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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 4 minutes ago, Jetlife said:



    could those feet be something for a new zombie dragon for FEC?!?

    Interesting. And could go as well with the wings we are assuming are from a Morghast.


    Maybe the new FEC models have this kind of looks for their dragons/ dragon equivalent and it is more feasible than a Morghast as we know FEC units are coming.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, silverstu said:

    Could be for the Old World- there is a Liche riding an undead dragon coming according to Valrak.

    Do we usually get RE for games outside of AoS and 40k? I don't know, but if we do I don't think we are in the point where we would have TOW RE yet.

  3. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    I don't think all armies are going to be updated/have a second wave after 4th. That's quite an insane number of second waves. In order alone that's Fyreslayers, KO, DoK and IDK who have yet to receive a second wave, and CoS who just got their first wave. Then there's Lumineth which still need 2 temples worth of waves, Seraphon who still have quite a few outdated kits. DoK and Sylvaneth have a few kits that could really stand to be brought up to AoS standards too.

    And that's not even mentioning the Thunderstricification of Stormcast.

    Then Chaos has Skaven and BoC that need to be basically completely redone. Every chaos god army has at least a few resin kits that really need updates too.

    Death has FeC which are in dire need of an expansion, and OBR which has yet to receive a wave 2. And SBGL for all its kits has mostly got named foot vampires with a lot of battleline still looking outdated.

    Destruction same thing, with armies like Bonesplitterz literally just having an UW warband as new models for the entirety of AoS. Kruleboyz need a second wave, Ogors are in desparate need of quite a lot of kit remakes, Gloomspite could really use updates to Spiderfang, Troggoth expansions, some reworks of the more outdated kits etc.

    That's a LOT to do in 3-4 years. AoS is waaaay too succesful for an End Times scenario, with GWs financials confirming the game to only be growing, which is an immesurable step up from how WFB fared for at least 3 editions before it got blown up.

    I'm guessing that alongside the huge amount of updates to current armies that are still necessary there are at least a few more armies coming (Malerion, Grungi) and some substantial subfactions (Gitmob, Grotbag, more CoS, Gholemkind, Kurnothi, Lumineth River and Lumineth Sun, Stormcast chambers, etc.) which should be more than enough for at least 2 more editions.

    So you think rather than revamping everything you've mentioned (which is pretty accurate), they would keep it and at some point discontinue it/ move it to legend and would go for newer (non upgrade from previous minis) stuff instead?

  4. 4 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Ok im just thinking out loud here. If 3rd edition is finished a substantial part of AoS will have decent sculpts. After 4th edition all armies should be updated or have received a 2nd wave. What will they do after that? Release more armies? Start refreshing all over again? Another End Times? My guess is GW already has to be planning what they want to do in the future. Any ideas?

    I think we are too far in time to have all armies even close to be updated. I would say we need at least another 3 editions in order to be in that point. So we would slowly be getting refreshes and new units and sporadic new factions until 2032. Maybe then they would start over again.

    • Like 2
  5. 23 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    I do have a feeling this is the last time we see a Cities of Sigmar book in that mixed, post GA Order form. The first CoS book phased out 35 warscrolls and countless mini factions. The current one axed fewer, but started replacing the identity of the whole army. To me, it's really hard to see the current further segregation of human, dwarf and elf forces as another step on a road to segregating them book-wise as well. Unless there is a next CoS book that would start introducing replacement kits for the dwarfs and elves like the current one did with humans.

    To me makes sense that they are segregated from a range point of view. If all the races are kept, and we don't have mixed units as it seems we would, the range could be comparable in size with the Stormcast one.

    It is either that or having a big core of humans and 2-3 units for dwarvens and elves, which I think would make more damage than help.

    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    I’m hoping that 4.0 updates old factions (Ogors, Skaven, BoC, the like) and sends out the next waves for armies that otherwise are currently small like Fyreslayers, Kharadron, Ossiarchs, Lumineth, Idoneth, and their ilk. Maybe even a Gargant or two. 

    And CoS wave 2. Don't forget our mortals.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Sir Grimm said:

    What are people's opinions on the Old World for this preview at Warhammer Day? Wouldn't it be suitable to reveal the game already and the starter box army battalions? On top of this the preview drops 3 days after the last day of the 40 Years of Warhammer nostalgia cycle. If GW are smart and want to properly honor WHFB and the true 40 year anniversary then I think they should reveal the project, game and minis right then and there!


    Even if it would be the icing on the cake for the 40th anniversary I don't think we would see TOW this year, so imo it is too early to see boxes.

  8. 51 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    It's usually Warhammer Day towards the end of October, sometimes a bigger preview in November (last year we had Arks of Omen + a bunch of other stuff in November after a themed preview for Warhammer Day), and then a Black Library preview in December.

    My personal guesses would be:
    Warhammer Day: Anniversary Edition

    • Harry The Hammer
    • Old World
    • Nostalgia themed new stuff for 40k and AoS (Grombrindal?)
    • Dawnbringers Book 3?

    November Event Preview

    • FeC reveal, maybe tease earlier
    • Dawnbringers Book 3/4
    • Bunch of 40k
    • Misc. Old World, Necromunda etc.

    December Black Library

    • Siege of Terra finale
    • Callis and Toll minis
    • 40k/HH BL mini

    Pretty solid guesses over here imo.

    • Like 3
  9. On 9/17/2023 at 10:55 AM, Ejecutor said:


    Beasts of Chaos
    Blades of Khorne
    Disciples of Tzeentch
    Hedonites of Slaanesh
    Maggotkin of Nurgle ✔️
    Slaves to Darkness


    Flesh-Eater Courts ✔️
    Ossiarch Bonereapers
    Soulblight Gravelords


    Gloomspite Gitz ✔️
    Ogor Mawtribes
    Orruk Warclans ✔️
    Sons of Behemat


    Cities of Sigmar 
    Daughters of Khaine
    Fyreslayers ✔️
    Idoneth Deepkin 
    Kharadron Overlords
    Lumineth Realm-lords
    Stormcast Eternals 

    We have so far 5/12. Having already 2 destruction factions covered and being this book the destruction related one it seems very unlikely that we would have more destruction ones.

    Khorne rumours seems pretty strong, so that would be the 6th, and based on the comments during the last months I would say Silvaneth is almost confirmed as well, being the 7th.

    That leaves 5 more factions fully open to speculation.

    My guess would be OBR for Death, just purely for balancing the releases between Grand Alliances.

    Then KO and ID, to give them a bit of love, and to finish the "roster" 2 more from Chaos, but I am not fully sure which ones. Maybe Slaves and something else.

    I didn't read the last Dawnbringer short until now, and it cleared a bit my doubting one. With the appearance of Skavens into the equation... maybe they get something as well, so that would fit on my missing chaos guess.

  10. 31 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


    I would hope its AOS focused then. Even if it is a new Edition year for 40K. 

    At the very least...


    Isn't warhammer having some sort of games cycles? Yesterday I read that we should be happy with the current AoS development compared with last's year one, but I always felt AoS and 40k have some sort of cycles. When one is down the other is up, so I trust in AoS for this warhammer day seing it seems to be AoS focus time.

    • Like 3
  11. 1 minute ago, DinoJon said:

    I would love new temple guard or a new monster. 

    However I think it's more likely for some other factions to get stuff... my prediction for the 7 remaining

    1. FEC
    2. Nurgle
    3. Khorne
    4. Idoneth
    5. Ogors
    6. Soulblight (it's been a couple months since their last character foot hero... time for another. 
    7. Daughters


    As FEC and Nurgle already got something, you gotta guess another 2!

  12. 49 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Apart from the Darkoath icon that appeared in the annoucement trailer of the campaign, none so far. (This icon is the warband symbol Darkoath Savagers in Warcry).

    Maybe Fyreslayers get more things later down the campaign. You all know the Whitefang rumours about them, no need to repeat them, that's what I'm basing myself on.

    Also don't forget Cities of Sigmar getting minis, there's a Whitefang rumour about Callis & Toll minis. 

    But yeah so far, Khorne & Sylvaneth are the most likely candidates for new minis.

    Uhhh. Good point! I had no clue about that particular one. Imo this almost confirms Darkoath, yes. Another one to the list.

    • Like 3
  13. 6 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Here's a little conversion idea for those of you looking for an alternative Cavalry-Marshall:


    Using extra parts from the Cavalier and foot Marshall kits you can make a pretty cool conversion using the Lord Solar kit as a base. Chamonite cog-horse is 100% lore friendly.

    Woah, awesome. So much helpful this kind of conversions to get ideas. Keep the nice work.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    So could we predict any more about what 12+ factions get updated with these books? 


    Beasts of Chaos
    Blades of Khorne
    Disciples of Tzeentch
    Hedonites of Slaanesh
    Maggotkin of Nurgle ✔️
    Slaves to Darkness


    Flesh-Eater Courts ✔️
    Ossiarch Bonereapers
    Soulblight Gravelords


    Gloomspite Gitz ✔️
    Ogor Mawtribes
    Orruk Warclans ✔️
    Sons of Behemat


    Cities of Sigmar 
    Daughters of Khaine
    Fyreslayers ✔️
    Idoneth Deepkin 
    Kharadron Overlords
    Lumineth Realm-lords
    Stormcast Eternals 

    We have so far 5/12. Having already 2 destruction factions covered and being this book the destruction related one it seems very unlikely that we would have more destruction ones.

    Khorne rumours seems pretty strong, so that would be the 6th, and based on the comments during the last months I would say Silvaneth is almost confirmed as well, being the 7th.

    That leaves 5 more factions fully open to speculation.

    My guess would be OBR for Death, just purely for balancing the releases between Grand Alliances.

    Then KO and ID, to give them a bit of love, and to finish the "roster" 2 more from Chaos, but I am not fully sure which ones. Maybe Slaves and something else.

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