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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 36 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Gw have said numerous times that their physical stores are the number one way they recruit new players. I've been to the Warhammer cafe in Tokyo a few times and there's always at least one member of staff giving the sales pitch to a new customer that just wandered in off the street. They also point out that sales bought online to be shipped to a GW store have increased 50%. These sales are counted as retail sales not online sales. 

    IMO that's just them wanting to boost store sales, because you can easily track if the order has been done at home or inside a store.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:


    So, like who exactly are they referring to as "return of a much-loved protagonist"

    it singular so it seems to not referring to the factions 

    it there going to be the return of a character as a Stormcast or are they referring to nu-Queek?

    Maybe just Skavens?

  3. 11 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Honestly I think people who think that profit margins are too high are missing on two things: Profit can be reinvested into developing new products, and that non-profitable products don't get supported (and if they are supported, its because profitable product essentially subsidizes them).

    This is the company that killed one of its core game lines because it didn't sell well enough. For all people are terrified of their models getting squatted, it'll happen a lot more if profit margins are lowered resulting in a lot more stuff becoming unprofitable to make. Plus there's also the chance it will incentivize them to stop taking risks: why make new models for low selling factions when new Space Marines will always sell better no matter what?

    This is the key, IMO. We sell "well",  but we are not 40k. Better than GW get big margins so we are safe until the game sells better on its own.

  4. 11 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Honestly I think people who think that profit margins are too high are missing on two things: Profit can be reinvested into developing new products, and that non-profitable products don't get supported (and if they are supported, its because profitable product essentially subsidizes them).

    This is the company that killed one of its core game lines because it didn't sell well enough. For all people are terrified of their models getting squatted, it'll happen a lot more if profit margins are lowered resulting in a lot more stuff becoming unprofitable to make. Plus there's also the chance it will incentivize them to stop taking risks: why make new models for low selling factions when new Space Marines will always sell better no matter what?

    This is the key, IMO. We sell "well",  but we are not 40k. Better than GW get big margins so we are safe until the game sells better on its own.

  5. 1 hour ago, Asbestress said:

    Totally forgot the shareholder report is out!

    I wonder if this means that it was the "most significant" in terms of design and production, or in revenue?

    GW knows what is their winning horse.

  6. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    I don't think it has as much to do with the online store as it does with more people looking for a discount in the face of price rises. 

    I also thought so, but then why the spike on GW physical sales? There's no discount there.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    Interesting that online sales from the Warhammer webstore are down 5.2% (£3.8m) while trade and retail sales are both up. Physical Warhammer stores are up by 8.6% in comparison.

    GW mentions they're now in phase 2 of the new webstore which is aimed at adding extra functionality to give customers a better shopping experience.

    At launch I found the new webstore to be pretty bad TBH, they also say they launched it a few months earlier than planned.

    That's extremely weird. As a web dev, you tend to launch late, not early.

  8. 2 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    Let us know how you get on with the Expeditionary Force and if it's fun to use, especially the scout gyros and improved miners. I'm keen to give it a go, but am currently converting up a unit of mercenary ogres I can't run with it who I'm excited to field, so probably won't be for a while.

    Also just realised these posts should probably be in the Dwarf thread 👀

    This is general Old World, so why not!

  9. 1 minute ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Oh so iit not that they forgot to announce the pdf it that some intern release prematurely and GW just waited till that actial time to announce it ok

    Either way really good free PDF that hype the Vermindoom and the ruination chamber

    Hope if there is a new campaign it go into detail on the other realm theaters just so we can get more perspective on the war from diffrent faction to diffrent chambers

    The only negative bit is that this was included in the boxes in the past. Bad for collectors who wanted to get it physically as the rest of them.

  10. I was listening yesterday to one of my favourite lore channels and it was talking about the core book. They mentioned something that I think is interesting when they were talking about the maps and how they were expanded a bit this edition:


    At the mid-right of the pic, they added Harkanibus, which is the city from the videogame Realms of Ruin!

    I think that's a pretty lovely "easter-egg" that canonises what happened in the game.

    • Like 9
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  11. Just now, Vagard said:

    Don't think the frequence of dies have an importance in your armor. But maybe, in the other side, hamilcar wanted to keep his old one. But even this explanation does no satisfy me, I hope this is an old artwork and if he gets a mini, it will be in thunderstrike. 

    What I mean is. If you are a Castellant and since the new armour was launched you didn't die yet, you still have the old armour. If you died after that, then you could have the newer one.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Vagard said:

    actually the guy in the callis and toll team is a new lord castellant



    Quoted from a WC article : https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/01/19/lvo-preview-2024-callis-and-toll-lead-the-saviours-of-cinderfall/

    Could it be that he is an exception as he is more important (rules Hammerhall) than other Castellants? Another option in my head is that as Castellants are "defensive" Stormcast, maybe they don't die that often, so they are in the middle of the transition.

    • Like 2
  13. 17 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

    The kill team rumor is that it is a new edition so that could be the big reveal.

    We already are getting teasers for the new jumpack humans and vespids. Throw in a big new book, new fancy buildings, and some of the new rules to wrap it up.

    Arent new editions supposed to be launched during the summer?

  14. 11 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

    Anyone else think we are getting a Old world reveal next Monday? 

    As the preview was cancelled, it would make sense that old world is the next thing to be revealed. 

    I think, considering how long it takes for ToW to get stuff, it will be saved for Nova.

  15. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Two 40k reveals in a row on Monday... when do we get AoS stuff GW ? I can't be bothered to wait until next week's Saturday to get the new Skaven reveals !

    Even if let's face it the new Lemartes goes extremely hard.

    We have been monopolizing Warcom for months. It is our darkest hour now.

    • Sad 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Dukeus said:

    Stormcast releases look so much better than Space marines. Love Blood Angels but the models are so boring. Yndrasta and the New Azyros would make better ones honestly. And that great model range of AoS. Not Just Tanks and Guns. Really glad being an AoS Player right now. 

    I was talking about this in one of my WhatsApp groups. If you compare the latest space marine releases with anything else GW did recently, not only AoS, all the time those Space Marines are the worst of all the releases. It feels as if GW felt so confident on the sales that they are not putting in effort anymore.

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