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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Yeah though I do feel the new Freeguild look more "duardinified" than the Empire ever was "dwarfified". That's why I really don't mind WFB Dispos next to AoS Freeguilds. They look great next to eaxh other despite the disparity in age. In fact, I'd be happy if Dispos stick around in AoS and don't get shelved to TOW like the Empire and High Elves got. They have a pretty nice roster (3 heroes, 3 melee units including one elite, 1 ranged unit, 2 warmachines), that's already a lot and more than some AoS armies get (like SoB). I hope they stay long term. 

    I don't know if you recall those post stamps GW sold, but the dispo were there under ToW wording. Imo that's a clear message.

    • Like 1
  2. Btw, I've seen lot of talks about old models from factions such us Skavens and Beasts of Chaos. I think we can all agree that sooner or later all WHF minis would be replaced or removed, right? In that case, which WHF mini would you say has the higher chances to stay in AoS as it is for the long term.

    Imo that mini could be easily Nagash. I had no clue that was initially done for WHF, and it is surprisingly good for the time it has.

  3. 8 hours ago, Chikout said:

    I'm definitely at the point where the wait for news has become a touch frustrating. The gap between reveal and release for cities has been almost as long as it was for sisters and we've had about half the number of articles. There hasn't been a single lore article yet. They could easily have done one for each of the cities. I'm ready to see a contents page and even a blurry pic or two though I normally don't like leaks. 

    That's not fair, imo.

    We got five short stories. Dawnbringers campaign is literally all about CoS, some CoS flavour on Hammer an Bolter an lore hints on the different reveal articles...

    It looks quite well prepared for me.

    • Like 5
  4. 8 hours ago, Jetlife said:

    Seeing the acutal COS Battletome definitely makes it all seem more real. 

    I most likely won’t  (but never say never) start a COS army, but I feel this is the most important army to be added to AOS. 

    While stormcast are cool in their own style, I have always felt there was a huge need/desire for regular human army. While they aren’t the brettonia of yesteryears, I’m overly impressed with how subtle but modern their take on this design space has been. 

    They appear to have set themselves up for an endless supply of updates for them as well. This army could easily get 5 kits a year and never seem to be too much because people will be able to use what they don’t like and use what they like. I’m feeling this army is a win win. 

    While AOS has rapidly been growing since the pandemic, could this army be the one that completely blows the game up and entice a lot of new players?


    Wouldn't surprise me if it helps indeed to bring players into AoS as there's many studies about picking races in videogames where human is always the most appealing as we feel closer to them, but the price increasing over and over yearly would always be a problem to bring new players, imo.

    • Like 7
  5. On 7/28/2023 at 7:51 PM, Ferban said:

    I also pay annually, but I'm sad to hear about this price increase.  For the past two years, I've felt that the price is on the line between being "worth it" or not.  If it was a little cheaper, or if there was more content, I'd be much more satisfied.  But as it is, I think it (barely) provides enough to make it worth the cost.  But if the price increases, I'm not sure that's the case anymore.  

    What I'd really like to see is W+ give you access to all rules (battle traits, artefacts, etc.) in the app.  And then have battle tomes be more focused on lore, art, and advancing the narrative.  I feel like that would make W+ worth the cost and I know I'd still buy tomes (at least for the armies I liked).  

    Maybe they did it this way to cash out ppl that sign just for one month, watch the entire list of shows, and just leaves?

    That could explain why the annual sub is not increasing its price.

    • Like 4
  6. 37 minutes ago, novakai said:

    It could be cool but GW have gone away from doing such thing in the modern era

    and the AoS team don’t design their models to be modular enough for upgrade spure like 40K does, best chances is transfer sheets (which I assume CoS will get them but even those are rare for AoS kits in general)

    In the communty post where the army box was announced they mentioned the box would come with four transfer sheets. Four!

    I know asking for them to be different is way too much, but it is better than nothing.


    • Thanks 1
  7. If something comes to my mind when I see most of the new CoS models is Lethis. All that skulls ornaments are very Shyish like.

    What do you think about having a different realm kit, like what the SE had in the first edition (if I am not wrong). Different style of shield ornaments. Maybe different banners and little details like the ones in the horses back. Even changing some of those ancestors skulls with something else more lorefriendly to each realm/ city.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    If anything I think the development of TOW follows the plans already in place for AoS, not the other way around.

    Maybe. I see it that way for the long term, but for the initial setting of ToW wouldn't surprise me that the release schedule changed a bit on the AoS side to fit ToW minis that are currently in AoS.

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    • Confused 1
  9. 52 minutes ago, Nazarjo said:

    With the discussion of range refreshes, I think it's worth asking what parts of the ranges actually need refreshes. People say a lot of "Hopefully everything will be updated for AoS" but a lot of the stuff from the later years of WHFB still holds up. Big models like Skaven Stormfiends or Seraphon Bastiladon don't make sense to update, since they still work well. You could also argue that models over 15-20 years old should be updated, but the Seraphon Skinks are 20 years old and didn't get a new box, so I think it's more contextual. For each range that often gets brought up - 

    Flesh Eater Courts - I wouldn't even call this a range refresh as much as actually turning FEC into a real army. The fact that it's lasted three editions off of three boxes (Crypt Ghouls, Big Crypt Ghouls and Terrorgheist) what they need most is just New Models. Bonesplittaz is in a similar position, where the existing boxes are fine but what they really need is more boxes. 

    Skaven - The Skaven range is SO big, so really it falls into three different parts. 1 is the easiest, and that's to update all the metal kits, that's what everyone agrees in. But for 2 and 3, you have the question of the MANY sub-factions for Skaven. Clan rats and Stormvermin are fine models, as are all the later big models like Stormfiends and the Screaming Bell. What Skaven is desperate for is a new core unit box and a hero for Eshin, Moulder, Pestilens AND Skryre, but that's close to four whole new armies. In magical wish land, I'd love to see Skaven expanded to Grand Order Vermins, since I'd wager that would have as much interest as death and would allow each clan to really get it's own identity. But for the most part Skaven will have to go through several updates before it's even close to the original AoS armies in terms of model quality. 

    Beasts of Chaos - Aside from their lack of updates, I'm not sure why people want a range refresh for BoC. Yes, it'd be nice for all the resin and metal kits to be updated, same as the other armies, but BoC had a big update late in WHFB, so I don't see why there would be much of a need to update any of the core troops outside of just wanting fancier models. The major updates I'd say BoC needs is a new paint job and a fancy centerpiece to look less like a WHFB army. 

    Ogor Mawtribes - I truly don't understand why people clamour for a new Mawtribes update, since they're in a similar position as BoC in getting a late WHFB update so they've got new models, but they also have the bonus of being popular enough to have lots of rep in the AoS lore to pull from. The only big ask I could see would be to update the core Glutton box, because the design is so static now compared to standard AoS troops. It's 2023, we deserve better than the lines of people slowly walking forward. It'd also be nice for them to have a centerpiece and some plastic heroes, but they're a solid line that I don't think requires the update as much as the other three listed. 

    A pretty solid post. In your opinion, what would be refreshed then?

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  10. I was checking Warhammer TV year 2 miniatures and realised that year 3 starts in less than a month! (year 2 ends on 24/08/2023). As it is quite close to the release of CoS, do you think we would have an exclusive CoS miniature from WH+? Maybe is the way to get Callis & Toll?

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  11. 2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    I got a question. What happened with the Spider Incarnate? Or more incarnates in general? Did they skip this idea because of bad sales? Did it turn out to be just the Krondspine? Anyone has any clue?

    One idea I had around them is that we get one per edition. As we tend to move from one realm to another with the edition change.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Maybe (s)he's an half-elf... After all why should D&D and Tolkien have the monopol on elf/human race mixing ?

    I don't know if we're going to get a single monster as a warband, because single model monsters aren't warbands per se, but fall under the category of "Warcry monster" like for example the Sphyranx. And I don't remember Warcry monsters getting teased on the roadmap. But I'd love to see a warband of a few monstruous fighters. Like a trio of trolls or ogors, with little critters going around. It'll feel very new.

    Btw, half the autumn warbands have been revealed :

    • Monsta Killaz
    • Wildercorps Hunters
    • Mystery Order band
    • Mystery Destruction band

    What are the last unseen warbands ? Place your bets here !

    My bets:

    Mystery Order band = Another CoS one, but this one with mages from different Realms.
    Mystery Destruction band = Ogor Maneaters. Their style fits a lot in a small warband.

    • Like 2
  13. 7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Pointy ears, defined cheekbones, narrow jaw. . . Tell me this isn't an aelf.image.png.e0949aef60b58bef3c3e8075bb94f4eb.png.c2bf40c3d81b7a0477694c98d9fdf5ea.png

    I've also seen some conversations around this guy's leg being too short hence it was a Dwarf... imo everyone just see what they want to see. Both look just humans to me.



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  14. On 7/20/2023 at 8:57 AM, Grungnisson said:

    Faux has an article with the releases, but it's according to the leak, not a Hachette official info.

    This leak came from a spanish shop called Goblin Trader that listed the spanish version for sale with a description of all the issues. Imo it is very unlikely that this would change, as they got this list from Salvat (Spanish equivalent to Hachette). Also, in the past they leaked, earlier than Fauxhammer, the issues with the meatier content for the Mortal Realms collection.

    In fact, I've already ordered issues from 1 to 80 on this page, so my trust is 120% on them.

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