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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 22 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    If that's true, it's interesting that GW would let him invent a whole selection of Skaven units. There are several moments where he could easily have used existing creatures instead of inventing new ones. 

    It doesn't have to be something necessarily bad. It could also be part of an upcoming wave or could give fresh new ideas to the team for future waves.

  2. 3 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    In my bag of wishes, I am hoping (foolishly) that the hint we got from WF about death being a protag is somehow tied to the recent protagonist tease... and that maybe, just maybe we're getting a neat totally new death faction 🥺.
    (A grot can dream, right?)

    If Chorfs weren't around the corner...

    • Like 1
  3. 30 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Don't forget separate sprue for clanrats


    Also, what? Clawlord on palanquin? From where comes that rumour? Never seen it on SG Warhound leaks

    From the Skaventide novel.

  4. 30 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    So 9 days (dongs) to Hel Crown preview ! 😀🐀

    Almost sure Skaven will be the winning faction and from our rumormongers we almost know the full list of the second wave:

    1) Master Moulder.
    2) Arch Warlock.
    3) New Warlock (Galvaneer with warpvolt obliterators) (Leaked one).
    4) Stormvermin.
    5) Weaponteams.
    6)  Acolyte globadiers
    7) New Verminlord (Vizzik Skour).
    8   ) Wolfrats.
    9) Clawlord on palanquin carried by rat ogors.

    Which miniature(s) are you looking forward the most ?

    Really looking forward for the new verminlord, wolfrats and new clawlord on palanquin !


    I still have hope that Order will push drastically once this week's article is published.

    Also, I am not fully sure about the palanquin. Someone said that the book has several new units that are not on the rumoured list, so it could be just us overthinking.

    • Like 3
  5. 3 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    It would spiral out of hand and reasonability extremely quickly- Morrda, Nagash (In any of his aspects), Alarielle, Sigmar, The 6 Smiths and Grungni, Gorkamorka, Khaine, The Elven Twins, and a whole plethora of godbeasts are all worshipped by various peoples and Stormhosts.

    That said, it would be cool to see stuff for just the main expected ones (Scripture of Death [Morrda or Nagash], Scripture of Heavens (Sigmar’s lot), Scripture of the Beasts (Godbeasts or Gorkamorka) and so on). 

    Now that you mention it. Morathi is starting to be worshipped by humans from Har Khuron as her Daughters of Khaine are stopping the Skavens nowadays.

  6. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    The Prime is probably out, IMO, because he would likely have been among the discontinued models if he was getting a new sculpt.

    I think Stormcast is most plausible, too. Hopefully they don't go with "Remember Karl Franz? Well, he's back! In pog Stormcast form!" or anything like that, though.

    I could also see the purely narrative return of Nagash. How will can the Skaventide be stopped after taking Hel Crown when it looks like they are poised to overrun the whole Great Parch? Well, ol' Skelepope showing up and Hand of Dusting some rodents would certainly do it.

    Karl is supposed to be already here. He is the Celestial Prime. It just needs to be confirmed.

  7. 1 hour ago, Vagard said:

    To me every guess other than skaven or ScE is irrelevant, we know that we are getting second wave of both army un august-september and as the report state "during summer", it is unbelievable that we are getting minis from another army during this timespan. (not that i wouldn't love to, but given the number of new minis released every new edition for both armies of the starting boxn already, it is very unlikely)

    Then the word protagonist to me cast off skaven (even if much loved match with them) so to me it is 100% sure it will be stormcast. Either vandus, the prime or another well know hero in WHFB than can be turned into SCE

    Unless it comes with the new year of Warhammer +, and if the protagonist means just one character, it could be anything.

  8. 1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    """much loved"""

    For me, if you play BK, Khul has to be a much-loved character, I guess. Otherwise, there's no character meeting the universal much-loved character term, unless... it is Felix...

    • Like 2
    • LOVE IT! 1
  9. Just now, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    A new character getting their first model would not really constitute the return of a loved protagonist in my book. I am thinking it would have to be a WHFB character or an AoS character that has been absent from the story for a bit.

    But also, I don't know how much significance needs to be placed on the term "protagonist" here. It could just be Skaven as a whole if the writer of the financial report was a bit sloppy with their language.

    It is not exactly a protagonist... but what about ascended Khul?

  10. 3 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

    When I think of marketing speak 'AoS protagonist' I think of, like, Vandus maybe?  That would be my guess for a big glow up anniversary model thing, but I think rumours along those lines have already been quashed?  Otherwise my mind wanders to the likes of Tyrion and other 'beloved' characters of that sort.  It's a pretty vague little statement, I'm going to assume it doesn't mean much significant for now.

    Finally Malerion?!

    • Confused 1
  11. 53 minutes ago, TheDayman said:

    Well I think the campaign is pretty much over, not really much point in voting in it now since it's become riddled with brigading. I really hope GW figures out a better way of doing these things in future 🙁



    EDIT: To clarify. This is from the outside. This was 50-50 not so long ago.

    • Like 5
  12. 2 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Lets remember this Aygust GW should anounce what have they cookkng for the Warhammer+ model. Perhaps it will eveb get anounced next week, depending on when the reveals for kill team and the sanguinary guard might drop.

    (From wheres the text, btw?)

    The text is from the stackholder's report. And last year the models were announced by the end of August. So maybe we have to wait a little longer.

  13. 2 hours ago, 01rtb01 said:

    Even in the early 90s it was a luxury product. Prices were "lower" but so was everything else.

    Splurging £5 on a blister as a kid felt like a lot of money. Even as a late teen with a basic job and no outgoings, it was expensive to buy wfb regiments. It always has been a luxury.

    I woudn't say it was luxury neither it is nowdays, but it is just my own impression.

  14. 47 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    Do you not see the contradiction in those two sentences? They are necessary to maintain their current margins. GW is a PLC that has a legal responsibility to its shareholders. 

    Huh? Sorry, this makes no sense (I'd recommend seeking financial advice if you are ever looking to become an investor in anything). Average margin rates are based on the sector in which a company operates. Engineering and Construction is less than 15%, Financial services are around 85%, Education 40% etc.

    A "good" PM can be anywhere from 7.5% to 95%+ and depends entirely on the market in which the company operates.

    In the luxury goods market (Which GW is in) LVMH (The largest and most valuable luxury goods company in the world) operates at a profit margin of... you guessed it. 70%!! If GW had a 30% Profit Margin it would be doing terribly (relative to the market it is in.) and shareholders (myself included) would not be happy. 

    Purely out of curiosity. Since when do we think GW gave the jump into the luxury sector? Because it is obvious to me that they didn't start as such. There was a big event or it is just that the prices went too high that we assume it is part of that sector?

    • Like 4
  15. 2 minutes ago, Aramis said:

    Does the 70% profit just account for the design, manufacture and distribution of minis, and perhaps not account for the game / lore / art development behind that? Or is it in relation to all GW operational spending?

    All the spending.

    • Like 1
  16. 42 minutes ago, 01rtb01 said:

    Did everyone else have any issues?

    I typed in the code, my email address, nothing then happened. I've emailed customer service and they sent another code, no joy there either.

    Did you pick your side bellow that? It is not very intuitive. I got the same error.

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