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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 19 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    SundayPreview Jul28 WD503


    Well that sound really interesting Astral Templar always felt like the secondary poster child behind the competing Hammer & Hallowed knights. They have such a solid aesthetic to them with wide variety of vikings to native american to cavemen and every fiction their in they just characterize as carefree rouges so it cool to here what they expand on in WD

    Still want a Hamilcar model GW why you taking so long?

    Meet Hamilcar Bear-Eater, Star of the First Hammer and Bolter Episode Set  in the Mortal Realms - Warhammer Community

    Wonders what model are they going to use to indicate Hamilcar since he a former Lord-Castellant turn Knight Questor

    btw All things Votann? that basically just the battletome :P

    Part of me want to say it going the Kill Team reveal but like Tempestus scions vs Vespids doesn't fit the description so i maybe a HH reveal or Warcry team?

    Imo, if it is getting rules now it means no model soon. So we will have to wait another 3 years.

  2. 2 hours ago, LordSolarMach said:

    I think the winner of Helcrown is on the 10th August, and then NOVA is probably the next "full" show.


    Vis-à-vis what could be in the pre-order preview for next week: I've been waiting (checks notes) eight months, since their original reveal, for the Night Lords Kill Team to be available for purchase on its own. (ie. outside of Kill Team: Nightmare, which was three months ago). So personally I'm hoping for that.

    Not a preorder per se but maybe in today's post or during this week's Hel Crown report they have to mention the exact time of the preview.

  3. A duardin thematic list that performed quite decently:



    Dawis power  (1970 points)


    Grand Alliance Order
    Cities of Sigmar
    Collegiate Arcane Expedition
    2000 Points Limit
    Drops: 3

    Spell Lore - Spells of the Collegiate Arcane
    Prayer Lore - Scriptures of Sigmar
    Manifestation Lore - Primal Energy

    General's Regiment
    Runelord (120)
     • General
     • Sacred Tome
     • Master of Ballistics
    Hammerers (300)
     • Reinforced
    Ironbreakers (260)
     • Reinforced
    Irondrakes (300)
     • Reinforced
    Regiment 1
    Cogsmith (130)
    Gyrobomber (180)
    Gyrocopter (160)
    Gyrocopter (160)

    Regiments of Renown
    Gotrek Gurnisson (360)
    Gotrek Gurnisson

    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
    Exported with App Version: 1.0.1
    Data Version: v128



    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 hours ago, SilentSentinel said:

    Yeah from a narrative or lore standpoint having a city that's constantly fighting back against the tide of Skaven/Chaos but still managing to hold on is more interesting to me than the alternative, which is presumably either 'city is destroyed, the end' or it just becomes another Skaven infested ruin.

    That and it would suck to lose a city with a cool name like 'Hel Crown'

    There's something interesting about the Chaos winning the city, that is mentioned in the last update post. The city has a closed realm gate. Maybe Skavens/ Archaon manage to make it work again. But yeah, I would prefer Order winning inside, and Chaos winning outside.

  5. 1 hour ago, Sception said:

    my proposed manifestation fix is that each manifestation summoned by a wizard reduces the summoner's wizard level by one for as long as it's on the table.  So a double cast wizard becomes a single caster until the manifestation is destroyed or banished, while a single caster would stop being a wizard altogether.  This restriction wouldn't apply to priests - mechanically because prayers just seem weaker than spells right now, but narrativrly because the magic powering the manifestation is being provided by the priest's deity rather than the priest themselves.

    I would combine that with a limitation of summoning each manifestation only once per game.  Once banished or destroyed, they're just gone (unless they have some other ability to come back, like obr's Nightmare Predator).

    I also don't think even mobile manifestations should zone out enemy movement or deployment, nor should they lock enemy units in combat.  The gravetide occupies enough of the board just on its base size.

    regardless of fix, i do think something is needed.  Right now they're a problem, and frankly the game would be better without them altogether.

    They can be unbalanced and problematic, but I think it is interesting that they are part of the game. It is something unique from AoS and IMO we don't have to lose it.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Either they’re a lot more Skaven players then even GW realized feeling galvanized to play as many games as possible…. Or GW stacked the deck in the rats favor.

    I doubt even 10% of the votes are tied to game results. People just vote based on their preferences most of the time.

  7. I don't know if this was confirmed or it was rumours so far, but here it is:


    The winners of the battle within the walls will have their upcoming 2024 releases revealed at a special preview on the Saturday the 10th of August, so even if your faction is defeated, you’ll still see some incredible new miniatures. Click the button below to log your results for either the Skaven or Stormcast Eternals.


  8. 20 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    If true that they just show off the multi-part reclusion  then for the Stormcast post-box we got

    • Knight Azyros/Tornus the Redeemed
      • Witness the Arrival of the Winged Knight-Azyros and the Abhorrent Brood  Terror - Warhammer Community
    • Lord Relictor
      •  Battle profiles is listed
      • White dwarfs #502 has new lore on them
    • Lord Celestant
      • Battle profiles is listed
    • Multi-part Reclusian
      • FB_IMG_1722003141922.jpg

    that leaves about 5-4 more kits they usually give starting faction

    There a rumor engine pointing towards a knight type hero


    personally What I think they will also show off is

    • Lighting ghiest unit of big elites
    • A knight Ordinator or some kind as a combat engineer (mostly think this because of the Skaventide novel featuring a Ordinator)
    • Lastly a name character centerpiece 


    If we have an Ordinator we have a siege machine. One without the other makes no sense, and seeing how so far we only had siege machines in sacrosanct I doubt it.

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