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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 hour ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Once again, dawnbringers 4 is out before the end of the year, as per their roadmap. 

    On that schedule, dawnbringers 3 will be a lot earlier. Poss preorder announcement Sunday. 




    Winter doesn't mean before the end of the year. The fact that is missing 23-24 doesn't mean it would be released before 2024, specially when the releases schedule is so f***** up as it is right now with crazy delays and 2 weeks preorders to be able to handle demand.

  2. 1 hour ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

    Ok slightly revised my guest list based on feedback. all but the first 3 weeks are speculative, in shop dates quoted not preorder. 

    Guess schedule 

    21 October warcry
    28 October heresy mark iii
    4 November necromunda 
    11 November cities of Sigmar 
    18 November epic imperialis 
    25 November Xmas battle boxes 
    2 December dawnbringers 3 
    9 December kill team scorpions and scouts 
    16 December xmas stuff
    23 December - nothing 
    30 December - nothing
    6 January ad mech and Necron codex 
    13 January Flesh Eater Courts 
    20 January mark vi heresy
    27 January dark angels codex ?
    3 February The Old World starter set 
    10 February dawnbringers iv
    17 February ork codex?
    24 February solar auxilia army

    Q2 2024
    Old world empire vs orcs boxset 
    Dawnbringers v 
    Custodes codex
    Tau codex
    Chaos space marine codex 


    aos4 stormcast vs skaven 

    Seems accurate

  3. 1 hour ago, rattila said:

    One another topic, its gonna be halloween soon. What do we expect at this occasion? At least one mini for Death (like the rumored « hero morghast »), or the FEC tome? Something for SBLG or nighthaunt ?

    FEC and Death based Dawnbringers maybe?

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    A plastic Lord on Chariot sounds great, this is absolutely something the TK range was missing before.

    "Sand Mummies" is a bit of a head scratcher. The only way I can make sense of this is as a new take on the old hyper-generic "Warhammer Undead" mummies.

    If this rumour pans out, the lack of a redone skeleton infantry/archer kit will be a big disappointment.

    Foot Knigths were pretty old aswell, maybe the Mummies are their equivalent.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Hastings - who used to be one of the more reliable rumourmongers - is now reporting that the Tomb King half of the boxset will include a Hero/Lord on Chariot and 'Sand Mummies'. In addition, an Empire vs Greenskins box will drop in Summer, along with one Greenskin plastic kit and three Empire plastics. Both will get resin releases and there will be a 'narrative book' alongside them.

    @Twisted Firaun

    Edit: Got ninja'ed for this one on the TOW thread by thirty minutes, but ah well. 

    So we are back to the dual boxes rumour? It is going to be fun during the following 3-4 months.

  6. 1 minute ago, DeLewko said:

    You assume 5 books ? Lately I’ve been thinking book 4 might be the last one and chaos related.

    In the end it is the same. The last one being Chaos. Said that, I have the feeling it is 5 books as well. Narrative has been so poor that they need more books to build something decent 😅

  7. 1 minute ago, Aleser said:

    Well in this campaign they are. This is what I meant

    Don't you think it is better for the narrative to do not force the inclusion of all (or as much as possible) the existing factions and rather have a better built and more exciting story?

    Dawnbringers so far is being a bit poor, imo, story telling whise and I have the feeling that if the narratives wuld be focused in less factions it would leave room for more creativity.

    • Like 8
  8. Just now, DeLewko said:

    News from Reddit, seems possible? Post was removed if it’s not fake 🤪


    I have two feelings here.

    1 - Tomorrow we would have the page theoldworld.com. Maybe it was posted earlier and the web site says Feb 2024 as well?

    2 - A total fake. It is quite easy to fake tweets by editing HTML, so could be a total fake.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 32 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I hope the Death focused Dawnbringer book give OBR some love. Every Alliance has a Faction that doesnt appear narratively enough;

    Chaos - Skaven and Beasts.

    Order - IDK and Fyreslayers.

    Destruction - Ogors.

    Death - OBR.

    Really hope they get a new Morghast Hero, Mortek Archers and another Troop unit.

    IDK and Fyreslayers will appear in Book 3 as well as Ogors.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Souleater said:

    think @Trugg the Troggoth Kingmay be asking ‘what if the SCE side of the rumoured 4th Ed box are updated sculpts of the 1st Ed box?’ 

    We’re seeing glimpses of both character/story advancement and simple replacement of OG Fatcast.

    Oh. Imo that's secured. But maybe not everything from the box, as Ionus is already out. Unless we get another updates Relictor instead.

    I think GW would take the chance to clear as much as possible those from the first edition that has multiple warscrolls. Liberators,  Prosecutors, Retributors and Fulminators, in order to reduce how many warscrolls SCE already have.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  11. 29 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    What do we expect to be revealed today? I think the Cities of Sigmar models are a good candidate. We don't have much left outside of the stuff that was revealed this weekend right? 

    Considering the CoS battle tome said it is playable from Novemenber, yeah, it is a good guess.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Trugg the Troggoth King said:

    It's a bit nonsense but, I realised that the old Start Collecting of Stormcasts is named "Thundrstrike Brotherhood" like their new Thunderstrike armour so...

    What if the main models to be updated with new armour are the content of this box? I mean, we already saw Liberators/Vindictors for RoR, and Ionus got a new model in the preview. Vandus could get his new miniature according to the actual lore, so just a few Venators, Paladins as Winged Vigilors and Anihilators respectively, and we are done!

    I think the box with rats has been hinted so many times by Whitefang that it is very unlikely.

  13. 23 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    We have 6 months out of the roadmap until 4th, FeC is getting mapped fot winter and i think previewed the next month (the spooki preview), so we are still missing at least 3 months. Chaos is there to fill that gap, and is a better conclusion to the campaign centered to the chrusades, because Chaos are a classic villian for a final battle and Ushoran have 0 relation with cities.

    We don't know much about Ushoran. It could not make too much sense now, but imo it would make sense once the upcoming books would be released.

    My point is the following. CoS book was released before the first book, and included some crucial info to understand some of the characters, and I think something similar would happen with FEC. We would have the BT from the big box, that would explain some stuff about Ushoran and the the closing Dawnbringer book based mainly on Death but closing all the other narratives.

  14. 8 minutes ago, SilentSentinel said:

    I need to stop looking at Ionus, I can feel my decision to only get Belthanos' Dawnbringers box shifting to 'why not get both?'

    Honestly, with Stormbringer giving you two dragons for 33€ the box has to be tooo cheap for me to make sense and purchase it now vs waiting for its release on its own.

  15. 1 hour ago, Ragest said:

    Well, amazing preview, one of the most enternainment I have ever seen, dw3 is a complete blast.

    Now is guessing time:

    dw4 is going to be death focused, with the comeback of the Summer King. I expect the FeC box announced and minis for sbg and obr.

    And the last one is going to be Chaos, with some darkoath kits to complete the Slaves renovation, Khorne with Scylla and Tzeentch.

    The final release for the edition is going to be Chaos dwarves, teased in dw5 with a later release like sbg.

    And, finally, 4th. We know is Skaven vs Primaris Sce, but man, Khorne is being teased everywhere and were with that old Sce in the first edition box, would be a great edition box. If not there, they are going to be primarized along the edition, I'm sure.

    Imo Death would be the very last book.

    • Like 2
  16. On another topic. We have Ionus and Liberatos redesigned. Seems Khorgos and his host would very likely get a revamp as well. So primarisation is 99% confirmed now?

    Also, getting Ionus out of the "SCE  vs Skaven" box leaves some sort of gap. Maybe we get a mix of 1st edition chambers moved into Thunderstrike armour?

    • Like 2
  17. 2 hours ago, Aleser said:


    New Kurnoth hero is named or it is just for Dawnbringer story? Really unexpected model but It is growing for me. Hopefully with fun rules too. Also hyped for Lorai from Blacktalon, nothing about Deepkin in article but they were in video fighting alongside or against fyreslayers. Rules for them too I guess with Lorai.


    It is a named one.

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  18. 3 hours ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    Hasn't the Stormcast been hunting for a solution to the reforging problem, his dragon to a dragon afterlife, and the bug rider hunting to keep the memory of his god of the hunt alive? Those all seem like long hunts.

    Another ideas: Korghos Khul hunting a demon shape. Vandus hunting his memory/ problems I think it was? Tahlia hunting the Khorne host on Hammerhal. Callis and Toll's hunt from the Azyr order. Kings Brodd hunt to avenge Behemat. Neave is a hunter per se... that's all that pop to my mind, but being Ionus the cover art, it has something to be with him. So maybe Korghos and Vandus related.

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