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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 11 minutes ago, Tonhel said:


    In third they weren't really an issue or used much, but now they became a mandotary tool and in many cases better than actual units. It's mindblowing that they didn't see this with playtesting.


    The question is... do they really play test?

    • Haha 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    We have a new hidden 40k video.

    We have a hidden AoS video from two days ago

    Interesting... 40k hidden video, AoS hidden video, Kill Team hidden videos... it is just too early for them to be ready for Nova, right?

    • Like 2
  3. 24 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I am still hoping for at least one victory for Order (inside or outside), because a city that nobody ever heard of before this event being destroyed is just not interesting. A city standing as an Order strong point in a sea of Skaven or potentially being retaken later is, though.

    It is not true that it was a new city. It has always been there, and Soulbound developed it a bit as well. Before it was a Khorne place and it was super hard to take until very recently with a big cost order got it and closed its realmgate to Khorne's reign.

  4. 14 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

    An interesting point that I saw made on the AOS Lore subreddit - GW have subtly altered the lore for the Drogrukh. Originally they were "a peaceful people who lived in harmony with the realm" to quote Lexicanum. 

    Every Warscroll on the app has a short Lore summary at the bottom - Kragnos' entry now describes the Drogrukh as "one of the most destructive races to have ever lived"

    Could they be paving the way for Drogrukh to join Grand Alliance Destruction?

    I don't think it is necessary a retcon. Before Kragnos they were peaceful. With Kragnos they turned this destructive race.

  5. 42 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Then what is the divine hint in reference to? It fits Blood ANGELS perfectly. It's not Stormcast as they are being shown on the 10th or later. Kill team is imperial Guard and Vespids. That doesn't fit. I can't think of anything else it could be.

    Maybe it is something literal and it is for the Celestial Vindicators?

  6. 2 hours ago, 01rtb01 said:

    Hamilcar has rules in the new White Dwarf. Wonder if he could be one of the new Warhammer+ minis?...

    Uhhh... good point. Maybe one of those cases where the announcement comes later than the mini? I doubt it, but perhaps the WD leaks its new mini.

  7. 3 hours ago, Nordrim said:

    Are there any rumors about what new toys Stormcasts are getting with armybook?

    Not really. There's speculation here and there coming from WDs and the phased warscrolls, but not real leaks.

    Said that, we "know" that Lord Relictor and Lord Celestant are supposed to be part of that wave.

  8. 3 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Well there still got Necromunda stuff like the Malstrain Coalescence, Tech-Priest Biologis Hermiatus & Lady Haera Helmawr

    NECCoalescence Apr17 Mini

    NEC LadyHaera Jul1 Image1

    there also the TOW DMH second wave models with the Organ gun, dwarf cannon, five metal Lords, three metal Runesmiths, four metal Dragon and Daemon Slayers, one metal Dwarf Queen, and a Lord, Thane, and Standard Bearer in resin

    File:Organ Gun M01.jpg

    there also a bunch of the Black Library novels as well both AOS & 40k so that like three weeks of announcements and add in Agest of Imperium and that get it till NOVA 

    there also no way they're going to show off the Blood Angels refresh & codex on a monday model reveal article right after last week they reveled Agents of Imperium especially since AoI was like only one new model where BA is coming out with full refresh with Sanguinor, Astaroth, sanguinary guard and other stuff

    they would rather then dedicate some time in a reveal show next week on 10th during the Hel crown show (much as people say they don't want to) or wait till NOVA since they saying the blood angels are said to be coming end of summer (which is september not August)

    Kill team definably could be announce on a monday reveal article but coming how they describe it this as "Divine" i don't think it that probably following week

    I also think Blood Angels would be revealed during Nova. And it is very likely that they will be up for sale shortly after. IMO it is most of what we will see for 40k if not all.

  9. 7 hours ago, Chikout said:

    I'm guessing we'll see agents of the imperium after ad mech, then it's wild west territory. There would still be two more weeks of pre orders before the Nova preview. That makes me think that tomorrow's preview is about Blood Angels. It's pretty odd to have such a big release previewed on a random Monday. I was also expecting to see the new kill team get a release in August. That's what happened with the previous edition. It launched in the August after third edition. So we could see a kill team pre-order and a Blood Angels box set pre-order before the Nova event. 

    That would mean we see our first battletome pre-order on August 31st or September 7th. That's not too far away. 

    Yeah, basing ourselves on 40k it has to be something along those lines:

    Nids 2023/08/27: Sunday Preview – The Hive Mind is Coming to Get You - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

    Marines 2023/09/24: Sunday Preview – Codex: Space Marines Slams into Action - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

  10. 19 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    SundayPreview Jul28 WD503


    Well that sound really interesting Astral Templar always felt like the secondary poster child behind the competing Hammer & Hallowed knights. They have such a solid aesthetic to them with wide variety of vikings to native american to cavemen and every fiction their in they just characterize as carefree rouges so it cool to here what they expand on in WD

    Still want a Hamilcar model GW why you taking so long?

    Meet Hamilcar Bear-Eater, Star of the First Hammer and Bolter Episode Set  in the Mortal Realms - Warhammer Community

    Wonders what model are they going to use to indicate Hamilcar since he a former Lord-Castellant turn Knight Questor

    btw All things Votann? that basically just the battletome :P

    Part of me want to say it going the Kill Team reveal but like Tempestus scions vs Vespids doesn't fit the description so i maybe a HH reveal or Warcry team?

    Imo, if it is getting rules now it means no model soon. So we will have to wait another 3 years.

  11. 2 hours ago, LordSolarMach said:

    I think the winner of Helcrown is on the 10th August, and then NOVA is probably the next "full" show.


    Vis-à-vis what could be in the pre-order preview for next week: I've been waiting (checks notes) eight months, since their original reveal, for the Night Lords Kill Team to be available for purchase on its own. (ie. outside of Kill Team: Nightmare, which was three months ago). So personally I'm hoping for that.

    Not a preorder per se but maybe in today's post or during this week's Hel Crown report they have to mention the exact time of the preview.

  12. A duardin thematic list that performed quite decently:



    Dawis power  (1970 points)


    Grand Alliance Order
    Cities of Sigmar
    Collegiate Arcane Expedition
    2000 Points Limit
    Drops: 3

    Spell Lore - Spells of the Collegiate Arcane
    Prayer Lore - Scriptures of Sigmar
    Manifestation Lore - Primal Energy

    General's Regiment
    Runelord (120)
     • General
     • Sacred Tome
     • Master of Ballistics
    Hammerers (300)
     • Reinforced
    Ironbreakers (260)
     • Reinforced
    Irondrakes (300)
     • Reinforced
    Regiment 1
    Cogsmith (130)
    Gyrobomber (180)
    Gyrocopter (160)
    Gyrocopter (160)

    Regiments of Renown
    Gotrek Gurnisson (360)
    Gotrek Gurnisson

    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
    Exported with App Version: 1.0.1
    Data Version: v128



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