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Posts posted by Ejecutor

  1. 2 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    Imho Tzeentch should have been in launch set instead of Skaven. A lot of people are waiting for tzeentch warriors, tzeentch warriors on disc , new pink horrors and so on . 

    From multiple sources it seems that Skaventide is striving to sell and imho it is for Skaven low popularity/appeal and high price tag .

    Imo that wouldn't change the result at all. The only positive thing is that would have an edition, supposedly, in Chamon.

    • Like 2
  2. 35 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Chaos Duardin already have a Warband, the Horns of Hashut. They're not Chorfs but they are basically the guys they send out to do Warcry stuff. 

    Yeah, hopefully we will have confirmation soon about this and they are "put back in the store".

  3. 28 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    So, since the speculation/rumours say we're likely going into Talaxis with the next Warcry season, I think a Seraphon Temple Guard Warband/kit for AoS is exceptionally likely.

    We had the Saurus looking Rumour Engine, another Seraphon Warband is extremely likely in a Seraphon-focused season, Temple Guard would logically guard a crashed Temple-Ship and Temple Guard are an outdated kit ready to be brought to modern standards. I can't wait to see how they are going to look, hopefully more magitech-armored and elite than normal Saurus.

    Other warbands would be a shot in the dark. Idoneth, Kharadron, Skaven, Slaanesh, Gloomspite, Ironjawz (and SoB) are still missing dedicated warbands. Of these, I think Skaven is likely to get a Warband assaulting/looting Talaxis. Maybe new Gutter Runners? The others I cant see a clear link in terms of lore, but I am expecting at least Slaanesh of these to get a warband soon.

    Other potential warbands (based on rumour engines or wild speculation) would be SBGL Grave Guard, a Grundstok Kharadron force, a Namarti IDK band, an Ironweld warband.

    A Chuardin warband would likely wait until after the 3rd edition starter sets.

    Maybe something like a garrison that survived the crash or was sent to Talaxis to keep it safe while/ until all the interesting stuff is taken back?

    • Like 4
  4. 10 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Just noticed that they've dropped the Viceleader off into the Legends chasm. Bleedin' cheek of it. It's like they knew that I've got two of them on my painting desk (the standard model, plus a conversion of the old Finecast Masque). 

    That one was spotted when they announced all the cuts on different ranges. The same day someone noticed that in the store it was saying 'last chance to buy'. Hopefully it gets renewed soon.

  5. 7 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    So from the list we got  sort of confirmation of what to expect so to round it up


    • Stormvermin
    • Acolyte Globadiers
    • Archwarlock
    • Weapon team
      • Ratling Gun
      • Warpfire Thrower
    • Master Moulder
    • Doom-Flayer (not a weapon team anymore)
    • New Behemoth-->Brood terror
      • Brood Terror : r/WarhammerFantasy
    • New Wolf rats
    • Vizzik Skour the verminlord
    • New Engineer--->Leak model Galaneer with Warpvolt
      • War of Sigmar - New Skaven Clan Rats revealed and new Weapons team leaked ^^
    • The Warlord with bodyguards


    • Knight Azyros/Tornus the Redeemed
      • Age of Sigmar: New Knight-Azyros and Brood Terror Revealed - Bell of Lost  Souls
    • Lord Relictor
    • Lord-Celestant

    I still see them making another version of the Judicators that replace them like how Reclusians and Annihilators replaced the Paladins

    other then that there still the rumor engine of the Knight gripping the sword


    & the lighting ghiest they been teasing as "pass the edge" stormcast

    Yeah. That sword is such a weird case. It is one of those weapons that are used by a limited bunch of Stormcasts, and if GW was trying to reduce the bloat of the battletome, this RE doesn't look very promising in that matter.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

    Not for me. Thats what i acually like. Putting models on the table. 

    Yeah. From time to time a 10k+ points game looks awesome, but that's a game that you will have to pass over to your grandchildren for them to finish it.

  7. 27 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    Yes , the side note says Judicators are moving to legends in June 2025 , together with Paladins and Sacrosanct chamber .

    So no new judicators in thunderstrike as new liberators and prosecutors.

    Ah, lol. Blind me 🙈. I was looking for exactly that. Paladins xD

    • Haha 1
  8. 40 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    Honestly I didn't realize these orcs were "Mexican-coded", as I've heard it referred to, until I heard that people were having Opinions on the subject. Maybe it's just where I live, I saw their clothing and was like "Yeah, that's how people dress".

    The only thing that really stood out to me was that the picture didn't seem all that "fantasy".

    The pic that was shared the other day was the first time I saw them, and that doesn't shout Mexican at all to me. They were just Orcs with different/ more nomadic clothing.

    • Like 3
  9. 16 hours ago, Amenephis said:


    ++ Mod Note ++ this post has been removed from the thread but this was quoted before mods got to it. Amenephis has been issued a warning for it

    Who doesn't like a good ol Mexican Orcs? This particular case might not be the one that you like the most, but I think it is interesting trying to expand a pretty stagnated fantastic culture like the Orcs. It seems they are all the time and everywhere basically the same.

    This kind of experiments or investigation could end into something different that you might actually like.

    • Like 7
    • Thanks 3
  10. 38 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    I think so .

    And since judicators go to legends it means that they will not be refreshed in thunderstrike  as many expected.

    Where did you see Judicators going into legends? I only find those two mentions.


  11. 29 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    Really hope once all the armies are released for TOW we get books like the HH ones. 

    The new mars civil war HH looks really good and I'll love to see what they could come up with for TOW. 

    I think it is the obvious step. Same team, a similar kind of game... I even heard mentions about them, but I cannot remember if it is just us speculating, a YouTube channel or official sources.

  12. 42 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    I've been saying AOS needs to court the DND crowd instead of WHFB/40k like the narrative team seems to want to do, good to know the market itself agrees too ;)

    Did your source say specifics? Like has Soulbound been the inroad, or the overall design of AOS itself?

    No. It was a very casual mention over a talk about a series of souldbound videos for a yt channel.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    So with the raise in points for Slaves to Darkness I am afraid at how many points my army is currently.

    i also was considering making a Cavalry list lead by Be'Lakor by adding Eternus. Now I feel like I can run it without purchasing a new model... but might switch my Manticore to lead my cultist list to justify buying Eternus anyway. 

    Still should I be worried that I might be able to run 3 separate S2D lists with possibly no overlap between lists?

    Only 3?

    Games Workshop profits decline again in 2015 - The Something Awful Forums

    IMO it is something good, in a way it counters the price raise as you need fewer models.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

    As THG mentioned on his stream, we are now in the brief era of Schrodinger's Warscrolls, where peoples' kneejerk hot takes mean that every warscroll in the game is simultaneously both literal garbage and wildly OP 😆

    Also, we are in the era of Schrodinger's Warscrolls because a warscroll can be alive and dead at the same time. Maybe it disappears now but resurrects with the BT launch.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Periophtalmus said:

    It seems Phoenix Temple, Wanderers and other CoS units that were removed last year are not part of Legends. Guess I will stay in 3rd edition then…


    Ok, actually since I only play at home it doesn’t matter anyway, and I am happy for all the people who get to enjoy 4th ed.

    Lolz. So there are legends inside legends.

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