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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. Just now, FFJump said:

    They actually tweaked it from yesterday too. Yesterday had Horus Heresy and The Old World listed right next to 40k and AoS. Today that's gone. Wonder if the other way was too much text on the screen, but I did actually prefer it that way.

    Yeah. If 'New' was there as well, it would be too much text.

  2. 1 minute ago, Sabush said:

    Completely different might have been an exaggeration. But it’s more than just the menu though?

    The list of items has several columns and not just one. I can more easily flip through the images when I browse an item. Just a few things I noticed.

    Maybe it is something device-related. The menu is the only thing I noticed on a 27'' screen.

    • Like 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, Sabush said:

    Is it just for me that the warhammer webstore looks completely different?
    It's much more like the old one used to be.

    To be honest, I much prefer this!

    Not completely different, they just tweaked the menu. I guess they listen to the feedback.


    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    The consequence of adding major characters that follow an average human lifespan in a setting as large and chronologically vague as AoS, is that now the writers seem insistent on having a concrete timeline of events that allow these human characters to actually be alive and in fighting shape. I am unsure how old Galen is, but he looks to be in his late fifties to early sixties. So BL adding an actual amount of years that have passed, makes the ages of characters seem skewed in an odd direction. 


    Characters like the Ven Densts, Calis and Toll, and Tahlia kinda ensure that the setting can't move particularly quickly unless they go the 40k route and write something about how these characters were trapped in a magical portal for X years and have now broken free. Or maybe they just include a passage about how humans regularly drink potions of youth or something along those lines.

    Potions of Youth = Aqua Ghyranis. It is convenient. It makes you forever young and it is your day-to-day currency. I will start eating Euros.

    • Haha 11
  5. 1 minute ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    I wonder if it will answer the great mystery of how the gunner on top stays on top. 

    It is glued to the base. The mini is a 100% accurate representation.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  6. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    All the races are have some really nice stuff, IMO. Maybe mixing them is actually the best way to go this time around.

    Aelves are definitely the best fast hammers in the book, I would say, but they have other nice stuff, too.

    Yeah. Dark Elves are pretty solid, but I think mixing is the way.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I hope that when everything is back to normal with GW that it's back to 1 week pre-orders instead of 2 weeks.

    But it could take them years. Isn't the new factory supposed to be finished in 2026?

    • Thanks 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    Beastmen will return at some point, probably not this edition but somewhere down the line. 

    We're living in a time of squats being un-squated and chaos dwarves returning, not to mention all the old stuff that's made or making an appearance recently - zoats, ambulls, Necromunda spyres, gnomes. 

    GW is a big machine, constantly turning and making everything old new again, sadly the wheel is slow moving and we'll probably have to wait awhile to build our herdstones again. 

    I just hope that whatever new iteration they get, if they get one, is something that the old BoC players like.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    I bring some rumors with a spoon of salt.

    A content creator i follow talked about 2 things:

    -gnoblars will become "aesthetically different from the past"/less grot-like.

    Seems the designers want to stress the idea that the realms force to adapts like kruleboyz did.

    -something new with Trolls(imho a gsg unit?)


    The source Is pretty reliable but he also said these rumors are "vague" not too specific.

    Tweaking Gnoblars makes sense and also something new for Trolls, but the most important bit here is that the Ogors rework gets confirmation!

  10. 1 hour ago, Sahrial said:

    Yeah, that’s what I really hope it is, but I have this low grade background anxiety about it. Lol

    Our faction packs are way more involved and detailed with options than 40K got for 10th. With those you got a couple army rules and a single subfaction option, everything else waiting for their codexes.

    We got full if sometimes sparse army rules, four sub factions apiece, and then multiple manifestation lores.

    Admittedly I haven’t picked one up myself, but from what I understand of the 40K codexes, our indexes are comparable looking at the level of rules by itself, not fluff. Other than some final edits, GW production timelines says at least few army’s battletomes are already in a warehouse somewhere, or at least a near final draft on a computer at their design dept, and if they worked hard to get fleshed out rules for the indexes (because they learned from 40k’s release?), how much effort can reasonably go into doing notable changes to the army rules again in the same edition for their book, right?

    My gut says our books may not actually change that much from the indexes, is all. Some more formations would be nice. Traits, artefacts, spell lores. I think we may need to curb some of the expectations for major army “fixes” some people are talking about, though.

    If I’m wrong and everyone gets significant quality of life changes, I’ll be ecstatic, though, don’t get me wrong.

    Maybe not quality of life changes, but I would expect a change as big as the 40k ones. If we start in a more advanced position in comparison, we will end in a more advanced position. The new rules team have proved to be pretty good so far.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    Yeah... everyone needs to chill and just remember it is a live service game. It cycles in and cycles out and basically always has.

    On that topic, I am curious if the rumours of a retiring of Underworlds turn out to be true or not - and if not, will the new season+ provide proper warscrolls - or is it going to be totally divergent and how that will affect sales and thus potential continuation.

    No new Warscrolls for AoS, maybe for Warcry, as we haven't lost those yet.

  12. 3 hours ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    I know I'm adding to the discourse, but can we just move past the BoC and BS stuff completely in this thread?
    It happened, it's done and it's not a rumour. It sucks and you can totally talk about it, but I don't think it's very relevant to this thread anymore, yeah? 😩

    While I agree, in this particular scenario there was a reason tied to rumours. The new piece of lore. It will happen the same once we can see the BS index as it will have a new piece of lore with maybe new hits for its come back, as it happened with BoC.

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