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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 9 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    I reckon that if you’re a Weta sculptor, the opportunities offered by a horrible king of goblins in terms of skin texture, pointy nose, crooked grin full of fangs, mushrooms, mildewed cloth… It must be tempting.

    But you also have to consider the chances of selling the statue. They are not cheap, even for this kind of statues standards nor Weta Workshop standard. The Abaddon one cost 1750 € and they produced 700.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Garrac said:

    If the 40k releases are really that inexistente (just one miniatures and boxes) we may still be getting AoS 2nd waves sooner than expected. I mean, GW anouncing the Coteaz mini on 28th of august to release It barely few weeks after would also be weird.


    Btw, the forces of order are now making a come back: only losing on 53-47

    But you meant the one without code... people can just spam them. Still, the code one is slowly increasing for SCE. For a second I thought you were talking about the main vote.


  3. 10 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

    Wait, are people expecting this to be important to the lore going forward. I assumed it was just a mini-campaign to drive engagement and decide an, ultimately, unimportant reveal order?

    I would have agreed with you normally if they didn't have a full Hellcrown map and heraldry.

  4. 10 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Even more surprising seeing how small it is compared to the other Spearheads, are people saying why? is it OP only within the context of Skaventide?

    Yeah. In comparison with the Skaven one.

    • Like 1
  5. 44 minutes ago, zamerion said:

    There is a private video in the killteam list of YouTube Warhammer Channel.

    They should show something early.

    Also valrak said that some youtubers have the new agents of Imperium codex. 

    This weekend its takoma tournament. So maybe they Will show these 2 things.

    Without announcing it previously? Would be weird.

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  6. The cumback is real! SCE won 0,3% since the article.


    I know it is almost impossible, but I have the feeling this is going to be slowly coming back for SCE and in the last week it will end with something like 50,2% vs 49,8%.

    • Like 4
  7. 16 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Huh, Skragrott is kind of random for a first AoS mini isn't it? Not that I'm complaining, I just expected a Stormcast first.

    In the background of the Abaddon WIP picture there was some other stuff that felt a bit random for a statue, like a Plaguebearer... I agree, I would have expected a SCE first, maybe something like Gardus with this cool pose rather than Skragrott. At least it is not Kragnos.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Ferban said:

    I've seen a couple of places online that the Spearheads from Skaventide are not well balanced.  My son and I will be playing our first game of those two forces tonight.  Which one is overpowered?  I'd like to subtly suggest he take that force.  

    The SCE, from what I've heard.

    • Like 1
  9. 48 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

    I don’t even think it’s model related, I think people are voting for Skaven as a de facto way to troll stormcast. “A vote for order is a vote for the faction that already gets more previews and releases than anyone else.”

    It could easily be, yeah, but the vote is not going to change it.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    I really really really wish they did not tie such a big lore competition to seeing the winner's models first. Narratively it would be far more fun for Hel Crown to stay Order, but obviously fans are going to want to see all the new Skaven models before the posterfaction.

    Even when we already know most of them, have some of them leaked and meanwhile we are blind at Stormcasts... but I think the lore could be resolved as rather than loosing the city, just get it destroyed or not, but order still ruling over it.

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  11. 57 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    I think it is more than decent : 10 new kits in addition to the ones of Skaventide is massive ! 😉

    Clan pestilens and eshin for now have two very cool underworlds war bands plus new assassin from 3th edition bt.


    So there is not “ no AoS preview” this weekend ? 😉


    Yeah, it is so weird... maybe the next week?

  12. 3 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    It's this at all confirmed, or is it just rumours? To be clear it looks great, so I'm going it's true. I'm particularly I'd love a new Verminlord as I don't like the existing sculpts (they're of that era of over the top sculpts from the end of WHFB that I just don't like), but I do like the idea of them.

    Also new Arch Warlock! Yes please.

    Most of this comes from the posts that @SG Warhound gave us. He has proven himself to be a proper rumour monger, so this would be mostly accurate 100%.

    • Like 3
  13. 5 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    I'm not an AoS Loremaster, but I was told that Settrus was just a Settra fanboy or something like that.

    Even if that's the case, there's other WHFB minis that have been turned into a Stormcast, like Baltasar Gelt that is Balthas Arum.

    The Spanish wiki has a section about it and Settrus is not in (it could be that it is just not up to date); Personajes que provienen del Mundo-que-fue | Sigmaroteca | Fandom

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  14. 7 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    Companion gryph-hounds were previously on 40mm (like the unit) but have shrunk to 32mm starting with the Lord Imperatant (the unit is still on 40mm)

    Maybe now 25 is their official base? Are they considered also tokens like the Memorias that also go in 25?

  15. 10 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    I just saw that my LFGS had a copy of Skaventide split up on their webshop.

    25 Euro for the Core Book and General's Handbook cards is probably the best deal I've ever gotten for anything Warhammer related :D

    Wow. Same price as many second-hand sellers over here. Even less than in some cases.

  16. 1 hour ago, Clewzy said:

    Is the base size for the griff hound wrong in the skaventide instructions?  It says 25mm but it doesnt seem to fit on


    I think previously they were 32 or 40mm, but Skaventide has little few 32mm bases (just two for both skavens heroes?).

  17. 1 hour ago, Grimrock said:

    I like the theme of it and it does make list building more interesting, but my main problem is being sorta forced to buy more hero models. Like my Slaanesh collection is primarily daemon heroes but I do have quite a few mortal units. I've had a really hard time building lists that work because I only have one mortal hero. Combined with them having no cheap daemon wizards it's looking like I really need to go out and buy a shardspeaker, but at $41 for a small infantry hero that I've never really liked I'm not super happy. Although maybe that's just an issue for the chaos factions as they have the weird daemon/mortal split. 

    Proxying is the way.

    • Haha 2
  18. 19 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I think with The Old World being a Specialist Game they'll definitely get models eventually, but just sort of appear randomly over the next year ALA Necromunda,  Blood Bowl, older Heresy profiles, etc rather than being strictly tied to "Rules = Model from Day 1" like 40k and AoS.

    Considering every new resin goes up and then sells out for months at a time I have to imagine they're making decent money off producing them.

    I won't expect any new model until they release all the core factions, so easily after 1 year. The only exception I can see is something for O&G, as they were treated quite bad.

  19. 13 minutes ago, Sception said:

    Legends don't get points updates.  Legends don't get updates for rules & edition changes.  GW only even looks at data from competitive events when considering what changes need to be made to the game, and sometimes changes very much need to be made - if Legends aren't part of that data set then they don't get updates and problems won't get fixed.

    The devs can't say Legends aren't allowed in competitive because they 'wouldn't be fair,' in one breath and then say they're 'encouraged in casual' with the other.  Casual players also care about the game being fair.  If anything, they care /more/ than tournament players, who ime consider identifying and exploiting or playing around the imbalances that inevitably do exist in the system to be 'part of the game'.  I mean, that's what the 'metagame' is, that's what the 'meta' in 'metawatch' means.

    Anyway, yeah, I expect the competitive matched play norm to become the casual matched play norm, regardless of the intent of the designers.  And while there will of course be individual players and clubs happy to play outside of that norm, they'll be the sorts of players and clubs that were playing outside of those norms already - using narrative rules and legends units and anvil of apotheosis heroes and even outright homebrew - and at no point needing GW's permission to do so.

    While that's all true, they've done a pretty nice job of bringing most of the legends minis to the 4th edition, so by the point in time we are, there's no better moment to play legends minis.

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