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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 9 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    So I saw some pages of the new White Dwarf on 4chan and it has interesting lore and confirmation on the Stormcast side of thing

      Hide contents
    • Confirms Lord Relictors they're part of the Ruination Chamber now as wardens of the Bleak Citadel assigned by Ionus himself
    • Lord Celestant are confirmed
    • The Ruination Chamber sorta founding came when a throng of Stormcast slaughter their way through nurgle infected hostages to kill said sorcerer their Lord-Celestant Iridan executed them for it praying to ancient death gods. Taken away by their own chamber Iradin was judge by Sigmar himself but found not corruption or madness but rather  found Morrda power within and gave them mercy
      • Sigmar still want a Reforging cure but the whole oblivion/final death is a temporary solution for now
    • The Bleak Citadels are in a way Stormcast churches of Morrda as prayer as hymn fill the halls
    • Reclusians are very automaton as they are in constant state of silent  contemplation only ever speaking during prayer, communication with attendants and during battle
    • Memorians are there to help humanized and serve their Reclusian as their living memoir scribing their history & craft tapestries of their life and glories. if their Reclusian dies the memorians return back to their home with a Amulet of Sigmar which is like a luck +5 on life
    • The Gryphstalker know how to mimic human speech which unerving are often the last word mortals say before death
    • Also once again they can't ****** make up their mind about the time line. Im sorry if im coming off a bitchy but seriously "the age of sigmar has turn a century" then the very ****** next page "Vandus has been degrating for centuries" like which is it!!!! use a ****** calendar or not!

    and cool cut off art showing Sigmar two huntress meeting none of them Astral Templar but who salty


    Lord Celestant confirmed lore wise or miniature wise?

    Also, that pic looks cool! What are those helmeted stormcasts? They have Ruination icons, so maybe a tease of a new mini?!

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    They don‘t seem to understand that people want very simple basic rules but lots of options for customization of the armies to make them theirs. It‘s fun to give your stuff personality. Names, equipment, etc., the narrative aspect is part of the fun, even in streamlined, competitive games!

    Maybe the basic rules shouldn't include those customisable options, but the advanced ones should. That way you have covered both kinds of players, and even better, with the new modules system just make it a module so whoever wants can put it in or out. Problem sorted.

    • Like 5
  3. 12 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    Personally I'm fine with doing that for a game or two as a proxy to try things out, but in the long run I prefer to have my models match with the rules I'm running. It's not such a big deal for small side weapons or a chaff unit maybe, but especially for something like a GUO where the weapons are bigger than most models I just don't enjoy proxying for extended periods of time. I'm fine if other people want to do that, I just don't enjoy it.

    I am the same, but it is super tricky, considering that the rules can change every 3 years. So either buy more minis or magnetise.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Yes they already got a heraldry and backstory to boot (former khorne fotress with a realmgate to the realm of chaos vigilantly seal)


    like that faaaar more i tersting the Embergard 

    And the whole map!


    • Like 4
    • LOVE IT! 3
  5. 33 minutes ago, Amenephis said:

    Yeah, there's zero chance of that happening. Pattern recognition is a thing, and GW has a long history of completely ignoring things like this the moment they're done.

    Like as not, they've just got "<REPLACE WITH WINNING FACTION> won but now the <REPLACE WITH LOSING FACTION> are still struggling on the outskirts, unwilling to simply let the city be taken!" pre-written and ready to Ctrl-H.

    Stories with meaningful outcomes, impacts, and consequences are anathema to GW.

    I agree with you if we take out of the equation AoS. I think AoS has a pattern of breaking those patterns hehehe.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    Yeah I totally get that. For weapon profiles specifically I prefer it simplified, but I've been pretty annoyed by how much they're stripping from the game in other areas. So many loreful and thematic rules, options, and models thrown out for the sake of making the game easier to balance. I've been feeling a little better in the last few days because some of the indexes do look pretty compelling to try out, but it's still a shame to have lost so much in the transition.

    The best way I can think of it is this is a true index, stripped back as far as possible so that they have room to grow in the next couple editions before they hit reset and index again in 7th edition. I'm hopeful we'll see more options and rules reintroduced in the 5th and 6th and we'll be in a much better place by then, and in my opinion the base game they've created here is far better than the one we got in 1st edition AoS. 

    I wouldn't say they did it with balance in mind, but with playability in mind. That's just the direction they decided to go. Quicker games, in all aspects.

  7. This is pretty interesting!


    While the ratmen and the warriors of Sigmar battle for control of the city interior, other factions will fight to seize power in the area around Hel Crown. In addition to the results from your Skaventide boxed set, you will be able to enter battle results between all other factions at the same website, shaping the outcome of the wider struggle.

    I hope it ends with something interesting lore-wise.

    Lore apart, if we check everything we got (from the last months of the edition to this event and the launch set) and compare it with its equivalent from 40k, from an objective POV, the AoS team is making everything one step or two better.

    - More books/ releases during the campaign end.
    - Better minis. Is this one objective? Sure it is!!
    - Well-rounded and apparently better-balanced indexes.
    - Pushing spearhead and making it an interesting game mode.
    - End of the edition in stores campaign.
    - No Space Marines.
    - The voting event has more options, so everyone can participate and feel its contribution is meaningful.
    - Launch set that can be used as a closed game box.

    • Like 10
  8. 40 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think a Stormcast/Freeguild victory at Hel Crown would be the narratively more interesting outcome. Especially if Hel Crown can stabilize and become an important city later on. If it gets wiped out I don't really think that would be interesting. 

    I have the feeling this is already written. Imagine all the work designing the city emblem and city map and then sitting and waiting for the city to be destroyed based on the players' votes.

  9. 1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

    I kind of hope Stormcast win, I love chaos and will always secretly cheer when it wins. But for all the people raging that Stormcast are just Sigmarines it will be fun to say they beat the popular Skaven where the Space Marines were eaten by bugs.

    I have always found the idea that Angelic Paladins are somehow ripping off Space Marines so hilarious when they are just blatant science fiction versions of that same archetype. 

    Vote for Stormcasts!

    Do your part! : r/Helldivers

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  10. 34 minutes ago, Kempak said:

    The picture of the next stormbringer (73) seems to indicate the new ard boyz anyone got it early and can confrim, apologies if this has been discussed, I just got 72 from my local shop.

    I thought it would be the old ones.

    Hey, there's a thread dedicated to Stormbringer where this topic has been discussed. There have been hints in various images about this replacement, and even one forum member asked Hachette. We haven't seen the sprues yet, but it looks like it is not an error.

    • Like 2
  11. 3 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    So they not purge or "left" most just went to the edge of the realm and some contingency is actually participating in the Vermindoom....ok that honestly better then the rest 


    But it is even weirder that they are participating actively in the Skavendoom but got removed, unless when they finally disappear in 2025 get another bit of lore updating what happened with them.

  12. 33 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Oh the new novel "On the sholder of giants" cover is drawn by Igor Sid (same as the Darkoath novel). Just want to bring up a cool artist and show off this art



    It is curious that as it is using the same colour for the background and similar colours, it looks like they are not that far one from another.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    It's a minor gripe but I really dislike the direction of "miniature as tokens". I don't like having to pay and paint stuff which literally does not exist on the tabletop -with the added negative of being actively confusing (oh my charge distance is longer because these are not actual models? Oh I thought you had X models on the objective, and so on).

    I get your point, as I collector I like them as they add variety and there are some cool fun flavourful ones like the Fusiliers ammunition guy:

    Freeguild Fusiliers

    But I was talking about stuff like the little nurglings, gargolians or even the little thingies that you can find around Brodd's mini:

    King Brodd

    Cities of Sigmar – Who or What Exactly Are Gargoylians? - Warhammer  Community

    • Like 5
  14. 30 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    Yeah I'll take this any day. So much better than having my $200 model that I spent 20+ hours painting suddenly be a paperweight for a whole edition because his weapon loadout was good last edition and now needs to be nerfed into oblivion to 'encourage' me to buy another one. I can see it's a bit more boring at the list building level but I think it opens up so much at the hobby/customer friendly levels that it more than balances out. 

    I don't find this that problematic. In my experience, it is as easy as telling your opponent: "This guy with a two-handed axe it is using a two-handed maze instead".

    • Like 2
  15. 32 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    Lizardmen still got skinks though...they don't Need to differentate for Tow as they are'nt a focus army.

    I don't think in this particular case they serve the same purpose in both armies. They are just the smaller mini.

  16. 1 hour ago, Grimrock said:

    I really don't understand the Gnoblar hate going on. I also started ogres when they first came out and they were my first fantasy army, and I really like the little guys. They've always been thoroughly integrated into the faction lore-wise not to mention pretty important mechanically for a faction that's largely comprised of extremely expensive monsters running around. Sure they need a glow up model wise, but that's true for pretty much the whole Ogre line. Why strip out such a historic and important component of the faction? If you want to play something with absolutely no little models you have Sons. 

    While I agree I would love for them to stay around, the reason I could imagine for them to disappear is to split the faction from their WHFB equivalent. They are such an iconic bit that getting rid of them would be a big differentiating factor.

  17. 1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

    I'd probably keep gnoblars, but purely as tokens like SCE have done with their Reclusians etc. that way you keep the lore aspect of them, but do away with the need to paint huge units of them.

    Wouldn't surprise me if they are base decorations, like the gargolians. It seems to be a new trend that GW likes to push lately, little companions.

    • Like 2
  18. Just now, FFJump said:

    They actually tweaked it from yesterday too. Yesterday had Horus Heresy and The Old World listed right next to 40k and AoS. Today that's gone. Wonder if the other way was too much text on the screen, but I did actually prefer it that way.

    Yeah. If 'New' was there as well, it would be too much text.

  19. 1 minute ago, Sabush said:

    Completely different might have been an exaggeration. But it’s more than just the menu though?

    The list of items has several columns and not just one. I can more easily flip through the images when I browse an item. Just a few things I noticed.

    Maybe it is something device-related. The menu is the only thing I noticed on a 27'' screen.

    • Like 1
  20. 22 minutes ago, Sabush said:

    Is it just for me that the warhammer webstore looks completely different?
    It's much more like the old one used to be.

    To be honest, I much prefer this!

    Not completely different, they just tweaked the menu. I guess they listen to the feedback.


    • Like 1
  21. 11 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    The consequence of adding major characters that follow an average human lifespan in a setting as large and chronologically vague as AoS, is that now the writers seem insistent on having a concrete timeline of events that allow these human characters to actually be alive and in fighting shape. I am unsure how old Galen is, but he looks to be in his late fifties to early sixties. So BL adding an actual amount of years that have passed, makes the ages of characters seem skewed in an odd direction. 


    Characters like the Ven Densts, Calis and Toll, and Tahlia kinda ensure that the setting can't move particularly quickly unless they go the 40k route and write something about how these characters were trapped in a magical portal for X years and have now broken free. Or maybe they just include a passage about how humans regularly drink potions of youth or something along those lines.

    Potions of Youth = Aqua Ghyranis. It is convenient. It makes you forever young and it is your day-to-day currency. I will start eating Euros.

    • Haha 11
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