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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Best Warcry warband in a while. I would love these for Warcry. Going straight into my wishlist. Might even get me started on a small Fyreslayers force after i finish the new Ironjawz.


    Luckily for you Fireslayers force cannot be big variety whise 😅

  2. 44 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

    So in € something like : 

    Zoggrok 35€

    Ardboy Big Boss 30€

    Maw-Grunta 62,50€

    Ardboyz 50€

    Weirdbrute Wrekkaz 45€

    Reign of Brute 40€

    Trolls box  117,50€

    Ugh, books getting out of sense lately... like the Nids codex 🤯

  3. 4 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Would be weird if we didn't get a mini for Zagora the Dawnbringer - stormcast character after whom the whole narrative arc is named.

    As it was only mentioned in the Domion book (as far as I am ware) and we didn't see her anywhere else I really doubt we would get her mini as part of this arc.

    • Like 4
  4. 4 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    Let’s try ruling out factions: 

    The Ossiarchs might get something for Underworlds or Warcry, but I don’t believe that would be counted towards the total, and while there is one Legion with agents in Aqshy (The Crematorians), they’re more interested in Lumnos than this crusade, plus the Ossiarch are on the defensive this edition. They’re probably not likely to see a Dawnbringer release, but we did see a Morghast wing in the Rumor Engines, so they’ll be getting something eventually, but not likely to be now. 

    The Lumineth (To the best of my knowledge) aren’t anywhere near Aqshy or Ghyran, and probably wouldn’t be involved in the main narrative either. Maybe they’ll show up in Warcry or Underworlds, but probably not AoS. 

    Those two aren’t likely to show up in any real capacity, although maybe when Ushoran shows up, the Ossiarchs will get a small mention, but I wouldn’t expect more than that. 

    I would sum to that list Nighthaunts. I don't see them in Dawnbringers neither.

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    Yeah but it's not like it's going to be 20. It's probably 13 or even 12 but within models for different subfactions. Does the Grot rabble Rowza and Trugg count as 1 or 2?

    On that point so far we have

    Gloomspite (and Troggoths?), Nurgle, FeC, Fyreslayers and Warclans. Are the Blacktalons part of Dawnbringers too?

    We also have heavy rumours of Kurnothi, Darkoath and possibly cities in the form of Callis and Toll.  That leaves between 1 and 5 factions still to be even hinted at. 

    AoS between Cities and 4th edition is still a pretty big mystery. The only thing we know about is FeC and we don't know much about them. I feel like we could start seeing Monday previews again after Reign of the Brute is out. As far as I'm aware the next preview show isn't until the grand narrative event in November and I'd expect book 3 to be out by then. 


    Would be a bit weird that Blacktalon would be part of the Dawnbringers release and they didn't mention it so far, right? I see it more in the lines of the Gaunts Ghosts. Some sort of "commemorative" release, but not related to Dawnbringers.

    • Like 3
  6. 2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    They do seem to play AoS a bit smarter. GW know they could open a codex with a literal middle finger to 40k players insulting their mothers and the overwhelming majority of people would still keep paying for it. AoS they don't have that luxury.

    Just look at General's Hand Books keeping the fancy ring-bound designs while Chapter Approved went to crappy softbacks, for example. It's the little things that add up to a noticeable difference. 

    To me ring-bounds don't look too fancy... it just feels cheap and lacking proper work. Curious how different our POV are.

    • Like 3
  7. 4 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    Just thought about something for the (presumably) Valkia/Khorne themed upcoming Dawnbringers book.

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    Since the Twin-Tailed Crusade's path has been outlined in Dawnbringers I, we know that the Aqshyan half is probably going towards the mountains (with maybe Chorfs, more likely source of Gloomspite forces), and the Ghyranite half is heading North towards the edge Verdia to the coast and close to Greywater Fastness.

    That reminded me of this image from Warcom. Khorne vs Greywater, which does not appear in the Battletome.

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    AoS CitiesOrders Aug16 Image1

    Since Greywater seems have had almost as much attention in terms of studio armies as the posterfaction of Hammerhal Aqsha, I really hope it means we get some good narrative content for the city alongside the (most likely) Khorne focused 3rd/4th book.

    Be carefull with what you wish or we could have here a second Anvilgard/Har Kuron 😅

    • Like 2
    • Haha 5
  8. 2 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

    Btw. do we have some rumours about Idoneth? Because since their release 5 years ago they received exactly one model in AoS (not counting Underworlds). Even Fyreslayers had more luck. :D

    But you got a Crab and a Squid. Who cares about a full army release when you have Crabs and Squids?!

    • Like 1
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  9. 1 hour ago, Grunbag said:

    Where it has been announced ?

    Issue one has been around for a week or so in stores. Classic 10% discount campaign was launched months ago and after that another one with a 5% discount. Not sure if there's TV announcements as I don't check TV lately, but I am seeing YT channels collabs promoting it.

    • Thanks 2
  10. 9 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Do the Warcry bands count has being minis during Dawnbringers ? So we know if we can add Mawtribes to the list of "12 factions getting minis during the narrative event" with the Gorgers.

    That's an interesting one. So far:


    Beasts of Chaos
    Blades of Khorne 💲
    Disciples of Tzeentch
    Hedonites of Slaanesh
    Maggotkin of Nurgle ✔️
    Slaves to Darkness 💲


    Flesh-Eater Courts ✔️
    Ossiarch Bonereapers 💲
    Soulblight Gravelords 💲


    Gloomspite Gitz ✔️
    Ogor Mawtribes 💲
    Orruk Warclans ✔️
    Sons of Behemat


    Cities of Sigmar 
    Daughters of Khaine
    Fyreslayers ✔️
    Idoneth Deepkin 
    Kharadron Overlords ✔️
    Lumineth Realm-lords
    Stormcast Eternals 
    Sylvaneth 💲

    Can the IJ release be considered part of the Dawnbringers minis? I don't think so, right? So we have 5/12 counting the KO info.

    I've added the ones that I think would complete that 12/12 with the dollar sign 😅 💲

    • LOVE IT! 2
  11. 18 hours ago, DinoJon said:

    It felt like at least between "Gitslayer" and "Soulslayer" that the Gotrek books were leading up to a retaking of the original Dwarven Cities before they became Dispossessed. Then "Blightslayer" came out and kind of threw that plotline into the dump. 

    In my hope of hopes next Gotrek books sees him working with the Dispossessed and/or Gholemkind to coordinate with the K.O. and Fyreslayers from those previous books to finally claim their grot infested cities. This could lead into either a new Duardin faction or maybe an Duardian expansion for Cities that includes the Gholemkind. 

    As a lore nerd I would absolutely love it even though I have no exceptional fondness for the dwarfs. 

    As a question from someone that has no clue about novels. Has this happened before? I mean, did we have in the past novels that lead into such a "surprise" release like would be Gholemkind into CoS?

    • Like 1
  12. 40/30k: I got really hyped seeing yesterday the Space Marine 2 trailer but the minis... c'mon! They all look the same and the same all the time!!

    Fullgrim is awesome, but prepare the pocket, I would imagine it close to 200$ cause... Forgeworld...

    AoS: Awesomenauts. Was worried about the Brutes/Ardboys but they are easy to distinguish. A nice job. I think our new trogoth king would look even better when we see other painters picking it.

    The picks from minis when they were talking about Darnbringers 2 got me thinking. Poster boys and CoS joining the action?

    Wacry: As a new player I had to really look for the Ogors to see if they were Ogors or a new FEC unit, cause all the bones on the body. Not my cup of tea, but I will buy 2 and sell everyhing that is not CoS 😅.

    Underworlds: Average bands imo. The new icy setting looks interesting. Maybe icy/ snowy themed minis coming?

    BB: The faces are cool, but BB poses are not for me.

    ToW: The head of the unicorn looks a bit small, appart from that is looks awesome. Just a shame that it is resin... cause if GW is overpriced, Forge is just the next level...

    • Haha 1
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