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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 33 minutes ago, Chikout said:


    I think they look different enough. When they are stood next to each other the size difference will be obvious. The armour on the Ardboy is still more rounded than the brute. I'm not sure what people are expecting from the kit. They are the basic battleline unit of the faction. They should represent the basic identity of the faction. I don't want a radical departure from the core aesthetic of the faction in this unit. 

    If any unit is going to be a bit different, it should the new weirdboy unit. 


    Without knowing too much about  IJ, if you show me this two pics and I have to guess which one is the brute I would say the second. Imo, being said that it is looking awesome, it is a design problem. Units have to be able to quickly stand without having to learn from the game. This would help either with the games being quicker and in terms of sales, as having easy to spot variety could create more casual sales.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    Based on the price and the normal discount in those army sets and the latest releases I would expect about these prices for the individual kits then

    Freeguild Marshal - 32.5€
    Alchemite Warforger - 27.5€
    Steelhelms  - 47.5€
    Cavaliers - 52.5€

    My guess was kind on the line, based on Seraphon's:

    Freeguild Marshal - 30€
    Alchemite Warforger - 25€
    Steelhelms  - 50€
    Cavaliers - 55€

    • Like 2
  3. 57 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    The Seraphon army set was £130 and with the pricing of Cities at £120 I feel like GW were pushing the price up until they found a point that started to affect sales. The Seraphon set didn't "fly off the shelves" (in fact there is still a few retailers out there with them still in stock) A £120 price point means just under £100 with a 20% discount (which is what most retailers offer) It makes sense to me as there is a big psychological jump when a product breaks the £100 mark.  

    I think it is points related. The CoS one has been the lowest in terms of points ever.

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  4. 15 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    I don't have any porblem with SCE, but I must say that Space Marines, just for the sheer number of campaigns, stories, books, characters, etc. they are a lot more interesting to me than Stormcast. I'm pretty sure that with time, SCE are going to have a lot of material and that's what I'm waiting for, I need a story that "clicks" in me.

    Btw, can anyone answer a few SCE questions?

    1. What happens to a chamber if Sigmar/Lord Commander orders something that contradicts their Lord Imperatant/Lord Celestant orders?
    2. Can Nagash or even gorkamorka "corrupt" SCE? Or at least switch the Sigmar-mojo to make them a bit more confused? Like a non-chaotic Torglud.
    3. Can they disobey orders? Like "nope, I'm not going to purge this city, do it yourself daddy".
    4. Did they had any infight? Like a chamber that for whatever reason attacked another chamber? Doesn't matter if they are right or wrong.
    5. Is there anything like Heresy in their mind? Like, instead of people praying to Sigmar, they pray to Stormcast for being their saviours to the point that they gave up on Sigmar?
    6. Can they bond or even follow another god than Sigmar that completely contradicts him? Something like Astral Templars, but imagine that Usricht answers their pleas contradicting Sigmar.

    Thanks in advance!

    I think the answers for 2-6 is "No that we know so far", funny that yesterday we were talking about SCE heresy and if their soul could be converted into chaos or by Nagash in the Sigmaroteca chat, and the answer to this is yes, as they are just mortals souls.

    For the first one I would say we don't know. If it comes from a higher rank they would follow that higher rank I guess.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    They are promoting Big Waaagh. I doubt it. It is like expecting the union of Fyreslayer and KO

    Which has been a pretty rumored thing (joining all dwarfs with the removal of CoS dwarvens), so not so weird xD

    • Confused 3
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  6. 1 hour ago, willange said:

    I just hope they don't simplify 4.0 like they did with 40k 10th ed.  I liked many of the 10th ed changes, but at the end of the day it went to far and I just can't get into it.  I would hate for AoS to lose that much depth.

    Imo this is what is going to happen. With the rules already printing, and just 1 year difference between 10th and 4th, it would follow the same pattern, which has been done imo to attract younger players, as they tend to prefer simplified stuff.

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  7. 10 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Came here to post this! 😁👌 Vamp looks really cool from what I can see. If they use classic artwork for these minis, perhaps there's a chance to get something cool like Engra Deathsword one day.... even if he's not AoS but that's a mini almost every Chaos player would want to own and he'd be a nice stand-in for a generic Chaos Lord too. Guess I'll have to order the second WH+ model now in case they expire.

    You can still order the first year one. Only requirement is having a sub during that period of time.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Just now, Gitzdee said:

    Im just not getting another subscription i cant afford because driving a car and basic groceries are getting way to expensive. If i decide to get it another time i wont be able to.

    You have a whole year to get the subs. I subscribed not more than a month a go, like two weeks before year 2 minis would be "removed", and I would be able to get mine tomorrow. So there's plenty of time to save to buy "that mini that you want", and in this case they come with some extras in the shape of visual content.

  9. 1 minute ago, Gitzdee said:

    I think you are correct.

    I would not like it at all if such an iconic model gets released behind a paywall.

    Well, in the end all models are "hidden behind a paywall", unless you know some sort of secret vodoo to get them all for free. If that's the case I want to be your apprentice.

    • Haha 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

    Two? I only saw the pegasus knight, what was the other one??!!?!

    Also makes me wonder how large that starter set will be as well as why some new units are resin while others are plastic?

    I understood future Bretonnia as a funny way of saying FEC, but still I am not sure what is the second one 😁

    And don't forget metal. They said metal too, which is super odd.

    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, Doko said:

    the median are blisbarb archers and idoneths reavers that make 8'8 rend 1 damage for 160/170

    the fussilers make only 5 rend 1 damage,so if we compare to thosw units the cost of fussilers must be 30% less than those.

    i havent read thunderers but if you really want know and isnt only irony i can do the math for his real cost

    You are forgetting the whole point of the book, heroes shouting command orders to them and that kind of stuff.

  12. 3 hours ago, SilentSentinel said:

    Between the fairly imminent Ironjawz/gitz releases and what is seemingly shaping up to be a hopefully fairly big upcoming Flesh eaters release at the end of this year or early next year I fear I may die from hype overdoes! Flesh eater courts have always been an army I've loved the concept of but have never bought into due to how small and old some of the range was.

    That being said the old/current ghoul kit has grown on me so If it not being updated means we maybe get an extra kit of something new I don't mind it remaining as it is.

    Totally feel you here. FEC have one of the best lores imo, but the models weren't making it justice. I am considering them very hard as well.

    • Like 4
  13. 49 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    I just looked through the old rumour engines and it has been quite a while since one was solved.

    The last solved rumour engine where two for the Inquisitorial warband solved on the 1st of May.

    Before that every we had a rumour engine solved every month since November 2021. And that was only a single month pause so three months now is quite a long time

    Over the whole lifespan of the rumour engine there where only 5 months without solving one which where:

    So three months in a row is quite strange.

    Wonder if that was planned or if something went wrong?

    Maybe related to the warehouse moving?

  14. 27 minutes ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

    Is it just me that feels like the Pontifex Zenestra ability to do D3 mortal wounds to every enemy wizard and priest feels a bit to much.

    Sure, it's a prayer that goes of on 3+ and then 2+ but a lot of mages are 5-6 wounds meaning it could really give a lot of NPE when you can do absolutely nothing to prevent it except heroically recover one hero.

    With a double turn it would not be that unlikely to go off twice and kill of a lot of the 5-6 wounds hero wizards...

    Nothing is too much when we speak about CoS!

    Said that, I totally agree. It is not even matter of updating its points cost, it is too much, but maybe it is already focused on 4th Edition and it would look more in line in one year.

  15. 45 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Of course ! We're going to have the whole royal court with the FEC. We already have the nobles with the Archregent and Kings, then the Courtiers. We got the royal herald a few months ago, but every royal court needs a judge.

    Wondering what other court officials we could also get. A councellor ? A jester ? Maybe a queen ?

    An executioner of course! No one would be left unpunished ;)

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