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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    Just read the reddit and they are comparison sizes of the different warbands/ units. They look so cool and fit so well... I hope they receive a decent range of new models. I've always said I would only have 1 army, but I would consider having FEC as my second one just for their awesome lore and new models 😍

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  2. 2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    Yeah, these are good sculpts but I actually quite like the basic, animalistic, almost running-on-all-fours ghouls. They look fast and most FEC players have a million of them, so I hope they stay as a distinct unit, with these guys as a new semi-elite.

    Current ghouls are the oldest of the FEC range. For me it is a clear replacement.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Sarges said:

    Ghouls update is here!


    >Small update! G H O U L S

    Due to work and other stuff havent been able to fully build the ghouls, but ive made some progress, not much options regarding chest or feet, only two ghouls have different back pieces, four of them are actually female ghouls and the rest male. so far ive glued the chests and feet together as shown here, also another close up of all the heads together, ill be uploading some of them built tomorrow hopefully along with size comparison.

    weapon option wise, it seems to be like theres going to be a halberd only option(theres 10 0f them) or just sword and claws/ or a torch(only two toches as well as a drum and banner)



    Niceee! Thanks for posting them here ;)

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  4. 28 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    What do you think if a book is Khorne VS Stormcast with Khorgos Ascended VS Vandus Descended?

    Vandus is not on its peak... but I don't see him getting into a point where he would "descend". I think it is time for him to clear his mind and "wake up" to come and save the day.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Goatforce said:

    I'm a little confused, I think I have missed an important rumour or something. Has something come out stating there are going to be ranges cut?

    It is just an overall thinking here based on the lack of miniatures love they are receiving.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    We have plenty though?(other than the Silent People that were an underworld background footnote like Katophranes).
    -Grotbag (and Gitmob to some extent as they already exists in Snarlfang).
    -Valay of the deeps(octopi duardin) and some others sea species.

    Also some expansion for already existing "microfactions" like deadwalkers and Firebellies.

    The more the merrier.

    Also, I am not aware at 100% of all of them. Who are the Dogrukhs? Google doesn't want to answer me 😅

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  7. 37 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Silent people was never a good based rumored faction, It was a wishlisted faction as Grotbag Scuttlers, unified duardins or others that was reported multiples times on 4chan or by random users here.

    So sad. The more seeds we have for new factions/ models the best.

  8. 1 hour ago, DinoJon said:

    So if Bonesplitterz or Spiderfang are on the chopping block it would make sense. 

    Looks like Ironjawz are moving into some Savage Orruk territory with the new Ragerz. In the lore it looks like Bonesplitterz are very rarely represented in major events and novels. (Correct me on that if I'm wrong)

    Spiderfang are a little more unique and are currently the only source of "Arachnid" faction. 

    Either way it's always bittersweet to see a (sub)faction go away. There are always people that identify with that faction and love their models. However that choice is usually made to work on something new 

    What would be the odds of having that rumored silent people being kinda spider based as well so they kinda would replace the spiderfang?

  9. 57 minutes ago, lele said:

    I dont know why rumour or people will like dawnbringer book V, so many models and behemoths, make me feel 3.0 will be the final version. And dont know why we have to spend more 2 years to wait more models for V4.

    Having a 5th book in dawnbringers wouldnt push the next edition by a year. In fact it wouldn't push it at all.

    • Like 4
  10. 18 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I am somewhat expecting them to come out next edition. In this edition, the Dawnbringers are constructing their new strong points. In the next one, they should hopefully be finished.

    Unless Brodd and Trugg smashes them all. Maybe then we would get crumbs and ruins as a release.

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