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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 hour ago, pnkdth said:

    They'll still be oozing with character when they've gotten a trim. When I paint and build stuff I do not want to create minis which try and draw your attention everywhere at once. Which is what some of these are suffering from. 

    Really interested on seeing how you approach the minis. I was thinking the same. Some minis have too much stuff for me. For example I wouldn't mind removing the shields from the fusiliers or the cannon.

    • Like 2
  2. Just now, Asbestress said:

    Ok, why did this have to be the one leak I sleep through?

    Everything looks so good!!! I just hope that the Pontifex has a generic build option, and that we get a elite infantry unit either now or a later wave.

    Also, I'm thinking those minis on top of the image (Arch-Knight, Surgeon, etc.) could be one kit like 40k Command Squads. Would be an insta-buy for me.

    Seems that the big heroes doesn't have generic option to me, but it is nice starting to see some known heroes on the CoS army. Hopefully they get some nice histories behind with the years.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    So, all the old Warscrolls stay the same (not necessarily a given), we should now know all of the 54 of them.


      Hide contents
      1. • Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Battlemage
      2.  Freeguild General on Griffon
      3. • Battlemage on Griffon
      4. • Dreadlord on Black Dragon
      5. • Luminark of Hysh with White Battlemage
      6. • Sorceress on Black Dragon
      7. • Steam Tank with Commander
      8. • Assassin
      9. • Battlemage
      10. • Black Ark Fleetmaster
      11. • Cogsmith
      12. • Runelord
      13. • Sorceress
      14. • Warden King
      15. • Doralia ven Denst
      16. • Galen ven Denst
      17. • Haskell Hexbane
      18. • Hexbane's Hunters
      19. • Flagellants
      20. • Bleakswords
      21. • Darkshards
      22. • Dreadspears
      23. • Ironbreakers
      24. • Longbeards
      25. • Black Ark Corsairs
      26. • Black Guard
      27. • Dark Riders
      28. • Drakespawn Chariots
      29. • Drakespawn Knights
      30. • Executioners
      31. • Gyrobombers
      32. • Gyrocopters
      33. • Hammerers
      34. • Irondrakes
      35. • Scourgerunner Chariots
      36. • Celestial Hurricanum
      37. • Kharibdyss
      38. • Luminark of Hysh
      39. • Steam Tank
      40. • War Hydra
      41. Steelhelms
      42. Cavaliers
      43. Fusiliers
      44. Marshall
      45. Alchemite
      46. Thalia Vedra
      47. Warhulk
      48. Ironweld Great Cannon
      49. Arch Knight
      50. Pontifex
      51. Soul Shepard
      52. Whisperblade
      53. Great Herald (with Mascot Gargoylian?)
      54. War Surgeon

    I am making the assumption that the Mascot Gargoylian does not get their own warscroll but shares it with another hero like the Relic Envoy and the Marshall.

    I've seem some messages about the Soul Shepard, Whisperblade, Great Herald and all those being just 1 warscroll. That would leave room for more stuff as whitefang said.

    • Like 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Synergy within the army will probably uplift them qutie a bit. I'm almost certain that I already saw an order on that one preview image that lets castellite units like the cannon shoot twice.

    Here's a potentially interesting observation: The Hurricanum is no longer a "Celestial Hurricanum with Battlemage", but rather a "Battlemage on Celestial Hurricanum". Could this mean that we are treating them and the Luminark only as mounts now and losing the Mage-less versions?

    That was my conclusion as well. That's why we have room for more reveals as Whitefang confirmed!

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, EonChao said:

    Spotted these floating around. Really like the characters and the cannon




    Thank you. You hero! This range renewal is simply the best work done by GW in years.

    About the lack of units and having too much heroes, I think I prefer it this way. We have a lot of different minis taste, and as more units would be removed from CoS and/or renewed, we would have newer and more variety on units later on.

    • Like 3
  6. 20 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

    Apparently the delay for 30k epic is because of an embarrassing error printed in the rulebook so they've had to reprint.

    An embarrassing error in this case using a real world quote from a real world historical regime that might be a lil' bit yikes.

    Wow. It would be interesting to see the quote. Is it really something that big to reprint it all?

  7. 10 minutes ago, Draznak said:

    This delay announcement makes it understandable why Underworlds skavens are being released next week instead of autumn, and why august collectible coin (which probably should have been Legion Imperialis) has still not been announced on WarCo.

    So it seems that the change of warehouses is still causing GW logistical problems... I'm starting to worry about COS army set.

    I think I saw the Legion Imperiales coin already. I am not fully sure where I saw it or how that user got it.

  8. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    Considering how epic the Vindicare sniper was Id love to see something done in the same vein for AOS.

    Think about it, we already have it 😅. It is the Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk, same concept but translated from 40k to AoS. And we even won an Ogor!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  9. 11 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I wonder if that email was a mistake.  Last year they  talked about year 2 shows on August 10th and revealed the minis on August 14th. 

    I was expecting something yesterday but since nothing was revealed, I think we'll have to wait until next week. 

    Could be possible, yes.

    I know it is HH day, as it was mentioned above, but if the mail was right I don't see the minis being announced on a Friday nor a Weekend. Lets see if today is the lucky day.

    • Like 1
  10. Today seems the most feasible day to see the new W+ minis, right? What would be your bet?

    40k: Odds say some sort of Marine ofc, 99,9% Lieutenant, but I would say it is a cool looking Tyranid to be in line with Leviathan.

    AoS: I think we will see a CoS Wizard from a different college than the one form the army box. Maybe a mage from Azyr?

    • LOVE IT! 4
  11. On 7/14/2019 at 12:27 PM, Ben said:

    Here is the full rundown. 


    Screenshot 2019-07-14 at 11.26.38.png

    I guess this dots thingy is quite old, based on the message date, but could be posible to provide different icons to the different ranks? They are all using a default rocket currently.

  12. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Yeah though I do feel the new Freeguild look more "duardinified" than the Empire ever was "dwarfified". That's why I really don't mind WFB Dispos next to AoS Freeguilds. They look great next to eaxh other despite the disparity in age. In fact, I'd be happy if Dispos stick around in AoS and don't get shelved to TOW like the Empire and High Elves got. They have a pretty nice roster (3 heroes, 3 melee units including one elite, 1 ranged unit, 2 warmachines), that's already a lot and more than some AoS armies get (like SoB). I hope they stay long term. 

    I don't know if you recall those post stamps GW sold, but the dispo were there under ToW wording. Imo that's a clear message.

    • Like 1
  13. Btw, I've seen lot of talks about old models from factions such us Skavens and Beasts of Chaos. I think we can all agree that sooner or later all WHF minis would be replaced or removed, right? In that case, which WHF mini would you say has the higher chances to stay in AoS as it is for the long term.

    Imo that mini could be easily Nagash. I had no clue that was initially done for WHF, and it is surprisingly good for the time it has.

  14. 8 hours ago, Chikout said:

    I'm definitely at the point where the wait for news has become a touch frustrating. The gap between reveal and release for cities has been almost as long as it was for sisters and we've had about half the number of articles. There hasn't been a single lore article yet. They could easily have done one for each of the cities. I'm ready to see a contents page and even a blurry pic or two though I normally don't like leaks. 

    That's not fair, imo.

    We got five short stories. Dawnbringers campaign is literally all about CoS, some CoS flavour on Hammer an Bolter an lore hints on the different reveal articles...

    It looks quite well prepared for me.

    • Like 5
  15. 8 hours ago, Jetlife said:

    Seeing the acutal COS Battletome definitely makes it all seem more real. 

    I most likely won’t  (but never say never) start a COS army, but I feel this is the most important army to be added to AOS. 

    While stormcast are cool in their own style, I have always felt there was a huge need/desire for regular human army. While they aren’t the brettonia of yesteryears, I’m overly impressed with how subtle but modern their take on this design space has been. 

    They appear to have set themselves up for an endless supply of updates for them as well. This army could easily get 5 kits a year and never seem to be too much because people will be able to use what they don’t like and use what they like. I’m feeling this army is a win win. 

    While AOS has rapidly been growing since the pandemic, could this army be the one that completely blows the game up and entice a lot of new players?


    Wouldn't surprise me if it helps indeed to bring players into AoS as there's many studies about picking races in videogames where human is always the most appealing as we feel closer to them, but the price increasing over and over yearly would always be a problem to bring new players, imo.

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