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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 2 hours ago, Acrozatarim said:

    Something I'd be quite interested to see would be no-named-character tournaments or leagues. Just lists of Your Guys, no Teclis or Zenestra or Nagash or whatnot. I appreciate people want to use the cool centrepiece models they've bought, but I'd personally also be keen to explore the playspace and experience when they're not featured. It'd open up lots of options that currently suck because the named character steals all the metaphorical oxygen in list design as it is.

    Right now I think it is impossible, with the current way the army builder works.

  2. 1 hour ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Honestly, I think the new Chorf aesthetic will be based on the Horns of Hashut and the Chaos Dwarf logo in the Aqshy section of the corebook.  Essentially horns, spikes, and chains.


    WCHornsHashut Jul20 ArtUntitled.png.ca5ac80f4fcc219041dcc540436

    Cannot be done better. Two pics that nailed it. Here it is how they will look. Would they have some machines with clockwork cogs and stuff like that? Yeah. But the overall aesthetic is this.

    • Like 4
  3. 2 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    I mean the Chaos Dwarf trailer for Total Warhammer III got 2.5 million views. That sounds to me like there's very much people interested in them. 

    Honestly I don't think its worth too much to bother to think about what this "clockwork" aesthetic entails. The source who said it could've been just making things up or misinterpreting something. I mean, remember when leakers called the Idoneth Deepkin "cthulhu elves?" And if people think they're gonna abandon the whole dieselpunk element of the Chorfs, their teaser in the 4.0 corebook explicitly mentions smoke and oil slicks. 

    I would translate videogame interest into wargame interest. They could share some playerbase, but it is a minimun.

  4. 3 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    honestly i find this interesting then the gitmob IMPO (most because we have rumor mongers and even the core rulebook stating Gitmobs)

    Maybe we'll get both Cogfort & a redesign Steam tank down the future. Maybe have the Cogfort being so big that it will be a sort of Faction terrain while there just a smaller nu-tank for CoS that more "Ironweld"-ized

    image.jpeg.e3d18963a7c10700662f21dc52a367eb.jpegMETAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY INTERVIEW | MEGASHOCK


    the Imperial guard currently has 11 tank variants & the scout sentinel then why can't CoS own get at least two types?

    the mention of Gyrocopter is kind of bittersweet as it just more fuel to the dispossessed acknowledge in lore like the Core rulebook does (pic below) &  the Realm of Metal loremaster video does as well but reframing with it being "Culture pass down to beardling who haven't known life outside the city"

    r/ageofsigmar - Non-humans mentions in Core rule book

    r/ageofsigmar - Non-humans mentions in Core rule book

    If IRC the gyrocopter mention was part of a section about Hallowheart and how KO, Gyrocopters and other flying stuff help them to maintain safe their skies.

    • Like 3
  5. 4 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    With all the squatting of Warcry and underworlds I am just always prepping for worst case scenarios. 😒

    I think this time it is a safe bet. It is implied in its name, it is one of the newer warbands and it won't bloat a BT, it will help a tiny BT to grow.

    • Like 3
  6. 8 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    Yeah, if we get something like they did for high elves/lumineth I don't think I'll be interested. They're already good, no need to go re-inventing the wheel here 

    They will very likely try to reinvent the wheel so none of the million STLs ripoffs can work for this new army.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    BTW, THWG mentioned on stream the other day that he'd been told new chaos dwarves had a 'clockwork' vibe. Nothing more specific, but interesting nugget

    Maybe something steampunk? But that would be too similar to KO.

  8. I've just listened to the latest loremasters episode that is talking about Aqshy and it is interesting that they mention the following:

    - Gitmob.
    - Cogforts, Steam tanks and Gyrocopters (the first two when they talk about the realmstone).
    - Cities founded in Aqshy by Dawnbringer crusades are called Candle Towns, as they are like candle lights in the middle of the chaos darkness.
    - Hellcrown sits at the edge of ruin.

    • Like 7
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  9. 10 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    You‘re the kind of guy that complains when he wins the lottery, ey? 😆😂

    Understandable, I enjoy complaining as well! 👌

    No. It is not like winning the lottery. Look how many stuff pending to read I have left:



    It is just too much for me. I prefer the current peace.

  10. 9 minutes ago, NotBeastmanBob said:

    It's Just been so very quiet with our new edition on the AOS Front. 

    The radio silence of our favourite rumour mongers doesn't help either 

    I just remembered been drowned in 40k 10th edition articles left, right and centre post it's release so it's just a smidge meh

    (I know they are the favourite child but still.......)

    I am kind of thankful that they stopped posting AoS articles. I know they have to hype the edition and that stuff, but they were feeling too frequent for me that I wanted to read them all.

    • Like 1
  11. 35 minutes ago, NotBeastmanBob said:

    Has anyone heard anything regarding the next WH+ sets of Mini's?

    Seems we are getting very close and not a lot has been leaked or even hinted at for them and even the new path for AOS V4 😕

    Last year they were announced around the 25th or 27th of August.

    • Thanks 2
  12. 10 hours ago, Pizzaprez said:

    The main draw for WH+ for me was the Vault that.... has really slowed down to a drip. The tutorials are cool and all, but the Vault doesn't even have a system of organization or a way to browse by any sort of category.

    At this point I've reread Sigmar's Blood and The End Times a few times over, but the WD stuff I've only really glanced at. If I can get those books physically WH+ wont have much to offer me

    Def unsubbing; White Dwarf is a cool magazine but it's kind of pricey and will likely also get dropped. Anyone know any good "not Warhammer specific" modelling 'zines?

    Yesterday GW announced something similar for 40k: Get Ready to Explore Warhammer 40,000 With DK Books Expansive Guide - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

    40k DKUltimateGuide Jul24 Pages4

    I think it has been a decent chunk of time since they did something like this, right? I don't know if it is any good or not, or if it goes beyond models, but an AoS one would be interesting for sure.


    • Like 6
  13. 2 hours ago, Asbestress said:

    Has anyone here with WH+ watched the new colour scheme episode?

    The preview image in the WarCom article has a Dark Elf in it and I'm curious if they call them Old World elves or Cities aelves.

    I was curious as well when I saw it. I will try to check it later on.

  14. 2 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Anyone else think it's another missed opportunity that the newest WH+ show is 40k again..?

    Honestly, considering how many months it takes to get a new one it is never going to be an AoS one. I am not renewing my annual sub that ends in 4 days and I will wait to see the new models. Bad models = no new sub.

    • Like 4
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  15. 1 hour ago, Captaniser said:

    My guess for the lack of an official announcement is that the book features a not yet shown character for either the Skaven or Stormcast, and that the book will act a secondary tie in novel for the new edition

    Yeah. Good guess! It could even lead the FS renewal ;)

  16. 1 hour ago, Captaniser said:

    My guess for the lack of an official announcement is that the book features a not yet shown character for either the Skaven or Stormcast, and that the book will act a secondary tie in novel for the new edition

    Yeah. Good guess! It could even lead the FS renewal ;)

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