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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 2 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Well, both Khorne and Nighthaunt built on existing concepts. There was never a „true 100%“ Khorne army in Fantasy before that… yes, one could mark Chaos Warriors and use exclusively Khorne units and/or Khorne daemons but it‘s still a somewhat new thing.

    Dunno if you could built an army solely made of specters/ghosts, I figure the situation is somewhat similar.

    Anyways, I‘m happy with whatever we‘ll get. I‘d love to see Skaven but frankly the only thing I don‘t care one iota for are more Stormcast. They already have too many units. I‘d rather see (I never thought I‘d say that) more Lumineth than SCE. Malerion, Skaven, Beasts, Kurnothi, more Cities, Idoneth…. so many armies could use the next AoS box, literally every other army could use a boost more than SCE.

    I know, I know, GW wants fantasy marines but AoS is not 40k and SCE are no space marines. I liked the Dominion ones but from what I know SCE units are already at a point where various units fill the same role or one is better at it anyways. Seems nonsensical… 

    Also, many many times we talk about the launching boxes as made for starters, but lets be honest, the launching box is the one that sales the most in comparison witht its next 3 trimmed variants, and that one is not made for newbies, being a limited one.

    They could even put the launching box with two factions putting aside the Stormcast, and for the 3 little ones change one of the factions and put Stormcats on it, or even put two variants. Stormcast vs both of the launching box factions.

    • Like 6
  2. We've been talking recently about Skavens and SCE renovation assuming that both would be in the new edition box, but what about that 'new edition new army in the launching box' pattern we had so far? I think we've missed it in the recent days speculation.

    Maybe a new outstanding army would be the real mindblowing, and SCE vs Malerion would be Order vs Order, to finish the cycle.

    • Like 3
  3. 31 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Does anyone know how GW handles unit updates in 40k? Do the 40k launch boxes always contain new Space Marine kits or are they sometimes new versions of old models?

    Mixed from new and refreshes, I would say. This time for example they included the Terminators and Termagaunts refresh.

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  4. 50 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    If the starter includes SCE, It would be nice that they redo the liberators and such with thunderstrike armour. So replacing the AoS 1 and 2nd edition SCE. A redoing of the older SCE combined with a couple of new units and characters would be the best way to avoide a to bloathed battletome.

    Would be interesting, specially for the Castigators. As far as I know you cannot purchase them anymore, right? Which is pretty odd.

  5. 19 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    It’s highly unlikely that they would do anything like that soon unless TOW sells particularly well- They’re taking a gamble that enough people will jump from the video game sphere to the wargaming sphere that they can make a suitable ROI and old players who got burned by the End Times will not only return, but buy more models.

    It’s entirely possible that the anticipated playerbase will end up much smaller than expected and continued support would be considered unprofitable, resulting in it getting dropped again. 

    I don't know WHFB players from other countries, but in here most of them already have their armies finished or almost, so I wouldn't count them as buyers for the launching boxes. Putting them aside, getting Total War players into wargamming would depend heavily on the launching boxes price.

    It is true that the remaining WHFB kits are way cheaper (some times even half or less) than their AoS counterparts, but would GW launch their TOW boxes (rumored to have 80+ minis) cheap enough to attract "outsiders"? I doubt it, specially considering the prices policy where they go up and up and the only next step they know is sky rocket into the next price increase. Put that together with the fact that some minis are pretty ugly to nowdays miniatures standard... I see it hard, but hey, maybe GW surprise us and the launching boxes are worth +-100 € (and totally putting Forge Wolrd minis out of the equation here).

    Many YT channels here are calling TOW already a death born game, and seeing everything so far... is hard to refuse, imho.

  6. 20 hours ago, Snarff said:

    Not just fine, but steadily growing and well received IIRC. And unless they expected it to sell worse than black primer (like a certain other game), it sounds like it's thriving rather than surviving.

    EDIT: Dominion was even described as: "…best fantasy launch to date by a considerable margin." by GW themselves.

    I am surprised about that Dominion sentence. We saw lot of stores throwing its price to levels that we've never seen in AoS history in terms of big boxes (even lower than some Start Collectings), and that is a hint about it not selling so well.

    Maybe it was too overproduced? I don't know, but that sentence is really surprising.

  7. 1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I have been thinking about which armies have the potential to go into a starter box instead of Stormcast. For the record, I personally think it is possible that we see a starter without the golden boys eventually.

    Right now, though, the only two factions that with enough narrative clout and at-a-glance appeal to be protagonists are, imo, Cities of Sigmar and Lumineth. But both of those factions are not exactly beginner friendly when it comes to rules and painting. Stormcast have a good thing going as the Ryu of AoS: They are a good army to learn the fundamentals with both in painting and play.

    So personally, I don't know. My bet currently would be that the next starter is more Stormcast Thunderstrike stuff vs. Skaven, like we have been predicting for a while before the Valrak comment.

    What about Chaos/StD? Some models are quite close to Stormcasts, so could be a nice replacement.

    • Like 4
  8. 34 minutes ago, Tonhel said:


    Maybe after three editions GW came to the conclusion that Stormcast aren't comparable to what Space Marines are for 40K. In other words that SC aren't really more profitable than the other AoS armies. Maybe 4th edition will see the launch of a new posterboy faction for AoS.

    Tyrion Elves (I am not up to date with the Tyrion lore, but maybe an AoSifcation of Dragon Princes.) could be the new thing for AoS. While I would love to see Malerion and his army. I don't think these would be 4th edition launch box material.

    Tyrion and his boys/girls versus swarms of Skaven could be a very cool box.

    Would be a nice way to get some WHF vibes as well.


    • Like 8
  9. 2 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Firstly, in reality I don't read anything into the "blow out of the water" phrase.


    What do we know that literally blows things out of (pressurised superheated) water? Yes, steamtanks and gyrocopters!

    Revamped Ironweld Arsenal Vs Clan Skryre confirmed!

    Enter the Era of the War Machine!

    I literally thought about this. Moving Stormcast out of the boxes would be a big part of the mindblowing factor, but I see it with such a low chances to happen after the recent revamp... that I didn't mention it.

    Big cog fort... literally 🤯

  10. 5 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Skaven will automatically make this the best launch box for AOS yet. New Stormcast battling Refreshed Skaven? Its going to be so damn epic!! 

    Am I excited for a Chaos focused Edition...is this..the warp?

    Even cooler than that. Anything but Stormcast!

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