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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. On 7/20/2023 at 8:57 AM, Grungnisson said:

    Faux has an article with the releases, but it's according to the leak, not a Hachette official info.

    This leak came from a spanish shop called Goblin Trader that listed the spanish version for sale with a description of all the issues. Imo it is very unlikely that this would change, as they got this list from Salvat (Spanish equivalent to Hachette). Also, in the past they leaked, earlier than Fauxhammer, the issues with the meatier content for the Mortal Realms collection.

    In fact, I've already ordered issues from 1 to 80 on this page, so my trust is 120% on them.

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  2. 58 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

    Was the Summer King mentioned somewhere in more detail?

    Because when I read „Summer King“ & empty settlements on the Hammerhaml Gyhra side, *and* reminded myself that woodelves will not be in the new army book… . I instantly thought of the return of Kurnoth.

    He is mentioned with many names in the White Dwarf number 477 from June 2022, one of them being Ushoran the Handsome. Cannot find now the exact text.

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  3. I would say the overall consensus is that Callis and Toll would have their minis released during this Dawnbringers book series, but would you see a change in Callis' look as it is kind of inheriting the old WHF armour style rather than the new Freeguild style?










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  4. 1 hour ago, Malakithe said:

    Im def not buying older terrible looking models at 2023 prices

    I wouldn't call them "terrible", but this, having a mix of plastic, resing and metal, and the fact that Forge tends to do not translate their books are the main reasons I won't give TOW a go.

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  5. 6 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Excuse me, but this seems like a bad decision to make. You have modern sculpts from 2023, whose art direction is noticeably interchangeable and unchanged from TOW to AoS, from one of the most iconic WFB units, and you would not use it ? Because it's "Age of Sigmar" ? And use models , from the 00s of the exact same unit instead because it was there when 8th edition was around ? This seems ludicrous to me. 

    Chaos Warriors are still Chaos Warriors, whichever setting they come from. Selling the old models while the new ones exist would just be confusing for the costumer bases (why is there 2 versions of the same unit, and why is one of them inferior detail/pose wise to the other ?) and would make the Old World players rightfully angry they're being sold old models under their brand because "its Old World" while we AoS players bask in the glorious new plastic.

    And btw, the new Chaos Warriors perfectly fit on square bases. You could line them up perfectly fine with the bigger sizes in TOW.

    Never forget that they confirmed that TOW models would include plastic, resin and metal. Yes, metal. They painted miniatures for TOW with models that have new sculps in AoS, like the Wolf Rides. Those new AoS ones could be easily used or adapted to replace the old WHF ones, but they used the old ones instead. This means to me that they go full in with older models.

    Also, I am from a country where WHF was pretty popular, easily one of the top 3 in terms of popularity, and here there's a bunch of WHF players that don't like AoS nor they new "too detailed" models, so makes sense to me that units like Chaos Warriors get their old kits back rather than using the new ones. Even if the new ones fit in the Square Bases. It would be a way to satisfy everyone's taste and lets be honest. Selling back WHF models is almost free money.

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