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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 18 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Personally, I just view it as an option. It certainly makes sense that there would be some Freeguilds out there that use the crest and colours of the city they are attached to, as well.


    The two flat-roofed houses in the center seem to be based on the completed domiciles from the battletome/promo pictures:


    I really hope those become an actual kit soon (maybe with the launch of 4th?). For now, builing them out of the Domicile Shell kit would be exceedingly difficult:


    Those wooden beams are just not removable and you don't get enough completed wall sections to build a house even out of several kits. Also, you would be missing a roof and the railings and ornamentation seen in the battletome and in Realms of Ruin.

    What I think is more easily possible, though, is to build a domed roof out of the Nexus Syphon. It has the right size for a small chapel or something.


    Good point. I don't have those sprues yet as I would get them from Stormbringer but I was hoping to have some sort of intact and complete wall, but those dammit wooden beams are all around. I could try to copy a big chunk with blue stuff and remove the wood or clone the pillars, that would be the hardest bit. The stone work should be feasible to do with foam.

    About the Nexus Syphon I want one, as it is a core bit on any funded city by a crusade, but as it is from Stormbringer as well maybe it is worth getting a second one to have some kitbash fun. Noted.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    I would love Chamon next as a contrast to Ghurs beast theme. I would also love to see Hysh and get all the other Gitmob units!

    Edit: All the Underworlds warbands from Ulgu are all really great models. Lots of awesome options left for 4th.

    We could also try to guess what the next big mechanic for the edition would be. This 3rd edition had strong Monster influences. Allmost all units are Monsters or had rules buffing/hunting Monsters. Could 4th be about Artillery? Would be most welcome mechanic and would fit Chamon i think.

    Maybe we are getting the good old Chariots/Warmachines (AoSified) back, might be Hysh. Warmachines strongly fit with Skaven, SCE and missing things like the Steamtank, Hellcanon and many others.

    Did someone say Cog Forts?

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  3. 44 minutes ago, Vagard said:

    Actually there are 5 realms that has been less mentionned thant the others in the game : 

    - Ghyran

    - Hysh

    - Chamon

    - Ulgu 

    - Azyr

    We've seen the others at least for each edition box set and even during the campaigns :

    - 1ed Aqshy (Vandus vs Khul) 

    - 2ed Shyish (necroquake, sacrosanct vs NH) 

    - 3ed Ghur (Thunderstrike vs KB)

    Hysh and ulgu have been a bit developped during the broken realms because of the LRL and the road to god Morathi, Azyr cannot be a battlefield to me becase it's sigmar' realm and kind of actual paradise. Ghyran has also been used during the realmgate wars for Alarielle's arc. 

    During the end of the BR series, we were already shifting to Ghur with Kragnos reveal. Same for Nagash's plan in shyish during the end of the 1st ed. 

    We can see a pattern here where a god is plotting something somewhere and the next edition takes place there. With the leaks we have, my guess is on the horned rat doing his things in chamon or ulgu (the two most unexplored realms lorewise) and a brand new central mini for skavens (not the horned rat I guess but maybe verminlord even if the fig still fit very well). 


    I would say Ghyran is quite promiten as well, isn't it? Part of it is cause Hammerhall, but Nurgle and Alarielle has been quite promitent lore whise.

  4. 1 minute ago, Red Bull said:

    I saw rumors that the setting is Ulgu, how likely is that at his point?

    Stormcast vs Skaven would be a lot of fun. I hope that’s true.

    Has been a long term rumour, imo, but I think it suits a lot the skaven + malerion combo for the following edition.

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  5. 29 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

    Been away a while, and im sure its come up.

    But Valrak, that 40k viewer and rumormonger, has mentioned twice that a big Skaven vs Stormcast release is coming next year.

    Any other notable rumors floating around?

    Has been hinted as the 4th ed box by Whitefang as well.

  6. 4 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    That's a cool crest. Reminds me of the Leaden Bulls:



    Might be a cool opportunity for a lore connection? It's worth remembering that in the lore, individual Freeguilds are separate from the cities they work for and can have their own colours and heraldry.

    Ha! I had no clue about them. I initially designed it as a crest for a bretonian/ empire TOW army, and updated the horns to be more twin tailed comet like.  And I had no idea about the Free Guilds having a different crest than the city! Maybe it is time to think about a new one either for the city or for the free guild 🤔

  7. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    Very cool project!

    let me know if you need something special like a crest stl for your city.


    This is what I've done so far for the crest. I still have to test the colours on the Steelhelms to decide if it is too dark (black + grey):


    Honestly, this could seem to be too big for me (I didn't mention that structure colour testing was the first model I paint since around 20 years, when I was not even thining the paints), but I would like to test a free hand approach for shields and banners. If I get too frustrated after trying it I would give you a shout xD

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  8. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Cool project. I think Cities of Sigmar especially lends itself to terrain building projects. I mean, the clue is kind of in the name.

    I have been working on my terrain for a bit. A few observations that might be helpful to you:

    Some of the newer Dawnbringer crusades related kits are actually a pretty interesting mix of new, pre-fabricated structures and old ruins on top of which those structures are built. The Aqualith, for example, comes with a ruined staircase that looks a lot older than the Aqualith itself. The Guardian Idols are placed on top of a ruined wall. Those ruins look pretty similar to the old AoS 1 terrain (Numinous Occulum, Ophidian Archway, Baleful Realmgate...). I think this lends itself to some fun environmental storytelling.

    There are a few options with the 3rd edition kits when it comes to how to build them, but they usually require some mild patching or sculpting. For the Aqualith, it is possible to keep the stairs and Aqualith separate, which only requires not gluing in one or two of the chains. You can in theory use them as separate pieces, and it will only look slightly weird. The Guardian Idols are sadly monopose. I wish you could swap around their shield and spear hand, but it is not easily possible. They do, however, come with a cool optional skeleton face. You can also keep the platform, wall and statue separate if you want. Building one of the Idols as a collapsed/ruined version might be worth considering.

    The Domicile Shells are cool kits, but sadly very hard to customize. Once you have the big and small variants on the table, I think having repeats of the kit will look pretty weird. The buildings have a lot more detail than the official paint job suggests, and I think they should actually be pretty versatile for expressing different architectural styles just with different paint jobs. Here's one that I did recently:

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    That's a pretty interesting colour scheme!

    For the Domicile Shells as I would have 4 sprues (2 of each) I was planning to test one being built and a second one fully built. Kind of what the GW team did for many of the background images. If I like the result I think I would be able to purchase more from the Stormbringer issues, but don't want to go too far so it doesn't feels too repetitive nor too big. In the end is a village that is kind of being built rather than a big city.

    For the idols I saw Realms of Ruin put them at the top of large walls that follow the Domicile style, so it could be an interesting thing to try.

  9. To split a bit the content and do not create a super dense post I separated what I already had in mind for a couple of posts.

    With the 5 Azyrite Ruins that don't look like a prison and the 3 Tower Bells I was planning to build a big 3 levels church taking inspiration from the following:


    This is the layout of the first floor:


    The front has two doors, and above them (on the third level) would be two tower bells one next to another.

    All this building would be above two sheets of 4 cm foam acting as a hill and to go there I was thinking on putting a Sigmar Statue in the middle with stairs on both sides. Being able to separate the main structure from the hill in case I want to place it as just the church itself. Maybe creating it some sort of pavement around so it looks good in both scenarios.

    As the last touch I was thinking on using the little statue from the Objetives as part of the inner decoration, as it would be an old church in ruins that is being rebuilt and reused.


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  10. What is Heldenstone would you ask? It is my Cities of Sigmar village, and appart from setting my army on it, I plan to build all the terrain neccesary to give shape to the village itself. That's where the helping bit comes into play.

    My idea for this thread was to post everything I own so whoever that wants to get involved can think and propose ideas on how to approach the terrain pieces to build Heldenstone.

    To start with I will show you a little description of Heldenstone. It is a mix of some rolls using the post created on 2017 and some personal preferences (who wants a citie where the citizens rolls is Silvaneth *2, Seraphon and Stormcasts?!).

    Name Heldenstone
    Realm Chamon
    Size Village
    Inhabitants Humans * 2 - Duardin - Stormcast
    Distinguishing Features Site of Great Battle - Mysterious Ruins - Legendary Monster Hunters

    Also, this is everything I own kits whise so we can have a rough idea on what are the options we have:

    5 * Warcry Scenery – Azyrite Ruin
    3 * Warcry Scenery – Azyrite Ruin
    3 * Warcry Scenery – Azyrite Bell Tower
    2 - 6 * Dominion of Sigmar Statue (I am selling 4 from the 6 I have as I changed my initial idea, but I could consider keeping some more)

    1 * Warcry Scenery – Fallen Sigmar Statue
    1 * Sigmarite Ruins
    1 * Dominion of Sigmar: Timeworm Ruins
    2 * Enduring Stormvault
    1 * Enduring Stormvault (Gryph Hound Statue)
    1 * Penumbral Engine
    1 * Realmscape: Cleansing Aqualith
    1 * Realmscape: Objective Set
    1 * Azyrite Shattered Plaza (fountain frame only)
    1 * Realmscape: Nexus Syphon
    4 * Domicile Shell (from Realmscape: Thondian Strongpoint)
    4 * Guardian Idol (from Realmscape: Thondian Strongpoint)

    In terms of STLs:

    Printable Basing Bits 1
    Printable Basing Bits 2
    Towers of Ellirmilborg
    Jagerholm (future purchase)

    And ofc I would use scratch building with stuff like foam.

    I will purchase also Realms of Ruin to use their map builder and take inspiration from their CoS buildings approach.

    And in terms of colours I've done this tests that I am quite happy with and I think would fit both the old ruins and the new Dawnbringer structures.


    I think the possiblities are endless and I am a slow builder/painter as I have a 9 months old twins, so drop me your ideas. I would consider them all! It doesn't have to be based on gameplay completely, as I am more kind of a collector/ painter profile.

    Thanks in advance ;)

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  11. 51 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    They will release the Warcry warscrolls today and then a bunch of Cities kits and Dawnbringers this Sunday preview

    A bunch, like not all of them? Seems weird. If that's the case, which ones would you guess we will see?

  12. 3 minutes ago, Doko said:

    hnnn who have said its doom and gloom,they are only useless extra rules that nobody gonna use.

    but they dont nerf us or do nothing more,its so simple as fyreslayers gonna continue being the worst army of the moment because these rules wont change nothing

    Some of us just play to have fun. I will use them for sure.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Lightbox said:

    Playing around with the breacher kit to try and make a very chamon flavoured fusiliers and struggling a bit with the guns. Tried an ogor pistol which looked a bit too chunky so now trying some of these admech weapons which could work but im a touch unsure on them looking maybe a bit too futury. It could very much be something that will look a bit better when painted or with some fancy hat heads. Or even just a different style of pavise.




    I don't think they look to futuristic.

    Size wise seems similar to the ones on the Warhulk and the back of the weapon is quite close in aesthetics as well:


    What could make it less futuristic could be trying to use green stuff to turn into into a one barrel gun, instead of multiple barrels one, but in the other hand you have the Fusilier "prime", which has multi shots as well, but in this case the aesthetics are a bit different:

    Freeguild Fusiliers Take Aim and Fire on the Enemies of Sigmar - Warhammer  Community

    My advice would be trying to go into a chunkier and single barrel and would fit perfectly.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    It could be a similar scenario now, with the factor this time being the schedule issues they had.

    Also another factor that came to my mind could be that this books is quite "short" in terms of boxes. Just two. It could help to push its release as well.

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