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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 5 hours ago, Sahrial said:

    So something I’ve been thinking about today with the release of the BoC digital battletome:

    do we think that was an intentionally light/low effort tome, or representative of the eventual tomes we’ll see?

    Because it seemed to me to be exactly the same as everyone else’s faction pack with a few pages of lore added to it.

    I don’t think we have an answer, and I wonder how much do we really expect the battletomes to expand and change the index packs?

    We’ll find out soon enough, either way.

    I think the issue is considering a battletome. I don't think it was ever stated it would be a battletome, so they didn't make a low effort. As you said, if it feels like they put exactly the same work as the rest, they did what they promised.

    As per what we can expect, use 40k as a reference, we are in a pretty similar scenario right now.

  2. 2 hours ago, Snarff said:

    Disagree. Phoenicium is setting up for the Lumineth Zenith temple (by having Lumineth take the Ur-Phoenix's flame), and the entire city was wiped out. BoC are still a threat in remote corners of the realms, and their main named character survived with a piece of Morghur explicitly.

    The piece that he managed to save was the new Morghur resin mini.

    • Haha 6
  3. 3 hours ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

    This is my guess too and that TOW sped up the departure, although I wish GW would just be open about it like they were with Sisters and TOW and just say "they're coming, just not for a while" 🤷‍♂️

    Also, someone posted a rumour about the resin hero for Beast in ToW being Morghur, so that would imply we won't have it in AoS, IMHO.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Matrindur said:

    I could very much see a redesigned AoS version of Beasts. As long as the old version was around they couldn't drastically redesign them. For example they can't really go "Alright Beasts are all some variation of flying monster now" as that would go against what they are as a faction currently.

    But now that it would officially be a new faction they can do whatever they want while still giving us BoC in a sense. So if they want to bring BoC back as a Bird of Chaos they could do that and just say they adapted in the wilderness.

    Of course I would still prefer just getting both but oh well.

    The thing is not how they could come back, it is when. Also, the classic question. Chaos or Destro?

    • Like 2
  5. 36 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

    Can someone confirm if that stuff copy/pasted from the existing BoC tome? Seeing as they probably are preparing it for legends (since no one else got lore bits tied to their index).

    The only ones with lore in their BTs are the retired factions (Sacrosanct, BoC and BS).

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, LordSolarMach said:

    To "best capture the feal", I like Ejecutor's breakdown (4 Order, 2 Chaos, Destruction, Death). My proposed 10:

    1. Stormcast. Whether you go with the old(er) Spearhead or the new one, Stormcast are the poster faction of AoS, and so any list should include them.
    2. "Aelvs". Going to cheat here, and say to grab either Lumineth or Idoneth, depending on which models you prefer. A lack of elves would be a noticeable omission. (The DoK one is full of Witch Elves and Doomfire Warlocks, which feel a bit too WHFB for me.)
    3. Kharadron Overlords. Like you need some elves, you need some dwarfs, and you don't want Fyreslayers. 
    4. Cities of Sigmar. While the Stormcast are the face, it can also be good to have the "basic" people of Order represented. This was hard though, as I want to include Seraphon, because the Lizardmen are amazing...
    5. Skaven. I know I said that DoK was a bit too WHFB, and Skaven is mostly just updated WHFB stuff, but... I love Skaven, they feel really "Warhammer-y", and the new stuff looks brilliant. Also: poster faction of AoS 4.0.
    6. Slaves to Darkness. The old chariot had me hemming and hawing, and I considered Blades of Khorne (AoS1.0 poster faction), but... Chaos Warrior are the core of Chaos. I really do think BoK are also a good alternative though.
    7. Orruk Warclans. The Kruleboys are a love/hate for me (love those shields, and the swampiness, can't stand the baby legs), but they are technically well made, and cover the orcs in AoS. Also: poster faction of AoS 3.0. (Though personally I'd just wait and cross my fingers for a Spearhead: Ironjawz.) 
    8. Glomspite Gitz. Another one with a very WHFB feel, but you need some gobbos and some squigs. (And ogres are even more WHFB.)
    9. Nighthaunt. Poster faction of AoS 2.0, fun spooky ghosts.
    10. Ossiarch Bonereapers. With Nagash having an outsized influence on the entire Alliance, I'd go for his "personal" faction to round things out. (I know, they're all his personal factions, but the Bonereapers share his aesthetic.) Soulblight Gravelords have an argument for needing inclusion (archetypical gothic undead) and Flesh-Eater Courts are just fun, so either would be worthwhile substitutes. 

    7/10 in common. Not bad 😅

  7. 1 minute ago, Snarff said:

    Beasts of Chaos battletome seems to leave them open for return. They're diminished but not defeated, and Ghorraghan Khai escaped with a piece of Morghur.

    'The realms had not yet glimpsed the last of Morghur - or his worshippers.'

    Hopefully it ends in something real and it is not just a way to calm the waters.

    • Like 3
  8. 5 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    So here's a question, I'm on a moderately limited budget in terms of both hobby funds and space to play. Spearhead really speaks to me as a way to get around some of those issues. So my goal is to get to the point where I have 10 spearheads assembled and painted over 4th ed, but which ones is the challenge. If you were to pick 10 spearheads that best capture the feel of Age of Sigmar as a setting and the variety of factions within it, what would you go for?

    I will try to split equally over GA:

    - CoS
    - SCE
    - Sylvaneth
    - KO

    - NH
    - FEC

    - GSG
    - KB

    - S2D
    - Skaven

    • Like 2
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  9. 1 hour ago, Grungnisson said:

    I am going through the rules and warscrolls and there's one thing that's starting to gnaw at me. The overhelming amount of Strike-First and Strike-Last effects in the game now. I know that with the sheer amount of units there's simply no chance of having so many different special rules and effects, but it really feels like this mechanic is being overused. I could easily see a situation, when in a game it's now going to be a bit of a pain, in each combat phase, to keep the track of all the units that have the S-F or S-L applied to them for that turn.

    Or is it just me?

    Weird idea, but maybe an app where you put both lists and track what you have left in the game could help to remind you of everything?

  10. 32 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    The bigger problem with the box is all that spearhead's stuff forced into.

    Is impossible to pick more than one without one (or two) safe buyers of the books and the scenery and the price is inflated because of those books and scenery.

    Apart from that, the sce part is boring as hell, almost the same-libs with almost the same paladins with almost the sane prosecutors with almost the same arcanum. The price of those parts is tanking hard in second market.

    Skaven is really fine btw, is having pretty success in my country, with way more demand than offers. Could be better with some vermins instead of a double of clanrats just for the big number, but fine.

    The problem with all those hobbyist that want to start skaven and give them a try in the real mode of Sigmar is that you should get the scenery and endless, wich are expensive and almost impossible 

    I literally put for sale some stuff yesterday. Prices are not tanking at all. In fact, some stuff sells at higher prices than Dominion's equivalent in the launch week.

  11. 3 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    I really dislike clones and how my mini's look on the battlefield are very important for me. I am a very slow painter and I try to paint my basic troops to the same level as my heroes. So  I try to achieve the same level for every mini I paint. Combined with being easily distracted, it's no easy task to have a painted army on the battlefield😉.

    The new Skaven range is amazing, but the old clanrats weren't bad at all. Same as imo the old stormvermin.

    So when I have managed to paint (which I didn't) the old IoB skaven, I wouldn't replace them with the new Skaven. Because the improvements are only visible at painting distance. This is not me advocating for clone mini's at all. It's one my hobby goals to never have the same mini (clone) twice in my army. It's one of the reasons I never had reinforced Warcry StD units in my army as this would resulted in having some clones.

    I would 100% bought new plague monks as the old sculpts are ugly and the old clanrats/stormvermin aren't (imo)

    We have the same goals then. No clones nor ugly minis allowed 😄 

    • Haha 1
    • LOVE IT! 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Skaven clan pestilence would be a good contender as can be the possible culprits to have brought the eye of chotec down to the Gnarlwood as for Cities i do think we see a warband of explorers/conquistadors to have the closing story of Ven Talax since they constantly mention his disappearance and not "death" 

    Finally got around for read the Assault on Hel's Claw so some interesting lore tidbit from it


    • Unless it set before the ruin of it Emberguard is still being protected and we see bit of the Embergard incursions of the battle
    • Hammer of sigmar & Hallowed Knights are the biggest forces keeping the vermindoom from breaching the Adamantine chain in the south. However it is the Sons of Mallus & Astral Templar who are getting success from the Varaguard chamber assassinating & sabotaging skaven hierarchy and machinery
    • Har Huron is sending bunch of Daughter of Khaine to battling Clan Pestilence in the seas to the north while Fyreslayer are mobilizing on mass to reclaim various magmaholds in the chain to act a wall against them. Kharadon also come in a lend a hand since this vermindoom is bad for business
      • Side note dwarfs still call skaven "Thaggoraki"
    • Grunnar Brand is assembling a horde of darkoath against the skaven after the events of DB6 
    • Apparently the Ruination chamber is a conspiracy/rumor among the other chamber as unless indoctrinated one can't even know the location of the Bleak Citadel. Each Legion has their own Citadel hidden somewhere in the realm
    • The Skaven great bell shown on the map well it call Warpshatter Bells superior screaming bells crafted by master clan which upon ringing causes panic, earthquakes and insanity toward victim but to Skaven beserker rage. Problem it burn out too quickly so it requires high maintenance of sacrifice
    • The Gnaw is described to be a massive polluted irritated wasteland of just ash and warpfire. burned Human, skaven & Dwarf skeletons are half burry, towns bombed out, cogforts scavenge of it guns & simply breathing causes poison and eyes bleeding. (basically a Soulborn swamp)
    • The Battle of Hel's Claw shown in the map is the Knight Questor of the box getting the lord vigilant and his ruination chamber to go out a destroy one of these Warpshatter bells and suicide mission succeeds
    • Morrda is very heavily involved in the Ruination chamber from power fueling the weapons like the fire & axes to him picking and heralding the stormcast into the chamber through his Grim-rooks
    • What happens to the stormcast post Lord Terminos execution is unknown to all but Sigmar. Theory being Morrda shepherd them to peaceful oblivion, reincarnation into a Azyrite beast or Soul are dissolved back into sigmar power
    • Lord Veritant was slowly replaced by the Order of Azyr as the realm's Witch hunters resulted in them being part of the ruination chamber as a corruption security check on those in the citadel. Some will blind themselves to better do their job and can sentence anyone with darkness within to be executed by Lord Terminos (but is super rare)
    • A weird contradiction in that Reclusians are so far reforged that even the chaos gods can't find a way to corrupt them. Their describe to be a fleshy necron tanking hits and dealing it back
    • Most of Skaven stuff is not new or noteworthy by should mention despite not getting much all the clans this wave are represented and talk about in lore from the Eshin spy/assassin helping out every skaven page to Clan Pestilence mention above 
    • Gnaw-beast are half horse, rat & hound all grafted together and curse with the Black hunger ever eternally starving

    Appart from the tidbits, was it a good read?

  13. 31 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    The new Skaven Clanrats are amazing and when you are painting them side by side the difference will be very noticeable. But on the battlefield they probably mix great and from that point of view there is zero reason to shelf your clanrats that you already painted as those clanrats still looking great. The problematic sculpts were never the Clanrats.

    Same for the liberators. The new ones are better, but if you already have the old ones painted to a standard you are happy with..Why paint them again? As with Clanrats there is way more exciting stuff to paint than the most basic troops.


    Well, I guess not all the hobbyists want the same, but if there's a newer version of a mini I already have, and it is inside a super discounted box I don't doubt. I will buy it without seeing it.

    On the topic of not distinguishing the new sculpts in the middle of a game, then why would someone care about not having all the minis with the same pose, or even sculpting something to make them special? In the end... they all look the same during a game, so why should we even put care into painting them? I just find this argument too naive and just trying to validate a point.

    Some will care about painting those new clanrats at the same standard as others paint their heroes. And I am sure some players will notice it and put time to enjoy them. And as @Asbestress, I think those newer minis are easier to paint to a decent standard.

    • Like 10
  14. 34 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Do you think it's because they're getting a new wave? Surely these aren't... extra removals past the Squattening they already announced? Right? 😢

    It is not like they are being fully removed, right? Just they are trying to order all the ranges in line with the restart. Said that, maybe they didn't pick the right faction for those minis...

  15. 6 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I hope its part of a dragon. It doesn't matter if it is for AoS or TOW. I just want more plastic dragons😃

    Think carefully about what you wish:

    Tomb King/Liche Priest montado en Necrolith Bone Dragon

    Next time specify the % of meat the dragon has to have.

    • Haha 1
  16. On 7/9/2024 at 5:49 PM, Deakz28 said:

    This weirdly reminds me of Scyla’s Tail, especially his newer Blood bowl iteration, could it be an updated Scyla? The scales or too “rocky” for serpents and dinos, so it leaves me with either the scales found on magmadroths or flesh hounds and Scyla, maybe it’s khorgus Khul’s new daemon tail 

    Uhhh. Good catch! It could be Khul.

    • Like 1
  17. 11 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:


    My advice is to totally ignore anything from Spikey Bits. It's all to generate traffic to the site and get ad revenue. Pretty much anything they mention is either a repost/quote or something they have written to get you checking the site. 

    I think Skaventide is selling well. I've not noticed too many comments about it not selling and I'm tempted with a box with the retailer discount. It all depends on what I get for my birthday :D

    Back to rumours - Chapter Master Valrak is suggesting there will be a preview show soon as in the next few weeks. Personally, I doubt this and I think we will see something for the Nova Open which is at the end of August. 


    100% we will have another one before Nova for the winner of Hel Crown.

    • Thanks 1
  18. 29 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I think the struggles with Skaventide have been exaggerated. We've become so used to GW failing to meet demand that we see not selling out immediately as a failure. When Lego releases a huge expensive set like the millennium falcon or the rivendell set, does it sell out in the pre-order window? Do massively popular video games like call of duty run out of stock week one? Even other game companies like malifaux or marvel crisis protocol or shatter point. Did any of them sell out in the preorder window? 

    GW has finally made enough to meet demand. 

    There have been quite a few posts saying 'my local store owner was being pressured to order more stock', but I haven't seen a single comment from any store saying that they are struggling to sell. Ministomp is a well known store owner who is active on twitter. He's pretty up front about problems with gw. He was pretty unhappy about the stick issues with the recent kill team box. He said he was pretty happy with his first week sales of Skaventide. I think he ordered something like 900 copies and had about 300 left after the first weekend. 

    To give a couple of  specific examples. Alchemist games got 400 copies of Skaventide tide. When I checked their stock level last Thursday, they had about 260 copies left. When I checked today, they were down to 167. If they keep up that rate of sales, they'll be sold out in a couple of weeks. Another company gap games had 65 copies left when I checked last week. Today they are down to 16. 

    Here in Japan, the Japanese version of the the game sold out in two days. The Japanese version of Dominion never sold out. 

    There was a link posted to an Italian retailer that was offering a 30% discount, but that deal is no longer available. I haven't seen any other retailers doing panicky price cuts on their stock yet which suggests that like alchemist games and gap games, they are steadily selling through their inventory. 

    Spanish retailer with a 30% discount went down to 25% the last time I checked. Also, I think it is performing super well. At least that's the feedback I got.

  19. 16 minutes ago, Snarff said:


    They messed up the Units for the Fyreslayers spearhead hahaha. I think it's supposed to say 5 Hearthguard Berzerkers twice.

    They made a pretty boring Spearhead for FS, but not THIS boring hahaha.


    Rules look amazing though, I'm extremely excited for 4th!

    Yeah. There's an error. They released an Errata already. Where it is saying 5 Hearthguard Berzekers it should say 5 Vulkite Berzekers.

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  20. 3 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    I just thought of another idea, what if its not scales but rocks instead? The few scales/rocks in the middle already look like they are highlighted as gems and the other scales/rocks sizes and positions also aren't as ordered and uniform as I would expect from scales. They also look like they have deeper grooves between then than you normally see on scales. 

    So what of if's just many rocks, magically woven together for some kind of golem?

    I also thought they were gems at the first look.

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