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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 52 minutes ago, Sir Grimm said:

    So they say this is the whole launch range for Bretonnia. Can someone specify what this term "launch range" means exactly in this context? They haven't shared any information on some of the arguably most iconic Bret characters and units such as the King (on a Hippogryph potentially) himself, the Green Knight, Questing and Grail Knights. It seems weird doing a plastic box of Foot Knights that didn't even exist in WHFB and rereleasing these legendary models in their old sculpts won't you say? 


    Alongside these new and returning kits which form the bulk (or entirety) of your force, there will also be a selection of returning metal heroes and specialist units that will be available to order direct from games-workshop.com. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

    32 archers for same price as 5 tiny elfs like lumineths hammerers or swordmasters???

    that would be way too cheap skinks are fantasy models, more horde than bretonians, and even older, and they cost around 40€ for 24 if im not wrong. so i would expect units of 32 models being in 60€ range, and that would be way too cheap allready for gw standars.


    if they release every oldworld troop units in 32s for 50€ i would do a count as lumineth army easily for 120€ or so after discounts in high elf troops.

    I am being optimist price whise because if they don't do it that way they will hit the floor pretty hard, imo.

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  3. Just now, MacWarhammer said:

    Well, if they overprice TOW too much, it might as well be dead on arrival, I fear. A shame that in my opinion the AoS lore lacks the spice and humor and depth that TOWs lore had. Maybe I just can’t get over that they made Nagash from one of the greatest menaces of the old world to a stupid comic book Skeletor. 

    My guess is the following based on this extract from the article:


    These regiments and other future regiments are returning in boxes that contain enough plastic miniatures to make a full regiment, not just a rank or two. With the Peasant Bowmen box, you’ll be able to build a unit of 32 archers, complete with a command group and Defensive Stakes.

    A unit of 32 archers, complete with a command group and Defensive Stakes around 45 - 50 €. Maybe even less.

    • Like 3
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  4. Dawnbringer update. 7/12 with StD and Khorne being very likely. 9/12, Callis and Toll have big chances as well, so 10/12?



    Beasts of Chaos
    Blades of Khorne 📌
    Disciples of Tzeentch
    Hedonites of Slaanesh
    Maggotkin of Nurgle ✔️
    Slaves to Darkness 📌


    Flesh-Eater Courts ✔️
    Ossiarch Bonereapers
    Soulblight Gravelords


    Gloomspite Gitz ✔️
    Ogor Mawtribes
    Orruk Warclans ✔️
    Sons of Behemat


    Cities of Sigmar 
    Daughters of Khaine
    Fyreslayers ✔️
    Idoneth Deepkin 
    Kharadron Overlords
    Lumineth Realm-lords
    Stormcast Eternals ✔️
    Sylvaneth ✔️

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  5. 23 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

    daam another book, with several orders armys aand my fishes and dinosaurs keep being ignored... im afraid my 2 factions will be among the few skipped factions on this narrative and boxes :(


    still had hope for a gor rok, chakax or skink priest release so they were deleted on new book. and a idk hero on eel minimun


    im really sad on oldworld news too, if. even the posterboy faction only got 1 new/redone unit and like 5-6 resins heros, what will other factions get? 1-2 resin heros at best im sure. 

    i was hoping for at least 2-3 redone units for both posterboys factions, and 1 unit and 2-3 heros on every other faction

    I don't think TOW has a poster boy. They started with Kislev, Empire and few other factions. They are just emphasising the two factions that sell at higher price in second hand market cause money.

    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

    daam another book, with several orders armys aand my fishes and dinosaurs keep being ignored... im afraid my 2 factions will be among the few skipped factions on this narrative and boxes :(


    still had hope for a gor rok, chakax or skink priest release so they were deleted on new book. and a idk hero on eel minimun


    im really sad on oldworld news too, if. even the posterboy faction only got 1 new/redone unit and like 5-6 resins heros, what will other factions get? 1-2 resin heros at best im sure. 

    i was hoping for at least 2-3 redone units for both posterboys factions, and 1 unit and 2-3 heros on every other faction

    IDK appear in the book. I guess they are just not getting any new model.

    • Sad 1
  7. Just now, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Do you think there's more minis for Dawnbringers 3 or this is it ? We "only" get two characters ? ("Only" because they look like quite chunky minis).

    Imo this is all. 7/12 factions. We can close with 5 on the last book, if it is the 4th, or 5 factions splitted between 2 books, which seems fair.

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