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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 3 hours ago, Beliman said:

    I know it's a bit early, but another graphic:


    I didn't know about kruleboyz and Khorne, I had the feeling that they had enough tools to play 4th edition. Another surprise are FEC, I thought that they were above most armies, over 54-56% winrate (between the fine line of being better than most armies in the game).

    Appart from manifestations, I would say that cavalry is really strong:
    3 health per model for a 5-man cavalry unit, with movement 10+, that can be reinforced for 30+ wounds total, with probably a 3+ innate save, is awesome (even better than Mega-Gargants). And all of this comes within 400-600 points (my "cavalry-combo is 840p for close or less damage but extremely low health).

    IMO it is too early. Even if a faction could be strong the players still have to find the key to that army.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    No, not at all.

    The only factions that really show up are Stormcast, Skaven (duh), some very minor Cities of Sigmar stuff and an extremely minor Lumineth Realm-Lords cameo. 

    Lumineths. They cannot live without trying to be featured everywhere.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Yeah it's been popping up on quite a few stormcast models, for example I know for a fact it's on Yndrasta's spear.

    Side Note: does anyone know when the next big preview is? 

    Nova. End of August, unless we count the Hell Crown reveal that is the 10th of August.

  4. 1 hour ago, TheDayman said:

    Could potentially be another Ruination Chamber character model/unit? Just a thought since they have a lot of Raven motifs and this cloak looks a bit feathery. Though it does look a bit too ragged for Stormcast.

    If there's a Stormcast that is going to have ragged clothes, it will be from the Ruination Chamber.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Agree with Nezzhil i think it a Ruination hero

    I check Ionus the lord relictor has a cape but nothing that similar with the feathers but again could be a new thing they added


    It could also be something random like the Steel Rook. Who would have imagined that CoS would have a Rook based Knight?

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    That kinda confirms a slight worry that I had... that Endless Spells do just become a way of plonking an extra unit down on the battlefield for free. That, to me, is a bit dull. I've not liked the idea of Spells fighting in combat from the moment they announced the changes. Ah well. I'm eager to have a play with my faction's ones, nevertheless! 

    I think they just need to put back some cost on them. It will help fill some formation gaps and will be easier to balance.

    • Like 3
  7. 15 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Finally got my Warhammer plus mini after weeks of wrangling with Japanese customer support and it’s the wrong ******* one. IMG_0778.jpeg.5459f54b3475e6c8cb35fc3e383693aa.jpeg

    I’m slightly tempted to keep it as I haven’t painted a 40k model for about 10 years, but I do like the Vampire a lot more. 


    Regarding endless spells, I’m really curious to see what they change to balance endless spells. There are lots of different ways they could adjust things. Not allowing them to summoned with a counter spell is one. They could also play around with casting values. An extreme option would be to say that if an endless spell is destroyed rather than banished, it can’t be summoned again. 

    Complaint again and you will probably keep both.

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, BlazerVX said:

    Just curious since I don't remember seeing this "leak" in the forums, but I saw this floating around. It seems to me it fits too well with people wishes, so any one heard anything to semi confirm/deconfirm this? 


    We commented this time ago and the consensus was it was false. As you said, it matches too much of what we are saying here and there.

    • Like 5
  9. 3 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    GW are not responding to any questions on their social media right now, they're not even giving their typical non-answears to people asking legitimate questions.

    Maybe we can expect a damage control model reveal tomorrow to remove the heat from today's blunder?

    Maybe even a reveal for a non-40k army to really get people's eyes off girth lord?

    That's why it was minis in plural. They already had the counter damage release ready 😅

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    87.50 euros for the Starter Set - anyone know what this translates to for USD pricing? I will straight up buy this inside a GW store if it'll be 100 USD.

    Think they are all called now Starter Set. The big one is 170 €.

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