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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    I am so divided on what to expect regarding the future of Demons, with some of the finecast demons being retired and even some plastic demon kits being sent to legends in AOS (Slaanesh Chariot options), I feel like we might get a new update for the Demons in the not so distant future. However, with Emperor's children on the horizon I am curious if Demons will remain as much of a standalone fixture in 40k or if they become integrated into the god specific armies in that system as well? 

    So I see two possibilities in the future:
    A) Demons will get a mass release in 40k with updated models and new units for the Gods. This would be great for age of sigmar and I would happily jump onto a 40k Demon army (something I have been considering doing for years now)
    B) Demons will lose much of their support becoming subfactions in 40k and AOS and feature even less support (why I have yet to jump aboard the Demon Train).

    So maybe we will get some new Tzeentch demons in the future I am quite hopeful but I am also not particularly trusting of GW.


    It also makes sense to have new Chaos stuff if indeed we are in a Chaos edition + Demons in 40k are going to receive some sort of change/ upgrade.

  2. 52 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Your predictions all suck! I want one where Tzeentch gets a decently sized wave FAST. 

    So please adapt your predictions. 

    Fast and decent sized, IMO, is not compatible, so it would have to be at least Spring 2025.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    I really hope everyone making almost the same roadmap manifests as the real one being the same when they reveal it :D

    Yeah, there's a 70% of it or something on those lines that is common across most of them.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    That's exactly the problem. Slaves2darkness pay too much for their quality profiles. KO have a tax that makes them more expensive than S2D, but without the quality profiles (and magic, and manifestations, and prayers, and terrain,... but that's point 2).

    When I said ridiculously I meant ridiculously low 😅

    • Haha 2
  5. 7 hours ago, Morathi is my Goddess said:

    I don't expect them to survive the next cities book. Who knows when that is though, could be 1 year, could be 3.

    The question is if they will be refreshed, replaced with something different or vanish.

    • Like 3
  6. 2 hours ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

    Yeah, me and a friend bought the box, but we both will be gone in different periods of time until the competition ends, so we will not be able to play the game. So our code will not be used.

    I mean we could just use the code and say we played a game, but that would be cheating right? :D

    No one is asking you for results or something like that. Claim it! Just vote SCE :P

  7. 8 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    i ordered from a parts-seller and when I asked him about the codes, he had no idea what i was talking about and had been throwing them away... the amount of votes for the QR contest will have a big discrepancy to how many boxes sold IME

    I honestly hardly doubt he has been throwing them away. As when you claim them you enter into the contest for minis I think he has been just claiming them. You just need a quick read to realise you can win minis.

  8. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    First games played.

    It's not that diferent from 3rd edition but it's a lot easier to understand. Everything being an ability is just perfect, a lot of discussions were solved just reading the ability and doing what it was written (some players came from 40k).

    Sadly, my Kharadron Overlords have 2 big problems:

    1) They cost too much. I know that all armies cost "too much",  but KOs have a 300p and 500p tax to play and that's basically what ruins the game (note: one player asked me if my list was 1000p, instead of 2000p). Take in mind that we had an Slaves to Darkness player with Be'lakor and one unit of Varanguard with at least 15 more miniatures than my army. And I still think that Gunhaulers should carry 2 units with a max of 6 models.

    2) Tools to play. KOs are awesome in what they do (basically, everything about movement like Redeploy, Run, Reatrear, Power Through,...). But that's all. I had the awesome opportunity to play with a fantastic Soulblight player, and basically, summon, ressurect, wards, magic and Manifestations. For every redeploy, counter-charge or covering-fire I made, he had an answer. Being an army without manifestations, spells, prayers, terrain and battle traits that only affect our "mandatory tax", it feels weird thay we have the same number of artefacts or heroic traits as all other armies.

    Don't get me wrong, it was a blast to play and I'm going to attend a mini-tournament in 2 weeks. The game feels refreshing and even if we are still learning, it feels great. Imho, there are still some things that need to be polished, but nothing big that can't be rewritten on the first patch.

    For point 1, as far as I've heard, S2D are just ridiculously pointed for their strong profiles.

    For 2, hopefully all gets sorted when KO (and other factions with the same problems) get more stuff in their BTs. GW just need to released them earlier.

  9. 1 minute ago, CommissarRotke said:

    wait there's two?? what effect does the non-code contest have?

    also for that WETA picture... this background thing feels like an Unmade from Warcry or a slaaneshi Sybarite, but i understand not everything is probably warhammer in here


    The non-codex one was the one that they mentioned you could use any faction and it would affect the surroundings of the city, in the end the vote is just Order or Chaos, not "any faction":




    • Like 2
  10. On 5/12/2024 at 1:13 AM, Ejecutor said:

    Just 5? :P

    They showed 9! I didn't remember they were that much. It will be nuts if they show us 9.

    1. Slaves to Darkness.
    2. Kruleboys (or Warclans if they are not split).
    3. Silvaneth.
    4. Nurgle.
    5. Nighthaunt.

    This was my original post, I am adapting it slightly:


    • Like 3
  11. 17 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    Finally! Time for more semi-unbased speculation!

    Stuff with red borders is release with at least 2-3+ kits

    "Realistic" (i.e.: please let all the signs pointing to Cities dwarfs staying and us getting a COGFORT be true):


      Reveal hidden contents




    Not biased at all 😄

    • Haha 3
  12. 30 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    The new plastic set  "Dwarf Lords with shieldbearers" is now temporarily out of stock. Did this also happen with the Bretonnian BSB on Royal Pegasus? All releases with an Arcane Journal  and new mini's sold out in a day.

    They really should produce a little bit more for TOW and for Kill Team too. Certainly with the pre-order window of two weeks. 

    When I looked this morning before asking about the ones from the pic I posted it wasn't, but all the resin ones were. And yes, everything Bretonnian-wise was sold out.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:


    Roadmap is pretty clean so far, I was suprised to see Vampire Coasts getting a release before Silent People or Malerion vs Tyrion but it is great to see Beasts of Chaos back.

    Finally the highly expected Stormcast from the future for Summer 2025.

    • Haha 7
  14. 28 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    here my prediction up to S2D and not necessary in that order


    also here a template if you want to use it


    I see your template and I raise you my own one!


    Maybe with this one someone thinks it is a leak 🙈

    Now I am going to look for my old prediction and see if I still see it viable.

    • Like 5
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  15. 1 minute ago, cyrus said:

    Made to order wave in two weeks times ( as for warcom article)


    By the end of August there will be the third wave ( as usual) with all the rest : 8th edition heroes , miners , cannons , solo boxes for gyrocopters ,etc .etc 

    Ok, I was curious about the price, this is one of those old minis that have a special taste. Probably it will be something on the line of 10€ per mini, but just in case...

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

    True but imo that actually pushes against going for, say, a generic stormcast given that none of them really have the same kind of fanbase compared to Abaddon. In that context, might as well go for something a bit out of left field.

    Add to that @Chikout's point about GSG fans being hardcore (that's the kind of fan you need to be able to sell these kinds of things) and, more generally, goblins being 'in' at the moment in wider nerd culture and it stops being quite so bizarre a decision.

    RE: the stuff I was saying about textures and such, Weta do want to make a certain kind of product. There are plenty of other statues makers working in the same space. Weta's niche (outside of LotR) is going for these hyper-detailed textured examples and they're going to tend towards projects that can show that off. Goblins and Skagrott in particular aren't the only thing from AoS they could work on but I can see it being a consideration.

    I've bought a similar statue and I think most of the companies try to take advantage of that kind of stuff, even with that the loonking is a weird option, IMO. Plus the warhammer premium on the cost.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    The first time I visited a Games Workshop store I bought two blisters of Squigs and their Herders. 

    Yes, even me, a lifelong devotee of Chaos, has been lured in by the funny little green sods! I never had an army of them, but I collected quite a few bits and bobs (mainly to use in Warhammer Quest). 

    I have to admit that if I would have to pick a new army it would be GSG. The little fun touch is super appealing and throggs add some interesting counterpart.

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