces, I'm hoping to see some other factions in there too!

    If we move to Ulgu in the end the terrain could be interesting. Cannot give it shape in my head.

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