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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I hope it's not. Don't get me wrong, I love Gotrek in the realms, but I would hate for FS lore to be only advanced when Gotrek does something.

    FS wave is already being introduced lorewisr, let Gotrek do his thing and the FS do their thing.

    I'd much rather see the Fyrequeens take charge than Gotrek (again).

    I think we all agree that if Gotrek is going to be placed uniquely into one army it would be FS, right?

    The question is, would it? With the release of the White Dwarf going straight into legends it wouldn't surprise me if Gotrekt is fully integrated into FS this edition.

  2. 1 minute ago, cyrus said:

    They are pretty confirmed since both minis are not going to legends in June 2025 so they will an update in thunderstrike armour.


    For Gitmob there is at least an hero 😉


    Interesting... The Lord Celestant was part of the range cut article, but not the Lord Relictor (nor Vandus), but I guess it makes sense for them to disappear, as the first edition box is not coming back.

    Did you find any other warscroll that could point to a renewal?

  3. 7 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    A whole Gitmob wave is maybe too much, I am gitz player with 30 Snarlfangs but the high expectation with Gitmob remembers me the Kurnothi drama.

    Gitmob, the new Kurnothi.

    Result: We end up getting a new hero with an aesthetic that was not expected. Work done.

    To be fair, my particular feeling on this is that we will get a Kroots size release and Gitmob will replace Spiderfang.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    ok so we already got the list of what to expect for the Skaven post-box

    • Arch-warlock
    • New Engineer call Galveer with Warpvolt obliterator that got leaked
      •   Reveal hidden contents

        War of Sigmar - New Skaven Clan Rats revealed and new Weapons team leaked ^^


    • Weapon team (Gatling, Warpfire & Doomflayer)
    • New Behemoth that got leaked so they already reveal to be Brood terror
      •   Reveal hidden contents

        The new model is called a Brood Terror : r/skaven


    • Moulder
    • New Wolf-rats
    • Stormvermin
    • Warlord who maybe may not Nu-queek with bodyguards
    • New Verminlord name

    on the Stormcast we don't have much

    • Knight Azyros/Tornus redeemed that got reveal with the brood terror
      •   Reveal hidden contents

        Witness the Arrival of the Winged Knight-Azyros and the Abhorrent Brood  Terror - Warhammer Community


    • Lord Relictor (WD#502 confirm this)
    • Lord-Celestant

    Whitefang before the silence supported the whole Gitmob gitz wave & i think there was also a support that Lumineth will get their own Phoenix guard 

    Whitefang 2.0 said CoS will get the Cogfort

    there strong belief that Seraphon is going to get Temple guard because of rumor engine


    Same thing with Soulblight getting grave guard


    there was this 4chan rumor a while back claiming stuff like the Warclans and Nighthaunt first, Orruk Warclans is still one Battletome. Ironjawz Spearhead is coming. Only new mini is a Hobgrot Chieftain. and a list of CoS units

      Reveal hidden contents

    >Freeguild Marshal on Gryph-
    >Freeguild Bombardier-Major
    >Botanite Apothecary
    >Lector Unberogen
    >Devoted Acolytes
    >Outstrider Cogfort
    >Dispossessed Gearwalker
    >Dispossessed Clan-Tinker
    >Dispossessed Ironclads
    >Dispossessed Drakegunners
    >Highscryer Outpost
    >Endless Spells

    and idoneth

      Reveal hidden contents

    >Akhelian High-Lochian
    >Akhelian Knights
    >Endless Spells
    >And Soulblight following after with:
    >Wight King’s Court
    >Grave Guard
    >Corpse Cart
    >Endless Spells

    it pretty fake-y but might as well say it

    I wouldn't say that Celestants and Relictors relictors are confirmed. It could be one of those cases where the role is left just for the lore and they don't receive new minis.

  5. 1 minute ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    They'll be metal. Iirc none of the Slayers were ever turned into Finecast.

    Almost none of the minis have been moved from metal to resin, right? Only the Trebuchet (because they lost the moulds or were in pretty bad shape), IIRC.

    • Like 3
  6. 54 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

    Have there been any recent AOS rumours? I'm aware of Chorfs, Kurnothi and a few other vague things. 


    Has the Rumour mill just been on stop while 4th Edition launched/

    Gitmob, if you are not aware of it. Those rumours won more credibility with one of the recent RE.

    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Reminder that Embergard got its own heraldry while Verdigris, the city that survived, didn't. 

    I wouldn't say Embergard got its own heraldry. They just gave them one of the "miscellaneous city" designs from the transfer sheet. If they wouldn't like they could give Verdigris another one from the two that are left unused.

  8. 1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

    whatever the outcome, i'm glad we got this artwork out of it


    It has all the vibes of the 1st edition box. I wonder if the 5th edition one would kind of "rhyme" with the Soul Wars artwork.


    HelCrownReminder Jul16 Art

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  9. 1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    I don’t think we should use the Seeds of Hope as an example anymore…. Especially after what happened to Blackpyre.

    Why not? It lasted two editions. It was important in the lore, a playable city. What else do we need for it to be a good example?

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  10. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    The cities from Seeds of Hope got permanently added to the setting and became important. I don't know why everyone assumes Hel Crown will disappear from the lore and never get mentioned again even if Stormcast win.

    That would be awesome, indeed, but GW tends to go the other direction. A slight mention and radio silence, as @LordSolarMach said. But it is also true that AoS tends to do things better than 40k lately, so with a bit of luck we have something decent lore wise from this.

  11. 13 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Desperate Stormcast win incoming, believe me. 


    Many hints pointing to that outcome though : as you said Marines started winning then Tyranid pushed back at Ograhm (SCE will win inside, Order will lose outside), and they have designed a city heraldic, backstory and a map NOT to make it a blasted ruin seconds after. Right, fellow Emberguardians ? ...

    It doesn't look like... 38%.

    • Like 2
  12. Just now, DinoJon said:

    Yeah I think it might have been more of a competition if they let you declare your faction instead of just Order and Chaos. If people got to actually influence their factions lore outside of Stormcast/Skaven it would be a lot more enticing. 

    And it is what you understood by reading the first mention... sad :(

  13. Quote

    As the Stormcast Eternals and Skaven battle for control of Hel Crown itself, other factions can take their chance to seize power in the surrounding area. On top of results from the Skaventide set, you’ll be able to enter battle results between all other factions at the same site, and influence the lore of the struggle.

    You cannot really add "other factions", just order and chaos. And influence the lore... hum...


  14. 43 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    Haha, SO witty.

    No, dear, it's about keeping writing rules for kits that, in some cases, haven't been even sold for many years, while some others haven't seen the AoS support beyond compendiums and never even featured in any of the proper battletomes.

    So, tell me, how many people are still so desperate to play the Archmage on Dragon in AoS? Drazhoath the Ashen? Excelsior Warpriest? Kazyk the Befouled? Grot Rock Lobber? Will there be enough interest there, to give those as much attention, as the Underworlds warbands? Is GW really supposed to allocate resources and manhours for the sake of five people globally?

    At some point, when we have more editions and more minis that go into legends, they will start trimming those minis from the legends warscrolls.

  15. 34 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I understand it and I would have loved another new plastic set that would give me another dwarf unit, but for a unit in a mass ranked battlegame which has its height restrictments, how much more detailed / updated should it be?

    The quality  of the longbeards/hammer set is for me more than enough for heroic 28mm mini's, certainly when used ranked up.

    For AoS if they do new duardin they can push it a bit more with dynamic poses and etc.. but for TOW these 8 edition dwarf sets are good enough for a very long time. Imo ofcourse😅

    Yeah. I guess that I see them now from the AoS eyes, hehe and as it is said here, Comparisons are odious.

  16. 11 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Just saying, if I ever get into TOW, it would be with a Royal Clan Dwarf army… the fact you can use the more modern 8th edition dwarf kits has the core of the army, instead of the older warriors, is a huge pull for me.  

    But even with that... they are starting to show their age. I was tempted to buy some Irondrakes in with the TOW box to get them discounted for AoS... but the more I look at them the more I see the age.

  17. 8 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I thought that was some kind of mechanical foot for a second, but it is holo projector, right? In that case, 40k for sure.

    It happened to me as well! Looks like a foot but it is a holo.

  18. 21 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    I've completely lost track of Warcry. Would the next reveal be a completely new set/edition we haven't seen yet?

    I can't remember if it's already been shown or we know what the setting, warbands etc are.

    The new edition should be out next summer (2025). What it is being said is that we are going to change the setting (inside Talaxis) but in the same edition.

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