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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 7 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    Companion gryph-hounds were previously on 40mm (like the unit) but have shrunk to 32mm starting with the Lord Imperatant (the unit is still on 40mm)

    Maybe now 25 is their official base? Are they considered also tokens like the Memorias that also go in 25?

  2. 10 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    I just saw that my LFGS had a copy of Skaventide split up on their webshop.

    25 Euro for the Core Book and General's Handbook cards is probably the best deal I've ever gotten for anything Warhammer related :D

    Wow. Same price as many second-hand sellers over here. Even less than in some cases.

  3. 1 hour ago, Clewzy said:

    Is the base size for the griff hound wrong in the skaventide instructions?  It says 25mm but it doesnt seem to fit on


    I think previously they were 32 or 40mm, but Skaventide has little few 32mm bases (just two for both skavens heroes?).

  4. 1 hour ago, Grimrock said:

    I like the theme of it and it does make list building more interesting, but my main problem is being sorta forced to buy more hero models. Like my Slaanesh collection is primarily daemon heroes but I do have quite a few mortal units. I've had a really hard time building lists that work because I only have one mortal hero. Combined with them having no cheap daemon wizards it's looking like I really need to go out and buy a shardspeaker, but at $41 for a small infantry hero that I've never really liked I'm not super happy. Although maybe that's just an issue for the chaos factions as they have the weird daemon/mortal split. 

    Proxying is the way.

    • Haha 2
  5. 19 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I think with The Old World being a Specialist Game they'll definitely get models eventually, but just sort of appear randomly over the next year ALA Necromunda,  Blood Bowl, older Heresy profiles, etc rather than being strictly tied to "Rules = Model from Day 1" like 40k and AoS.

    Considering every new resin goes up and then sells out for months at a time I have to imagine they're making decent money off producing them.

    I won't expect any new model until they release all the core factions, so easily after 1 year. The only exception I can see is something for O&G, as they were treated quite bad.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Sception said:

    Legends don't get points updates.  Legends don't get updates for rules & edition changes.  GW only even looks at data from competitive events when considering what changes need to be made to the game, and sometimes changes very much need to be made - if Legends aren't part of that data set then they don't get updates and problems won't get fixed.

    The devs can't say Legends aren't allowed in competitive because they 'wouldn't be fair,' in one breath and then say they're 'encouraged in casual' with the other.  Casual players also care about the game being fair.  If anything, they care /more/ than tournament players, who ime consider identifying and exploiting or playing around the imbalances that inevitably do exist in the system to be 'part of the game'.  I mean, that's what the 'metagame' is, that's what the 'meta' in 'metawatch' means.

    Anyway, yeah, I expect the competitive matched play norm to become the casual matched play norm, regardless of the intent of the designers.  And while there will of course be individual players and clubs happy to play outside of that norm, they'll be the sorts of players and clubs that were playing outside of those norms already - using narrative rules and legends units and anvil of apotheosis heroes and even outright homebrew - and at no point needing GW's permission to do so.

    While that's all true, they've done a pretty nice job of bringing most of the legends minis to the 4th edition, so by the point in time we are, there's no better moment to play legends minis.

    • Like 3
  7. It would be so cool to have teasing posts monthly like the ones we get currently for LoTR for smaller games like Warcry or UW:

    Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game – Hail the Last King of Gondor - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

    It could be a rotation of weekly/ by-weekly posts depending on the game:

    Necromunda, BB, Imperiales, HH, Warcry, UW, TOW and LoTR.

    With 8 on the list, I can easily see two of them each week, so you have a monthly rotation.

    • Like 8
  8. 29 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Random observation: I rather like the Regiments system for army building. It makes sense, I feel, to select a hero and then surround them with thematically suitable warriors. I know there's been some criticism of it, but it works for me. I guess it's easy for my faction (mortal heroes get mortal units, daemons get daemons). 

    I find it pretty thematic and interesting as well. Obviously, the biggest the faction the more this system shines.

  9. 43 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Primaris Reivers and Aggressors were introduced in the Dark Imperium novel before they were even announced.

    Also if it counts a boss battle against a Skaven Brood Horror plays a role in the climax of the Skaventide book and it isn't out yet.

    Then it is interesting. Maybe we have the Glutos/ Zenestra equivalent for Skaven in the follow-up wave.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    that would fit most the description, did he had a trophy rack mention by any chance?

    aside from what i heard from the novel it weird that the novel revolve around saving a Lord-Ordinator a model that going to legends.

    I find it odd that a novel refers to an unreleased miniature with 100% detail, but it could be one of the follow-up minis indeed.

    About novels pointing to legend minis... #neverforget:

    BL AoSLookAhead Jul11 Book2

  11. 7 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    That's not exactly true. Of course that I want more KO units, but I prefer if older armies with small roster were the ones to recieve upgrades sooner than others. Fyrelsayers being the most obvious one, but KOs, Idoneth and DoK need more shiny toys.

    As a player that is still waiting for new non-hero units since 2017, I wouldn't like to see the same gap for new units for other factions. And I can say the same for armies with fantasy models that are still waiting for a new AoS's ones.

    What I meant is that is not like everyone is mentioning FS and forgetting ID. Some people mention FS, some ID, some KO, Ogors, Sylvaneth... Everyone has their preferences and that's what is mentioned most of the time.

    • Like 3
  12. 16 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

    If only IDK would finally receive some proper love. Everyone mentions Fyreslayers as neglected army but IDK received exactly one foot hero model since their release about 6 years ago if not counting Underworld’s warbands.

    Unfortunately those rumours really do look fake. Akhelian knights? And what exactly is Akhelian guard then?

    Everyone mentions the army they want to get expanded. For some is KO, some FS, ID, Tzeentch, CO... is not like the whole community just wants one neglected army expanded over the rest.

    • Like 3
  13. 1 minute ago, Vagard said:

    I found it very strange. I suspect they will have a proper warscroll for each weapon choice in the BT

    I doubt it as it was a topic pointed out in one of the articles, and it was precisely done with the Liberators.

    • Like 2
  14. Just now, Vagard said:

    Also do we know the difference between double hammer and hammer/shield for liberators? I didn't see it anywhere yet

    None. They all count as Liberators with shields.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Kind of wondering if people are reading too much into this. Ionus and both Relictors (Lord and Knight) do not have the RUINATION keyword in the battle pack. And the breakdown you gave kind of seems to position them outside of the Ruination Chamber narratively, as well.

    As this would be part of the follow-up wave, and the new BT, that keyword could be added later on.

  16. 3 minutes ago, skylerboodie said:

    W+ minis have been getting smaller each year so i wouldnt be surprised if it was just a literal rat...

    And the next year another rat, but one of the size of the rats that goes in the basing as decoration.

  17. Just now, HorticulusTGA said:

    August gonna be great with Hel's Crown Reveal, WH+ and Nova !

    Bets for the AoS mini?

    The CoS side of me thinks about a mini like the Verdigris Marshall Iscilla Thorian, but it would be very thematic to get something for Skaven. The problem is that it would have to be something bigger than a simple rat. Maybe something with tokens, like the Sorcerer from the last year if they pick Skavens.

    • Like 2
  18. 2 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    How did White Dwarf confirm the new Lord-Relictor? I must have missed this

    It mentions that Relictors are now part of the ruination chamber and they care for the rest of the members of the chamber.

    • Thanks 1
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