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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 5 minutes ago, Freemeta said:

    it feels rushed: there is no explanation how wanderer dispareared from Cities. i dont understand, GW relase a book about Prince Maesa then delete them from the lore.

    For me it feels the completely opposite, a pretty planned move. It could not have much explanation lore wise, but not all has to be aligned with the lore. Some times this just happens, and CoS always have been a bit of a soup of loose ends that needed to be fixed.

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  2. 23 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    I think he means the ammunition part vs the guy drinking

    Yeah, but you can see those one, in better quality, as well in the post I dropped. I noticed 3 main differences.

    1 - Heads. With and without helmets.
    2 - Arms/ Actions. Including a little explosion on the powder while being fired.
    3 - Non used helmets are dropped in the floor.

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  3. 27 minutes ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

    So do we think it’s just ironjawz wave 2 and FEC left for aos third ? That would make it I think have less product released in the edition than first or second 

    Basically we got 13 model waves in aos1 and 11 in aos2 (plus a smattering of characters)

    How much is left in aos3?


    1 Stormcast 1 
    2 Khorne bloodbound
    3 Slaves to darkness 1

    4 Fyreslayers
    5 Ironjawz
    6 Stormcast 1.5
    7 Sylvaneth

    8 Desciples of tzeentch
    9 Stormcast vanguard 2
    10 Kharadron overlords

    11 Maggotkin of nurgle 
    12 Daughters of khaine
    13 Idoneth deepkin

    1 Stormcast 3
    2 Nighthaunt 

    3 Gloomspite gitz 
    4 Hedonites of slaanesh
    5 OBR
    6 Slaves 2 warcry 

    7 lumineth 
    8 Sons of Behemat

    9 Hedonites 2
    10 lumineth 2 
    11 soulblight 

    1 Stormcast 5
    2 Kruleboyz

    3 nighthaunt wave 2
    4 Sylvaneth wave 2
    5 sons of behemat wave 2
    6. Slaves to darkness wave 2

    7. Seraphon mega wave 
    8. Cities of Sigmar mega wave
    9. Ironjawz wave 2

    10. FEC mega wave 
    11. ???

    4th Ed

    It is a pretty solid recap, but rather than counting how many waves we had I would count how many units/ warscrolls we had to have a more precise idea when comparing between editions, and maybe stuff like Warhammer Quest exclusive models should be counted as well.

    • Like 3
  4. 26 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    When I initially saw this one I thought it was an ascending staircase, but now I think it might be the bottom of one instead, and the perspective changes your perception. This isn't FEC, it is Bonereapers and I can prove it.

    Dead skeletons? Bonereapers love killing those boney ****** twice to harvest them

    Why is there only a single skull and the upper torso of another skeleton, and what is that weird texture below and beside them? It is magical flux that the Mortisans use when they craft skelebobs and other things.

    But what about the ominous text? It is a sign of a big and grand release for multiple death factions...maybe.

    Good point. Definetely the staircase is descending, but I really doubt such a big and ornated base would be for a OBR mini.

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  5. 55 minutes ago, Draznak said:

    There's one thing that puzzles me about this magnificent COS release...

    Do you think the ironweld great cannon could be considered as a steampunk stuff ? I remember @Whitefang responding favourably to this a few months ago :


    But I don't get impression that this canon is very 'advanced steampunk stuff'...

    Is it just me fantasising, or is there a hint of a possible 2nd wave? New BT also clearly mentions steam-walkers. With elite/heavy infantry, things related to Azyr and that, there's room for new COS human releases.


    I was checking it carefully due to a video showcasing the whole range and it is quite advanced in comparison with the old Empire cannons indeed.

    If you check it, the arm above the cannon is not handling the ammunition on its own, as I initially thought, but the whole metal piece containing the ammunition into. Kind of a big one shot revolver cylinder, which is what is on the floor in the main pic, ready to be replaced. So I think is quite advanced in comparison with the old ones. Also, the ammunition is quite sophisticated.

    But I agree, even with this upgrade on the tech behind the cannon, they cannot be called steampunk.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Doko said:

    yes 100% my feelings,i was waiting to know what units was going to be removed with the book and what remain to then buy the dark elf start colleting before that they delete it due to the new vanguard box.

    but now i dont know,i dont want again as happened with my wild ryders and phoenyx temple units,that i buy new models and then they are deleted in short time.

    if i buy somethimg i hope have 15+ years to use due to his cost in money and time to build

    Hoping for something lasting 15+ years is being quite optimism imo. There's rumor of Liberators and that kind of SCE being "primarised", and they would last just 3 seasons, if that's the case, so hoping for something to last 15+ is quite complicate.

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  7. 3 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    I found my colour scheme. It's going to be cream for the uniform like Exelcis, with a white trim with touches of yellow and blue for the heraldry. I got inspired by the colours of a certain Spanish football club known for displaying white as its primary colour...

    (When you have trouble at finding your own colour scheme, my advice is look at sports teams, they have some great ones.)

    Real Madrid? 😁

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  8. 19 hours ago, CDM said:

    After seeing this I went to lexicanum to find out more! Unfortunately there's a giant advert for meg 2 covering up the info so I didn't learn much 🤣

    I saw they've divided them into Kurnothi Aelf, Kurnothi humans are mentioned as are Fawn and Centaurs! I didn't know it was a cult I assumed a new race!

    Are we getting a Kurnothi warcry warband?

    In the case that laxicanum doesn't have much info, maybe is worth to try the Spanish version being translated with something like Chat GPT. Is not the best, but I learnt recently that the Sigmaroteca has 3 to 4 times more info than the Lexicanum, so it could be worth the shot.

    • Like 5
  9. 26 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    So there are more pictures of the scenery in the book, are we ever going to see it?

    Checked the whole book again as I didn't look to much on the scenery. Nothing. The pic from the community reveal post is where we can see more pieces of the "new scenery houses". The rest are a mix of warcry ruins, sigmarite mausoleum, dominion of sigmar and the dawnbringer settlement scenery sets.

    • Thanks 3
  10. This is a slow process so everyone is used to it and they don't get everyone mad around the same time.

    Remove a bit, some users would freak out and leave, but they would be covered with the release of ToW. Then those that doubted would prolly buy some new stuff so WHEN (and I say when not if) dark elves and dwarvens are removed those users would be fully covered as well by their new AoS replacement faction plus those users would prolly buy the second CoS wave because they already bought some new CoS stuff.

    It is a case of leaving always a bit so you don't fully quit, imo.

    • Like 6
  11. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Thank Sigmar there's still some miscellaneous heraldry in there... I think I'm going for a homebrew city, I don't want to be coralled by an official color scheme and play that subfaction over and over again. Even if I do like the Living City, Lethis and Exelcis schemes are great. Greywater looks great but I already have another army that's in a yellow and black color scheme. Living City and Lethis look cool but I don't know if I want to invest in Sylvaneth or Cities monsters, but SCE priests look cool and so are skulls/bone bits. 

    If I go homebrew my color scheme will be a bright blue (think Caledor Sky) and a light grey (Celestra Grey) with dark steel and black shield rims but I do feel this is too close to Settler's gain, and my WFB Middenland army who was also blue and grey, and I don't know how these colors will mix... Help me decide pls I don't know what to do is this homebrew color scheme idea good

    Fun fact, your profile pic appears in the book quoted as Settle's Gain Cavalier.

    What about one of the two references I attached? I had them back when I was thinking about my SC color scheme.




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  12. Btw, what colour schema would you opt for? And transfers? I think I would go for a custom one that would be Settler's Gain replacing the blue with black or dark grey. Doubting about the gold bits, and for the transfer the miscelaneous one in the middle. The golden twin tailed comet. For the religious units the twin tailed comet with golden aura.






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  13. 51 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

    For the record the whole book, points, and warscrolls are now out in the wild. Don't know if we can post any of it here, but if you know where to look you should find it and you can always message me for it..... I think?


    Looks like they don't have the Stormcast rule anymore?

    Holy cow that is a lot of subfactions lol. 11?!?!?!

    The battletome is in PDF surfing our beloved Sigmar skies

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  14. 24 minutes ago, Draznak said:

    The Cavalier-marshal is missing from this list. That makes 12 new kits (13 including Galen & Doralia Ven Denst, for 22 kits dating from WHB).

    This is one of GW's biggest releases at the moment. Astra Militarum also had 12 new kits and the Leagues of Votann had 11, to take example of recent big releases.

    True. Edited it, skipped it on my excel hehe.

    To complete the list with the rest of the AoS models for CoS:

    Forbidden Power
    Galen & Doralia ven Denst
    Hexbane's Hunters
    Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur
    Malign Sorcery

    And on Legends:
    Excelsior Warpriest
    Heroes from Cursed City:

    • Jelsen Darrock
    • Emelda Braskov
    • Glaurio ven Alten III
    • Cleona Zeitengale
    • Octren Glimscry
    • Brutogg Corpse-Eater
    • Thanks 4
  15. 2 hours ago, CDM said:

    So how many kits is this release then?

    Alchemite Warforger
    Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal 
    Freeguild Cavaliers
    Freeguild Command Corps
    Freeguild Fusiliers
    Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy
    Freeguild Steelhelms
    Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk
    Inronweld Great Cannon
    Pontifex Zenestra, Matriarch of the Great Wheel
    Tahlia Vedra Lioness of the Parch
    Wildercorps Hunters

    • Thanks 3
  16. 1 hour ago, Draznak said:

    Valrak said, in his last video, that leaks were scheduled to be revealed at Nova Open, for a september release. Someone here also said a day or two ago that a retailer had also told him about the same month (for army set I think).

    I think at least army set in the first half of September is a perfectly reasonable prediction. Unless the logistical mess with new warehouses gets in the way.

    Yup. The retailer told me early Sept. If he says something about a delay, I will post it ;)

    • Thanks 3
  17. 1 hour ago, Asbestress said:

    Now that I've had a bit of a think about it, this release (even though I love it and think it's the best range refresh we've had ever) really feels like it has a case of first wave syndrome, with it missing a generic big centerpiece and the amount of old non-human/human kits left.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see a wave 2 either with a later Dawnbringer book ala Lumineth, or for their 4th Edition Battletome. However, I'm fully satisfied if this (and maybe some Underworlds/more Warcry later) is all we'll get for the time being.

    Wouldn't you say Tahlia is the big centerpiece?

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