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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 20 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    If true that they just show off the multi-part reclusion  then for the Stormcast post-box we got

    • Knight Azyros/Tornus the Redeemed
      • Witness the Arrival of the Winged Knight-Azyros and the Abhorrent Brood  Terror - Warhammer Community
    • Lord Relictor
      •  Battle profiles is listed
      • White dwarfs #502 has new lore on them
    • Lord Celestant
      • Battle profiles is listed
    • Multi-part Reclusian
      • FB_IMG_1722003141922.jpg

    that leaves about 5-4 more kits they usually give starting faction

    There a rumor engine pointing towards a knight type hero


    personally What I think they will also show off is

    • Lighting ghiest unit of big elites
    • A knight Ordinator or some kind as a combat engineer (mostly think this because of the Skaventide novel featuring a Ordinator)
    • Lastly a name character centerpiece 


    If we have an Ordinator we have a siege machine. One without the other makes no sense, and seeing how so far we only had siege machines in sacrosanct I doubt it.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    This popped up on insta, but the description says “Other than fancy hates, why would YOU join the legions of the everchosen. Comments say this character is a Kurnothi.

    I’m old and no longer with it - Whats happening?


    This is the Marshall from Verdigris Iscilla Thorian. A picture from DB 6.

    • Like 10
  3. 3 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    how do we vote for the outside? i don't see anything on the Hel Crown site

    Total War games always have a peak when DLC releases because it comes with major patches and FLC too. Chaos Dwarf DLC was the first DLC that got heavy backlash because it felt like CA was reducing the amount of content while raising the price--it is still a "Mixed" rating on steam. Maybe it did unseat Tomb Kings as the most successful DLC in terms of sales, but it was not received well.


    Click on those texts.

    • Like 4
  4. 11 minutes ago, TheDayman said:

    I think there's a high chance you might be right but I can't find that axe anywhere in the stormcast range, I had a wee look at the questor soulsworn since they are the only other new stormcast I can think of that have 2 handed axes but those have different designs 

    If it comes from something it has to be the Lord Terminos.

  5. 16 minutes ago, pitzok said:

    Any rumours regarding the next Warcry setting? Do you guys think that Hel Crown could be it after the Skaven victory?

    Edit: Also, Gloomspite warband maybe sometime soon?

    The next setting is rumoured to be inside Talaxis. We are one year away still from a drastic change like Hel Crown.

    I personally think Hel Crown is the new location for Warcry 3.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 33 minutes ago, TheDayman said:

    Possible oopsie spotted in the new diorama video? Looks like reclusians might be getting options


    It gotta be from a kit from the follow up wave:

    Lord Terminus con 1 Rememorador Skaventide

    The axe is slightly different. I wonder if that kit has different memorians as well.

    • Like 3
  7. 4 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    That would be great and it's how the WHFB used to be played (at least in my area) - no special characters was a common limitation. That was a different game, though, with an option to really build your characters to your needs (e.g. you could take a generic High Elf mage and make him almost Teclis-level; try that now!). In AoS, some factions are designed around specific characters (faction engines) and would suffer greatly as a result (OBR, DoK, Lumineth?).  

    Could it be because we are quite early into the game (yeah, I know it is already 9 years, but once all armies have 2-3 waves, it could be easier to do not build around them).

  8. 2 hours ago, Acrozatarim said:

    Something I'd be quite interested to see would be no-named-character tournaments or leagues. Just lists of Your Guys, no Teclis or Zenestra or Nagash or whatnot. I appreciate people want to use the cool centrepiece models they've bought, but I'd personally also be keen to explore the playspace and experience when they're not featured. It'd open up lots of options that currently suck because the named character steals all the metaphorical oxygen in list design as it is.

    Right now I think it is impossible, with the current way the army builder works.

  9. 1 hour ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Honestly, I think the new Chorf aesthetic will be based on the Horns of Hashut and the Chaos Dwarf logo in the Aqshy section of the corebook.  Essentially horns, spikes, and chains.


    WCHornsHashut Jul20 ArtUntitled.png.ca5ac80f4fcc219041dcc540436

    Cannot be done better. Two pics that nailed it. Here it is how they will look. Would they have some machines with clockwork cogs and stuff like that? Yeah. But the overall aesthetic is this.

    • Like 4
  10. 2 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    I mean the Chaos Dwarf trailer for Total Warhammer III got 2.5 million views. That sounds to me like there's very much people interested in them. 

    Honestly I don't think its worth too much to bother to think about what this "clockwork" aesthetic entails. The source who said it could've been just making things up or misinterpreting something. I mean, remember when leakers called the Idoneth Deepkin "cthulhu elves?" And if people think they're gonna abandon the whole dieselpunk element of the Chorfs, their teaser in the 4.0 corebook explicitly mentions smoke and oil slicks. 

    I would translate videogame interest into wargame interest. They could share some playerbase, but it is a minimun.

  11. 3 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    honestly i find this interesting then the gitmob IMPO (most because we have rumor mongers and even the core rulebook stating Gitmobs)

    Maybe we'll get both Cogfort & a redesign Steam tank down the future. Maybe have the Cogfort being so big that it will be a sort of Faction terrain while there just a smaller nu-tank for CoS that more "Ironweld"-ized

    image.jpeg.e3d18963a7c10700662f21dc52a367eb.jpegMETAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY INTERVIEW | MEGASHOCK


    the Imperial guard currently has 11 tank variants & the scout sentinel then why can't CoS own get at least two types?

    the mention of Gyrocopter is kind of bittersweet as it just more fuel to the dispossessed acknowledge in lore like the Core rulebook does (pic below) &  the Realm of Metal loremaster video does as well but reframing with it being "Culture pass down to beardling who haven't known life outside the city"

    r/ageofsigmar - Non-humans mentions in Core rule book

    r/ageofsigmar - Non-humans mentions in Core rule book

    If IRC the gyrocopter mention was part of a section about Hallowheart and how KO, Gyrocopters and other flying stuff help them to maintain safe their skies.

    • Like 3
  12. 4 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    With all the squatting of Warcry and underworlds I am just always prepping for worst case scenarios. 😒

    I think this time it is a safe bet. It is implied in its name, it is one of the newer warbands and it won't bloat a BT, it will help a tiny BT to grow.

    • Like 3
  13. 8 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    Yeah, if we get something like they did for high elves/lumineth I don't think I'll be interested. They're already good, no need to go re-inventing the wheel here 

    They will very likely try to reinvent the wheel so none of the million STLs ripoffs can work for this new army.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    BTW, THWG mentioned on stream the other day that he'd been told new chaos dwarves had a 'clockwork' vibe. Nothing more specific, but interesting nugget

    Maybe something steampunk? But that would be too similar to KO.

  15. I've just listened to the latest loremasters episode that is talking about Aqshy and it is interesting that they mention the following:

    - Gitmob.
    - Cogforts, Steam tanks and Gyrocopters (the first two when they talk about the realmstone).
    - Cities founded in Aqshy by Dawnbringer crusades are called Candle Towns, as they are like candle lights in the middle of the chaos darkness.
    - Hellcrown sits at the edge of ruin.

    • Like 7
    • Thanks 2
  16. 10 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    You‘re the kind of guy that complains when he wins the lottery, ey? 😆😂

    Understandable, I enjoy complaining as well! 👌

    No. It is not like winning the lottery. Look how many stuff pending to read I have left:



    It is just too much for me. I prefer the current peace.

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